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Löwenhardt, John: The Reincarnation of Russia: Struggling With the Legacy of Communism, 1990-1994
Art Basel Miami Beach 2009: 3-6 December 2009
Epstein, Mikhail: Relativistic Patterns in Totalitarian Thinking: an Inquiry into the Language of Soviet Ideology
Cleymans, J., ed: Phase Structure of Strongly Interacting Matter. Proceedings of a Summer School on Theoretical Physics Held at the University of Cape Town, South Africa January 8-19, 1990
Vigtel, Gudmund, curator: African Tribal Art. From the Fred and Rita Richman Collection in the High Museum of Art, Atlanta
Roy, Christopher D., et al: Baobab. Pasala. Project for the Advanced Study of Art and Life in Africa. Proceedings from the Graduate Student Symposium March 16, 1997
Imam, A.; R. Pittin and H. Omole, eds: Women and the Family in Nigeria
Kecskési, Maria: African Masterpieces and selected works from Munich: The Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde
Société Française des Seiziémiste: Essais sur la Campagne à la Renaissance. Mythes et Réalités. Textes réunis par Gabriel-André Pérouse et Hugues Neveux
Hirsch, Werner Z. and Luc. E. Weber, eds: Governance in Higher Education: The University in a State of Flux
Larkin, Mary Ann; Frederick C. Cuny & Barry N. Stein, eds: Repatriation Under Conflict in Central America
Reinhardt, Viktor and Annie: Environmental Enrichment and Refinement for Nonhuman Primates Kept in Research Laboratories: A Photographic Documentation and Literature Review. Third Edition
Michálek, Jan: Latènezeitliche funde aus dem Stadtbereich von Passau :Mit Beiträgen von Thomas Fischer und Erika Riedmeier-Fischer (Passauer Universitätsschriften zur Archäologioe, Band I)
Osman, Ali and Robin Thelwall, eds: Sudan Texts Bulletin III. November 1981
Osman, Ali and Robin Thelwall, eds: Sudan Texts Bulletin IV. November 1982
Adams, Barbara: Egyptian Objects in the Victoria and Albert Museum. Egyptology Today. No. 3, 1977
True, Marion and Kenneth Hamma, eds: Studia Varia from the J. Paul Getty Museum: Volume 1
Uhlenbrock, Jaimee P: The Coroplast's Art: Greek Terracottas of the Hellenistic World
Roncalli, F., L. Bonfante, eds: Gens Antiquissima Italiae: Antichita dall'Umbria a New York
Olaniyan, Tejumola, guest editor: Callaloo. Volume 16, Number 4. On "Post-Colonial Discourse" Caribbean and South American Bibliography
Rolley, Claude: Museum of Delphi Bronzes
13th International Bronze Congress. Abstracts of Papers. 28 May - 1 June 1996
Fleury, I: Produzindo O Futuro. 50 Anos de Engenharia de Producao na Universidade de Sao Paulo
Schneiderman, Richard S., Director: North Carolina Museum of Art Bulletin (Volume XIV, Number 4)
Weber, Thomas: Bronzekannen. Studien zu ausgewählten archaischen und klassischen Oinochoenformen aus Metall in Griechenland und Etrurien. (Archäologische Studien, 8)
Natal, Feliz: Roteiro de Selton Mello e Marcelo Vindicatto
Hernández Díaz, Jorge: Las Imagenes del indio en Oaxaca
d'Almeida, Claude: Le devenir du franc CFA
Dau, Mathilde, Andreas Diehl und Michael Meinicke, Hrsg: Sprache ist Sehnsucht. Lyrik und Prosa zum Thema "Wie geht es Euch? Jetzt?"
Schrift, Tijd, ed: De Gulden Passer voor Boek Weten Schap
Ministry of Culture: Mykonos Museum
Syros Museum
Moorsel, Paul van: Texts from the Colloquium on Nubian Studies. 20 - 22 September 1979
Rojas, Carlos: Miquel Capalleras
Beibe, Irene: Primavera y Oasis
Kozulin, Alex: Psychology in Utopia: Toward a Social History of Soviet Psychology
Thayne, David: Japan FAQ. Level 4. (2000-word)
Schieder, Martin: Expansion - Integration. Die Kunstausstellung der französischen Besatzung im Nachkriegsdeutschland. Passerelles 3
Hofmann, Werner: Daumier und Deutschland
Entralgo, P. Lain: Doctor and Patient
Squires, William T: Josef Klein. Sculptures
Cohen, Stephen, (President): Photo Miami: The International Contemporary Art Fair for Photo-Based Art, Video & News Media. December 3 - 7, 2008
Perl, Jeffrey M., ed: Common Knowledge. Volume 16, Issue 1, Winter 2010. Apology for Quietism. A Sotto Voce Symposium. Part Four
2th Han Watercolorists Exhibition
Young, Ahn.; (Chairman): 20th Korea Watercolour Association Works
Rosen, Andrew: Rise Up, Women! The Militant Campaign of the Women's Social and Political Union, 1903-1914
Velazco, Miguel Aleman; Quintana, Bernardo: Veracruz: Primer Puerto Del Continente
Boden, Margaret A., ed: The Philosophy of Artificial Life
Sowerwine, Charles: Sisters or Citizens? Women and Socialism in France since 1876
Reid, Debra A., ed: Seeking Inalienable Rights: Texans and Their Quests for Justice
Schattschneider, Allen W: Through Five Hundred Years: A Popular History of the Moravian Church. Beginning with the story of the Ancient Unitas Fratrum
MacCaffrey, Wallace T: Exeter 1540-1640. The Growth of an English Country Town
Hübinger, Paul Egon, Hrsg: Zur Frage Der Periodengrenze Zwischen Altertum Und Mittelalter
Guillaume de Nangis: Chroniques capetiennes. Tome II (1270-1328)
Rankin, Tom, Guest Editor: Southern Cultures. Summer 2011. Photography
Kastenellos, Paul: Count No Man Happy. A Byzantine Fantasy
Perroy, E: Le Monde Carolingien
Newbury, David: Kings and Clans on Ijwi Island (Zaire), c. 1780-1840. Dissertation facsimile
Boulding, Elise: Women in the Twentieth Century World
Annschild, Louise: Anatomy's Destiny. Male Behavior: Tales of It's Causes & Cures
Palmer, Barbara and Dennis Simon: Breaking The Political Glass Ceiling: Women And Congressional Elections. Second Edition
Mare, Margaret and Percival, Alicia C: Victorian Best-Seller: The World Of Charlotte M. Yonge
Ditzion, Sidney: Marriage Morals And Sex In America: A History Of Ideas. Expanded Edition
Inhorn, Marcia C: Quest for Conception: Gender, Infertility, and Egyptian Medical Traditions
Evans, Augusta Jane: Beulah
Edwards, Richard C., Michael Reich and David M. Gordon, eds: Labor Market Segmentation
Kenneally, James J: Women and American Trade Unions
Danahay, Martin A: A Community of One: Masculine Autobiography and Autonomy in Nineteenth-Century Britain
Harrison, Nancy R: Jean Rhys and the Novel as Women's Text
Rogers, Katharine M: Feminism in Eighteenth-Century England
Gutkind, Peter C. W. and Immanuel Wallerstein, eds: Political Economy of Contemporary Africa. Second Edition
Schor, Laura Strumingher: Les Jolies Femmes d'Edouard de Beaumont. April 5 -May 13, 1994
Fleming, Peggy: In Her Place: Inner Views and Outer Places
Klaneski, Rosa Lee: The Letter F: The Process of Civilly Changing Sex
de Pizan, Christine: The Book of the Duke of True Lovers
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