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Jesionowski, Joyce E: Thinking in Pictures. Dramatic Structure in D. W. Griffith's Biograph Films
Balasopoulos, Antonis and Stephanos Stephanides, eds: Gramma 13. Comparative Literature & Global Studies. Journal of Theory and Criticism
Robinson, David: From Peep Show to Palace. The Birth of American Film
Hubert, Renée Riese: Surrealism and the Book
Zilcosky, John: Kafka's Travels. Exoticism, Colonialism, and the Traffic of Writing
Strenski, Ivan: Four Theories of Myth in Twentieth-Century History: Cassirer, Eliade, Levi-Strauss, and Malinowski
Marie D' Agoult, George Sand: Correspondance. Editions établie, présentée et annotée par Charles F. Dupêchez
Bruhm, Steven: Gothic Bodies. The Politics of Pain in Romantic Fiction
Gordon, Rae Beth: Why the French Love Jerry Lewis. From Cabaret to Early Cinema
Calhoun, Craig, and John McGowan, eds: Hannah Arendt and the Meaning of Politics
Tintner, Adeline R: Pop World of Henry James. From Fairy Tales to Science Fiction
Tintner, Adeline R: The Cosmopolitan World of Henry James: An Intertextual Study
Allen, Robert C., ed: Channels of Discourse, Reassembled. Television and Contemporary Criticism. Second Edition
Plantinga, Carl and Greg M. Smith, eds: Passionate Views. Film, Cognition, and Emotion
Ray, Robert B: How a Film Theory Got Lost and Other Mysteries in Cultural Studies
René-Charles Guilbert de Pixérécourt; Daniel Gerould and Marvin Carlson, eds. and trans: Four Melodramas
Derrida, Jacques: Who's Afraid of Philosophy? Right to Philosophy 1
Balibar, Etienne: Spinoza and Politics
Abel, Richard, ed: Silent Film
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Herder, Johann Gottfried: On the Origin of Language
Ferguson, Russell, ed: Hand-Painted Pop: American Art In Transition, 1955-62
Kay, Terry: After Eli. Signed
Jakeman, Jane: The Egyptian Coffin. Signed
Shea Murphy, Jacqueline: People Have Never Stopped Dancing. Native American Modern Dance Histories
Irwin, Lee, ed: Native American Spirituality. A Critical Reader
Tambornino, John: The Corporeal Turn. Passion, Necessity, Politics
Bull, Malcolm: Seeing Things Hidden. Apocalypse, Vision and Totality
Horak, Jan-Christopher, ed: Lovers of Cinema. The First American Film Avant-Garde 1919-1945
Crawford, Robert: The Modern Poet. Poetry Academia and Knowledge since the 1750s
Mowitt, John: Text. The Genealogy of an Antidisciplinary Object
Rosenheim, Shawn and Stephen Rachman, eds: The American Face of Edgar Allan Poe
Coe, Michael D: The Maya. Sixth Edition
Antoniou, Jim and Stephano Bianca, Sherif El-Hakim, Ronald Lewcock, and Michael Welbank: The Conservation of the Old City of Cairo
Scott, Jonathan: Commonwealth Principles. Republican Writing of the English Revolution
Buhle, Paul: C.L.R.James: The Artist as Revolutionary
Rodowick, D. N: Reading the Figural, or Philosophy after the New Media
Davis, Gregson: Aimé Césaire (Cambridge Studies in African and Caribbean Literature)
Keller, Eve: Generating Bodies and Gendered Selves. The Rhetoric of Reproduction in Early Modern England
Degenhardt, Jane Hwang: Islamic Conversion and Christian Resistance on the Early Modern Stage
Fernie, Ewan, ed: Spiritual Shakespeares
Brotton, Jerry: The Renaissance Bazaar: From the Silk Road to Michelangelo
Parker, Rozsika: The Subversive Stitch. Embriodery and the Making of the Feminine
Hawkes, Terence, ed: Alternative Shakespeares: Vol 2
Thomas, Marie Claude: Lacan, lecteur de Melanie Klein
Roche, Jörg: Interkulturelle Sprachdidaktik. Eine Einführung
Beck, Robert J: The Grenada Invasion. Politics, Law, and Foreign Policy Decisionmaking
Kremer, Gabrielle: Gotterdarstellungen, Kult- und Weihedarstellungen aus Carnuntum (Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum)
Lawton, Guy, ed: Church Lawton Manor Court Rolls, 1631-1860
Kuortti, Joel: Writing Imagined Diasporas. South Asian Women Reshaping North American Identity
Dasgupta, Sanjukta and Malashri Lal, eds: The Indian Family in Transition. Reading Literary and Cultural Texts
Naik, M. K., S. K. Desai and G. S. Amur, eds: Critical Essays on Indian Writing in English. Presented to Armando Memezes
Alphonse, S. Xavier: Kanthapura To Malgudi: Cultural Values And Assumptions In Selected South Indian Novelists In English
Dhawan, R.K., Ed: Indian Women Novelists. Set II: Volumes II
Brownlee, Marina Scordilis: The Severed Word. Ovid's Heroides and the Novela Sentimental
Menninghaus, Winfried and Klaus R. Scherpe, eds: Literaturwissenschaft und politische Kultur. Für Eberhard Lämmert zum 75. Geburtstag
Orbea, Juan Madariaga: Anthology of Apologists and Detractors of the Basque Language
Fletcher, M.D., ed: Reading Rushdie. Perspectives on the Fiction of Salman Rushdie
Richter, Anne: Jewelry of Southeast Asia
Overbeck, Bernhard: Argentum Romanum. Ein Schatzfund von spatromischem Prunkgeschirr
Schmidt, Evamaria: Römische Kleinfunde aus Burghöfe. 1. Figürliche Bronzen und Schmuck
Pritchard, James B: The Bronze Age Cemetary at Gibeon
American Numismatic Society: Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The collection of the American Numismatic Society. Part 6: Palestine-South Arabia
Metalurgia de America precolombina. Precolumbian American metallurgy
Grant, Michael: Aspects of the Principate of Tiberius. Historical Comments on the Colonial Coinage Used Outside Spain
Betts, John H: Gold of the Mycenaeans. Important Finger Rings, Sealstones and Ornaments of the 15th Centurt B.C
Randall, Jr, Richard H: Masterpieces of Ivory from the Walters Art Gallery
Frel, Jirí and Sandra Knudsen Morgan: Roman Portraits in the Getty Museum
Kozloff, Arielle P: The First 4000 Years: The Ratner Collection of Judaean Antiquities
Ondrejova, Iva: Les Bijoux Antiques. Du Pont euxin Septentrional
Zeitschrift des Deutschen Vereins für Kunstwissenchaft. Band 8, Heft 1/2
Amiet, Pierre: Les Ivoires Achemenides de Suse. Extrait de la Revue Syria. Tome XLIX, 1972
Vermeule, Cornelius C: A Bibliography of Applied Numismatics in the Fields of Greek and Roman Archaeology and the Fine Arts
Hackens, Tony: Catalogue of the Classical Collection. Classical Jewelry. Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design
Stadt Speyer: Unter dem Pflaster von Speyer. Archäologische Grabungen von 1987-1989
Mankind Monographs: VI. The Anatomy of a Controversy. Part II
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