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Chase, Elisha: The Rubicon Is Passed! The Science of Development of the Human Family: Discovered, Systemitized, and Explained Anthropological Society of London: Memoirs Read before the Anthropological Society of London. Vol. I. 1863-4.; Vol. II. 1865-66 Bailey, Pearce: Report Upon Two Cases of Tumor of the Spinal Cord, Unaccompanied by Severe Pain
Ashley, John M: The Relations of Science Hettich, H. D. Fr: Das Medizinalwesen des Konigreichs Wurtetemberg, nach dem Stande in der Mitte des Jahres 1875 Luciani, Luigi: Human physiology. Translated by Frances A. Welby. With a preface by J. N. Langley. Volumes 1, 2, & 3 (of 5)
Harris, Elisha: Cholera Prevention: Examples and Practice: and A Note of the Present Aspects of the Epidemic. [Communicated to the Metropolitan Board of Health, August 8, 1867] Silliman, Benjamin: American Contributions to Chemistry. An Address delivered on the Occasion of the Celebration of the Centennial of Chemistry, at Northumberland, PA., August 1, 1874 Dr. Russell and Mr. Scott: Scion College, Founded by Thomas White, D.D
Hoppe-Seyler, Felix: Specielle physiologische Chemie. Tl. IV: Die Organe des Thierkörpers und ihre Functionen, der Gesammtstoffwechsel der Thiere Monsieur Desault: Parisian Chiurgical Journal. Translated into English by Robert Gosling. Volume II Wellcome Historical Medical Library: A Catalogue of Printed Books in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library. Volume 2: Books Printed from 1641 to 1850: A-E
Kocher, Th. und E. Tavel:: Vorlesungen uber Chirurgische Infektionskrankheiten. Ersetr Theil Du Nouy, P. Lecomte: Biophysique Moleculaire. II. La Temperature Critique du Serum. II. Phenomenes Optiques et Phenomenes Ioniques. In: Actualites Scientifiques et Industrielles 402 Humboldt, Alexander von: Versuche über die gereizte Muskel - und Nervenfaser nebst Vermuthungen über den chemischen Process des Lebens in der Thier- und Pflanzenwelt. Erster Band
Paulmier, François: Gründlicher Unterricht vom Podagra und dessen Heilung. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt Rush, Benjamin: Medical Inquiries and Observations. Volumes III and IV Stoll, Maximilian(i): Rationis Medendi in nosocomio pratico Vindobonesi. Pars Prima
Snodgrass, W. D. [Janus Press]: Traditional Hungarian Songs Buchan, William: ALS (3 pages) to his publisher regarding Domestic Medicine Boulanger, Guillaume: Anwisning att bibehålla Ögonen Friska, och att sjelf, så wida möjligt är, bota deras Sjukdomar. För Dem som befara blindhet, Närsynta, och war och en, som är mån af sina Ögon
Vulpian, M: Statistique Generale des Personnes Qui-ont ete Traites L'Institut Pasteur, apres Avoir ete Mordues par des Animaux Enrages du Suspects Alpini, Prosperi. Dav. Gaubius, ed.; Hermann Boerhaave, pref: De Praesagienda Vita Et Morte Aegrotantium Libri Septem.In quibus ars tota Hippocratica praedicendi in aergotis varios morborum eventus. . . Cum Praefatione Hermanni Boerhaave Krebs, John M: The Reciprocal Relations of Physicians and Clergymen: A Speech, Delivered at the Anniversary Dinner of the "New York Society for the Relief of Widows & Orphans of Medical Men," on Wednesday, Nov. 17th, 1847
Verity, Robert: Changes Produced in the Nervous System By Civilization, Considered According to the Evidence of Physilogy and the Philosophy of History Tilney, Frederick: An Analysis of the Juxta-Neural Epithlial Portion of the Hypophysis Cerebri, with an Embryological and Histological Account of a Hiterto Undescribed Part of the Organ Various: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. Volume IX, No. 19, October, 1933
Jaxtthal, Eduard Jäger von: Beiträge zur Pathologie des Auges Powers, Grover F: Developments in Pediatrics in the Past Quarter Century Strauss, Maurice B. and William B. Castle: Studies of Anemia in Pregnancy. II. The Relationship of Dietary Deficiency and Gastric Secretion to Blood Formation During Pregnancy
Viets, Henry R: Boston Medical Library. Report of the Librarian Spence, J. C: The Liver and Pernicious Anaemia. SIGNED Silvette, Herbert: The Making of Anatomies in Seventeenth Century England
Spriggs, Edmund: An Address on the Role of Starvation in Treatment. Delivered before the Medical Society of London on Jan. 28th, 1929 Proulx, Annie: Close Range. Wyoming Stories. Proof [Edicion Esteriotipica]: El Nuevo Testamento de Nuestro Senor Jesu-Christo, Traducido en Espanol. Version Cotejada Cuidadosamente con las Lenguas Aantiguas
Bowles, Paul: The Delicate Prey. in Gent. Vol. 1, No. 4, April, 1957 Cavanagh, Terry and Susan Cavanagh, et. al: Crust. Magazine. Vol. II, No. 1, February 2004 Williams, H. B. and J. A. Riche and Graham Lusk: Animal Calorimetry. Second Paper. Metabolism of the Dog Following the Ingestion of Meat in Large Quantity
Fuller, Sallie, ed: Ink Spots. Vol. III, No. IV, June 1932 Fuller, Sallie, ed: Ink Spots. Vol. IV, No. 1, December 1932 Fuller, Sallie, ed: Ink Spots. Vol. IV, No. 2, December 1933
Selznick, David O. and Mitchell, Margaret: Gone With the Wind. In Technicolor, staring Clark Gable as Rhett Butler. . . (MGM Promotional booklet) Sidhwa, Bapsi: The Crow Eaters. SIGNED Collins, Joseph (M.D.): 34 offprints bound in cloth ranging in subjects from neurology, venereal disease, pathology, myelitis, to arteriosclerosis, etc. Published between 1902 and 1912
Proulx, E. Annie: Accordian Crimes. SIGNED Parker, Patricia and Geoffrey Hartman, editors: Shakespeare and the Question of Theory McCorkle, JIll: July 7th. SIGNED
McCorkle, JIll: July 7th. Proof. SIGNED Hume, Edgar Erskine: Max von Pettenkofer. His Theory of the Etiology of Cholera,Typhoid Fever & Other Intestinal Diseases, a Review of His Arguments and Evidence Gamgee, Arthur: A Text-Book of the Physiological Chemistry of the Animal Body, including an account of the chemical changes occuring in disease. Volume 2
International Congress of the History of Medicine: Proceedings of the XXIII International Congress of the History of Medicine. London, 2-9 September 1972. Volume 1 Naunyn, B: Erinnerungen Gedanken und Meinungen Rao, Raja: The Cat and Shakespeare. A Tale of Modern India
Key, Jack D. and Thomas E. Keys, eds: Classics and Other Selected Readings in Medical Librarianship Museum of The Royal College of Surgeons of England: Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue of the Physiological Series of Comparative Anatomy Contained in the Museum of The Royal College of Surgeons of England. Part II Frisch, Max: Bin oder die Reise Nach Peking
Cela, Camilo Jose: Pascual Duarte's Family Kuroda, Tokubei, Tadashige Habe, and Katura Oyama (Described by): The Sea Shells of Sagami Bay. Collected By His Majesty The Emperor of Japan Lanning, John Tate: The Diplomatic History of Georgia. A Study of The Epoch of Jenkin's Ear
Sibley, Celestine: For All Seasons. INSCRIBED Kean, Edward: Howdy Doody in the Wild West Blackburn, Joyce: James Edward Oglethorpe. INSCRIBED
Clench, W. J., ed: Johnsonia. Monographs of the Marine Mollusks of the Western Atlantic, Volume I, Numbers 1 to 18. INSCRIBED Cotton States and International Exposition: Views of Atlanta and the Cotton States and International Exposition Smith, Jane Webb: Georgia's Legacy: History Charted Through the Arts; An Exhibition Organized on the Occasion of the Bicentennial of the University of Georgia, 1785-1985
Powers, Stephen edited with an introduction by Harwood P. Hinton: Afoot and Alone. A Walk from Sea to Sea by the Southern Route. Adventures and Observations in Southern California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Etc Scaife, William R: War in Georgia. A Study of Military Command and Strategy. SIGNED Walker, Alice: Good Night, Willie Lee, I'll See You in the Morning. Poems
Stix, Hugh and Marguerite and R. Tucker Abbott: The Shell. Five Hundred Million Years of Inspired Design. INSCRIBED Silvette, Herbert: You Can't Get There from Here: The Last testament of Barnaby. A Mock-herois Epic in Fifteen Canots, Eight Ballades, and One Rondel Together With an Appendix [Dodge Publishing Co.}: The Calendar of Sunshine 1913
Kahler, Erich: The German Problem: I. Origins and Development. II. Solution. SIGNED Gooch: Gooch on Some of the Most Important Diseases Peculiar to Women; With Other Papers Kahler, Erich: Die Erwahlten
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