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Bankovsky, Miriam and Alice Le Goff, eds: Recognition Theory and Contemporary French Moral and Political Philosophy. Reopening the Dialogue Caruth, Cathy: Empirical Truths and Critical Fictions. Locke Wordsworth Kant Freud Jordan, Mark: Convulsing Bodies. Religion and Resistance in Foucault
Sponsler, Lucy A: Women in the Medieval Spanish Epic & Lyric Traditions Krysinska, Marie: Innovations poétiques et combats littéraires Farley, Wendy: The Wounding and Healing of Desire. Weaving Heaven and Earth
Walzer, Michael, ed: Toward a Global Civil Society van der Poel, Ieme: Une révolution de la pensée: Maoisme et féminisme à travers Tel Quel, Les Temps modernes et Esprit Le Bitoux, Jean: Les oubliés de la mémoire
Craciun, Adriana, ed: Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. A Routledge Literary Sourcebook Englehardt, Elizabeth S. D., ed: Beyond Hill and Hollow: Original Readings in Appalachian Women's Studies Lamb, Jonathan: Preserving the Self in the South Seas, 1680-1840
Sagot, Jacques: Pensamento en Forja. Two Volumes Sinfield, Alan: Cultural Politics - Queer Reading. Second edition Pantich, Leo and Colin Leys, eds: Necessary and Unnecessary Utopias. Socialist Register 2000
Champagne, John: The Ethics of Marginality. A New Approach to Gay Studies Eakin, Paul John: Fictions in Autobiography. Studies in the Art of Self-Invention Berlin, Lauren, ed: Compassion. The Culture and Politics of an Emotion
DeArmitt, Pleshette: The Right to Narcissism. A Case for an Im-possible Self-love Goodkin, Richard E., ed: Autour de Racine: Studies in Intertextuality Eakin, Paul John, ed: The Ethics of Life Writing
Hekman, Susan J., ed: Feminist Interpretations of Michel Foucault Bell, David and Gill Valentine: Mapping Desire. Geographies of Sexualities Cvetkovich, Ann and Douglas Kellner, eds: Articulating the Global and the Local. Globalization and Cultural Studies
McClane, Mattie: Wen Wilson Hart, Lynda, ed: Making a Spectacle. Feminist Essays on Contemporary Women's Theatre DeKoven, Marianne, ed: Feminist Locations. Global and Local, Theory and Practice
Nelson, Hilde Lindemann, ed: Stories and Their Limits. Narrative Approaches to Bioethics Gevisser, Mark and Edwin Cameron, eds: Defiant Desire: Gay and Lesbian Lives in South Africa Sullivan, Nikki: A Critical Introduction to Queer Theory
Beemyn, Brett and Mickey Eliason, eds: Queer Studies. A Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Anthology Célestin, Roger; Eliane DalMolin and Isabelle de Courtivron, eds: Beyond French Feminisms. Debates on Women, Politics, and Culture in France, 1981-2001 Jordan-Young, Rebecca M: Brain Storm. The Flaws in the Science of Sex Differences
Duberman, Martin, ed: A Queer World. The Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader Dieckhoff, Alain: The Invention of a Nation. Zionist Thought and the Making of Modern Israel Wagner, Nike: Wagner Theater
Smalley, Peter: Barbary Coast Smalley, Peter: Port Royal. A Sea Story Roberts, John Maddox: SPQR XIII. The Year of Confusion
Roberts, John Maddox: Desperate Highways Reeman, Douglas: For Valour Gilchrist, Ellen: Drunk With Love. A Book of Stories
Dickey, James: Tomb Stone Nurhussein, Nadia: Rhetorics of Literacy Huxley, Michael and Noel Witts, eds: The Twentieth-Century Performance Reader
Allen, Richard: Hitchcock's Romantic Irony Irving, Washington: History, Tales, and Sketches. Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle, Gent; Salmagundi; A History of New York; The Sketch Book Robb, Candace: A Trust Betrayed
Roberts, John Maddox: A Typical American Town Gooden, Philip: The Salisbury Manuscript Lunn, Jonathan: Killigrew and the Golden Dragon
Morson, Ian: Falconer and the Face of God Gooden, Philip: Mask of Night Styles, Showell: Stella and the Fireships
Lunn, Jonathan: Killigrew and the North-West Passage Alexander, Bruce: Smuggler's Moon Daugharty, Janice: Like a Sister
Kay, Terry: The Book of Marie Friedländer, Saul; Harald Runblom, ed: Mass Murder and German Society in the Third Reich. With Two Articles by Hugo Valentin Warren, Robert Penn: Promises. Poems 1954-1956
Warren, Robert Penn: Or Else--Poem/Poems 1968-1974. (With letter to Pat Knopf) Taylor, Peter: The Widows of Thornton Powell, Anthony: Mr. Zouch: Superman. From a View to a Death
Mackie, Erin, ed: The Commerce of Everyday Life. Selections from The Tatler and The Spectator Frawley, William: Linguistic Semantics Verlaine, Paul: One Hundred and One Poems by Paul Verlaine. A Bilingual Edition
Kartiganer, Donald M. and Ann J. Abadie, eds: Faulkner and Ideology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha, 1992 Rowe, John Carlow: Through The Custom-House. Nineteenth Century American Fiction And Modern Theory DuPlessis, Rachel Blau: The Pink Guitar. Writing as Feminist Practice
Butler, Judith and Joan W. Scott, eds: Feminists Theorize the Political Shirane, Haruo: The Bridge of Dreams. A Poetics of 'The Tale of Genji' Yaeger, Patricia: Honey-Mad Women: Emancipatory Strategies in Women's Writing
Sundquist, Eric: Home As Found. Authority and Genealogy in Nineteenth Century American Literature Wescoat, Bonna Daix, ed: Syracuse, the Fairest Greek City. Ancient Art from the Museo Archeologico Regionale 'Paolo Orsi' Hawkes, John: Innocence in Extremis
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