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Burrell, Herbert L, W. T. Councilman and Charles F. Withington, eds: MEDICAL AND SURGICAL REPORTS OF THE BOSTON CITY HOSPITAL. Eleventh Series Yovanovich, Gordana: Julio Cortazar's Character Mosaic. Reading the Longer Fiction Harvey, William (Whitteridge, Gweneth, ed.): The Anatomical Lectures of William Harvey. Prelectiones Anatomie Universalis De Muscalis
Davaine, C: Traité des entozoaires et des maladies vermineuses de l'homme et des animaux domestiques Sheehan, J. Eastman: Plastic Surgery of the Nose Ott, Dr: Felix v. Niemeyer s Klinische Vorträge über die Lungenschwindsucht
Curtis, James L: Blacks, Medical Schools and Society Aveling, James Hobson: English Midwives. Their History and Prospects DE LA MOTTE, Guillaume: Traité complet des accouchemens naturels, non naturels, et contre nature, expliqué dans un grand nombre d'observations & de réfléxions sur l'art d'accoucher. Tome Premier
Fulton, John F. And Keller, Allen D: The Sign Of Babinski: A Study Of The Evolution Of Cortical Dominance In Primates Eberhart, Richard: Poems. New and Selected Luciani, Luigi: Das kleinhirn. Neue studien zur normalen und pathologischen physiologie. Deutsche ausgabe besorgt von M. O. Fraenkel
Cobbold, T. Spencer: Parasites; a treatise on the entozoa of man and animals including some account of the ectozoa Bayle, Antoine L. J. & August J. Thillaye: Biographie médicale par ordre chronologique d'après Daniel Leclerc, Éloy, etc. Mise dans un nouvel ordre, revue et complétée par. 2 Volumes Neill, John: Outlines of the Veins and Lymphatics: With Short Descriptions
Walker, George: Venereal Disease in the American Expeditionary Forces Dercum, Francis X: Rest, Suggestion and Other Therapeutic Measures in Nervous and Mental Diseases Knight, Alanna and Elizabeth Stuart Warfel, compiled and edited by: Robert Louis Stevenson - Bright Ring of Words
Hill, Sr., Pope R. (Arthur Conan Doyle): Part One Mann, Thomas: Past Masters and Other Essays Halford, Sir Henry: Essays and Orations, Read and Delivered at the Royal College of Physicians; to which is Added, An Account of the Opening of the Tomb of King Charles I
Clarke, Edwin & Dewhurst, Kenneth: An Illustrated History of Brain Function Noorden, K. van: Die Bleichsucht Cunnington, M. E: The Early Iron Age Inhabited Site at All Cannings Cross Farm, Wiltshire. A Description of the Excavations, and Objects found, by Mr. and Mrs. B.H. Cunnington, 1911 - 1922
Rhode, John: Invisible Weapons Stumpf, Carl: Tonpsychologie. Erster Band Dunglison, Robley (1798-1869): Human Physiology. Two Volumes
Huntington, Albert Tracy, ed: The Aesculapian. A Quarterly Journal of Medical History and Art. Vol. 1, Nos. 3-4, June-Sept., 1909 Mantegazza, Paolo: Cartas Médicas sobre la América Meridional. Traducción de la Edición de Milán (1858-1860) por el Dr. Juan Heller. Prólogo por el Dr. Gregorio Araoz Alfaro Flechsig, Paul: Gehirn und Seele
Brinton, William: Lectures on the Diseases of the Stomach, with an Introduction on Its Anatomy and Physiology BRITISH ASSOCIATION: Edinburgh's Place In Scientific Progress. Prepared for the Edinburgh Meeting of the British Association By The Local Editorial Committee Byford, Wm. H: A Treatise on the Chronic Inflammation and Displacements of the Unimpregnated Uterus
Burnap, Thomas K. And David M. Little, Jr., Eds: The Flying Death. Classic Papers and Commentary on Curare Hill, W: Thomas Hodgkin A Bibliography Bhatia, S. L: Greek Medicine in Asia and Other Essays
Dercum, Francis X: A Clinical Manual of Mental Diseases Fondation Singer-Polignac. Par Roger heim, Bernard Halpern, Yvon Bourges, et al: Les Concepts de Claude Bernard sur le Milieu Intérieur Reil, Joh. Christ: Von der Lebenskraft. Klassiker der Medizin. Band 2
Sydenham, Thomas: Abhandlung über die Gicht (1681). Eingeleitet und übersetzt von Julius Leopold Pagel. Klassiker der Medizin. Band 6 (Macmichel, William): Lives of British Physicians Gley, E: The Internal Secretions. Their Physiology and Application to Pathology
Wellcome, Historical Medical Museum: Souvenir of Cinchona Tercentenary Celebration and Exhibition. Foreword by Sir Henry Wellcome Dewees, William P: A Compendious System of Midwifery, Chiefly Designed to Facilitate the Inquiries of Those Who May be Pursuing this Branch of Study Binswanger, O., R. Wollenberg u. L. Bruns: Die Epilepsie. - Die Hypochondrie. - Die Traumatischen Neurosen. Unfallneurosen
Burns, John: Dissertations on Inflammation (2 volumes in 1, complete) Davison, Wilburt C: Pediatric Notes Williams, C.J.B., M.D., and Williams, Charles Theodore, M.A., M.D: Pulmonary Consumption: Its Nature, Varieties and Treatment. With An Analysis of 1000 Cases To Exemplify Its Duration
THE AMERICAN MEDICAL RECORDER. VOL. VI. NO. I. October, 1823 Hueppe, Ferdinand: The Methods of Bacteriological Investigation Killpatrick, Ja: A Full and Clear Reply to Doct. Thomas Dale. Wherein the Real Impropriety of Blistering with
Gemmill, C. L: The Heat Liberated by the Beating Heart. Offprint from The American Journal of Physiology, Vol. LXXX, No. 3, May, 1927 Rosenbach, O: Die Seekrankheit Creed, R. S., Denny-Brown, D., Eccles, J. C., Liddell, E. G. T. & Sherrington, C. S: Reflex Activity of the Spinal Cord
Lossen, Hermann: Die Resectionen der Knochen und Gelenke Evans, Herbert M & Swezy, O: Ovogenesis and the Normal Follicular Cycle in Adult Mammalia de Vecchi, Paolo: De la folie. Considerations sur cette maladie
Aesculape (Revue): AESCULAPE. Revue mensuelle illustrée. Médecine, chirurgie, pharmacie. Sciences, Lettres, Arts, dans leurs rapports avec la Médecine Graebe, Carl: Geschichte der Organischen Chemie. Erster Band Lives of British Physicians
Ranney, Ambrose L: A Practical Treatise on Surgical Diagnosis. Designed as a Manual for Practitioners and Student Steele, John D., ed: The Treatment of Mycotic and Parasitic Diseases of the Chest Gibbs, O. S: An Artificial Heart. Offprint from The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, February, 1930
Abbott, Maude E., Ed: Classified and Annotated Bibliography of Sir William Osler's Publications (Based on the Chronological Bibliography by Minnie Wright Blogg) MacCallum, D.C: Addresses Adams, Daniel, ed: The Medical And Agricultural Register, For The Years 1806 And 1807. Practical Information On Husbandry; Cautions And Directions For The Preservation Of Health, Management Of The Sick, Etc
Cooper, Samuel: The First Lines of the Theory and Practice of Surgery including the Principal Operations. 2 Volumes Cooper, Samuel: The Pituitary Gland. An Investigation of The Most Recent Advances. The Proceedings Of The Association, New York, December 28th and 29th, 1936 Kelly, Emerson Crosby, ed: Medical Classics. Volume 4, No. 4. Thomas Sydenham Issue
Bayliss, W.M: Intravenous injection in Wound Shock, being the Oliver-Sharpey lectures. 1918 Kelly, Emerson Crosby, ed: Medical Classics. Volume 4, No.10. June, 1940. Abraham Coles Issue (Lister, Joseph): Lister and the Ligature. A Landmark in the History of Modern Surgery. Compiled by the Research Readers of the Scientific Department
Weber, F. Parkes: Art and Epigram Regarding Science and Medicine in Relation to Death. Together with an Addition on Epigram and Art in relation to the Excessive Fear of Death Loeper, M: Histoire de la secretion gastrique Noorden, C: Die Fettsucht
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