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Conheim, Jul: Untersuchungen ueber die Embolischen Processe
Simpson, James Y. and W. G. Simpson, ed: Anaesthesia, Hospitalism, Hermaphroditism, and a Proposal to Stamp Out Small-Pox and Other Contagious Diseases
Taylor, Charles Fayette: Sensation and Pain. A Lecture Delivered Before the New York Academy of Sciences, March 21st, 1881
Murphy, Edward William: Lectures on Natural and Difficult Parturition
Hare, Robert: A Compendium of the Course of Chemical Instruction in the Medical Department of The University of Pennsylvania
Hitzig, E: Schwindel (Vertigo). Spezielle Pathologie und Therapie, herausgegeben von Weil. Hermann Nothnagel
Cullen, William: Institutions of Medicine. Part I. Physiology. For the Use of the Students in the University of Edinburgh
Bigelow, Jacob: Elements of Technology, taken chiefly from a Course of Lectures at Cambridge on the Application of the Sciences to Useful Arts
Thompson, J. Harry: Report of Columbia Hospital for Women and Lying-In Asylum, Washington, D. C
Finlayson, James: An Account of the Life and Works of Dr. Robert Watt. Author of 'Bibliotheca Britannica.'
Simon, John: English Sanitary Institutions, Reviewed in Their Course of Development and in Some of Their Political and Social Relations
Hecker, J(ulius) F(riedrich) C(arl): DER ENGLISCHE SCHWEISS, ein artzlicher Beitrag zur Geschichte des funfzehnten und sechzehnten Jahrhunderts
Schultze, B. S: The Physiology and Treatment of Displacements of the Uterus,
Dickson, Samuel Henry: Essays on Life, Sleep, Pain, etc
Haeser, Heinrich: Lehrbuch der Geschichte der Medicin und der Volkskrankheiten
Hill, A. V: Energy Exchanges in Muscle and Nerve. Myothermic and Nevrothermic Experiments
Yamagiwa, K: Ueber die Bubonenpest
Vaughan, Victor C: Healthy Homes and Foods for the Working Class. Lomb Prized Essay
Stewardt, Leonard: Modern Medicine Influenced by Morbid Anatomy: An Oration Delivered at the Fifty-Seventh Anniversary of the Medical Society of London. Also, An Apology for Medical Nomenclature
Aschoff, Ludwig: Ehrlich's Seitenkettentheorie und ihre Anwendung auf die künstlichen Immunisierungsprozesse. Zusammenfassende Darstellung
Trent, Josiah Charles: Surgical Anesthesia, (1846-1946)
Trent, Josiah C: Thumbnail Sketches of Eminent Physicians. Obstetrics and Gynecology in America
Wood, Horatio C: Nostrums
Trent, Josiah C: The Editio Princeps of Guenther's Institutiones Anatomicoe
Trent, Josiah C: Thumbnail Sketches of Eminent Physicians. Hippocrates (460-370 B.C.)
Trent, Josiah C: Thumbnail Sketches of Eminent Physicians. The Evolution of the Aseptic Principle in Surgery
Straus, William L., Jr: The Great Piltdown Hoax
Rauch, John H: The Sanitary Problems of Chicago, Past and Present
Abel, John J. and Albert C. Crawford: On The Blood-Pressure-Raising Constituent of the Suparenal Capsule
Florence, P. Sargant: Over-Population. Theory and Statistics. (Psyche Miniatures Medical Series)
Pomerai, Ralph de: Aphrodite or The Future of Sexual Relationships
[Pathological Society of London]: Report of the Proceedings of the Pathological Society of London. Fourth Session 1849-1850
Pathological Society of London: Report of the Proceedings of the Pathological Society of London. Third Session 1848-1849
Gorgas, William Crawford: Sanitation in Panama
Trent, Josiah C: Five Letters of Marcus Aurelius Severinus
Trent, Josiah Charles: Benjamin Waterhouse (1754-1846)
Leib, James R: Lecture on Scientific Education. Delivered Saturday, December 18, 1830, before the Member of the Franklin Institute
Merk, Ludwig: Die Hauterscheinungen der Pellagra
Thomson, J. J: The Atomic Theory. The Romanes Lecture 1914. Delivered in the Sheldonian Theatre, June 10, 1914
Trent, Josiah Charles: The London Years of Benjamin Waterhouse
Porrua, Manuel: Catalogo Bibliografico de Impresos Mexicanos del Siglo XVI
Hosack, David: A Discourse, introductory to a Course of Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Physic. . . and a Tribute to the Memory of the late Dr. Benjamin Rush. . . in The American Medical and Philosophical Register, January 1814
Trent, Josiah C: John Coakley Lettsom
Trent, Josiah C: John Coakley Lettsom and His Literary Friends
Oertel, Max Joseph: Therapie der Kreislaufs-Störungen, Kraftabnahme des Herzmuskels, ungenügender Compensationen bei Herzfehlern, Fettherz und Fettsucht, Veränderungen im Lungenkreislauf etc
Richard, Achille: Eléments d'histoire naturelle médicale, contenant des notions générales sur l'histoire naturelle, la description, l'histoire et les propirétés de tous les alimens, médicamens, ou poisons tirés des trois rčgnes de la nature. 2 Volumes
Wood, George B: Introductory Lectures and Addresses on Medical Subjects Delivered Chiefly Before the Medical Classes of the University of Pennsylvania
Bowdler, Miss: Poems and Essays, Published for the Benefit of the General Hospital at Bath
Davy, Humphry: Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, in a Course of Lectures for the Board of Agriculture
Willcox, William H: The Lettsomian Lectures on Jaundice Delivered Before the Medical Society of London, 1919
SOTHEBY'S - LONDON: Sale 15/17 June 1981: An important collection of medical books of the 15th to the 20th century mainly illustrating the history of neurology and psychiatry
Royal College of Physicians of London: Extracts from the Bye-Laws and regulations of the Royal College of Physicians of London, which Concerns Licentiates
Figures Pharmaceutiques Francaises. Notes Historiques et Portraits 1803 - 1953
Dolman, C. E: Report on a Survey of Medical Education in Canada and the United States
Jackson, Samuel: The Introductory Lecture to the Course of the Institutes of Medicine, in the University of Pennsylvania, for 1841-2
Pattison, Granville Sharp: A Lecture Delivered in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, on the Evening of Tuesday the 22d of January, 1833. On the Question"Has the Parotid Gland Ever Been Extirpated?"
Robinson, Victor, ed: Medical Life. Volume 34, Number 3. Guthrie Number
Rolleston, Humphry: The History of Angina Pectoris
Crookshank, F. G: INDIVIDUAL SEXUAL PROBLEMS. (Psyche Miniatures Medical Series)
Sigerist, Henry E., ed: Essays in the History of Medicine Presented to Professor Arturo Castiglioni on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday April 10, 1944
Paris, J. A. (Robley Dunglison): A Treatise on Diet: With a View to Establish on Practical Grounds, a System of Rules for the Prevention and Cure of the Diseases Incident to a Disordered State of the Digestive Functions
Schuman, Henry: The Josiah C. Trent Collection in the History of Medicine
McKenzie, Dan: The Infancy of Medicine. An Enquiry into the Influence of Folk-Lore upon the Evolution of Scientific Medicine
Howard, Christopher: Physic and Fancy
Flitter, Hessel H: Nursing in the South
Dittrick, Howard: Josiah Charles Trent 1914-1948
Ernst, Harold C: Some Fermentations in Medical Education. The Annual Address Delivered before the Massachusetts Medical Society June 8, 1904
Gandevia, Bryan: An Annotated Bibliography of the History of Medicine and Health in Australia
Ziemssen, H. v., ed: Handbook of Diseases of the Skin
Gibson, William C., ed: British Contributions to Medical Science. The Woodward-Wellcome Symposium, University of British Columbia, 1970
Christie, Richard Copley: Etienne Dolet. The Martyr of the Renaissance. A Biography
Medical Society of the State of New York: Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New York. For the Year 1871
Hadwen, Walter, R: The Difficulties of Dr. Deguerre. With an Introduction by George F. C. Searle. Illustrated by Arthur Moreland
Wood, Casey A., comp. & ed: An Introduction to the Literature Of Vertebrate Zoology Based Chiefly On The Titles In The Blacker Library Of Zoology, The Emma Shearer Wood Library Of Ornithology, The Bibliotheca Osleriana And Other Libraries Of Mcgill University, Montreal
U.S. Department of H.E.W./National Library of Medicine: Bibliography of the History of Medicine. Number 10, 1970-1974
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