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J. Ellis; Ure, George: Map of the City of Toronto
Ptolemy; G. Porro: Tavola Nona Dell\\\\\'Asia
Ptolemy; G. Porro: Tavola Decima Dell\\\\\\\'Asia
Ptolemy; G. Porro: Tavola Vndecima Dell\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Asia
Ptolemy; G. Porro: Tavola Quinta Dell\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Asia
Ptolemy; G. Porro: Tavola Prima Dell\'Africa
Henry Sharbeau; A.K Johnson: Tibet
Nicolaus Bellin: Karte Von Paraguay und den benachbarten Landen
Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Antiquites de Pompeia, Tome Second
A. Legros: Old Man in Windswept Lane (The Wayfarer – Un Vaga Bond Passont)
Jean Baptiste Le Prince: Le Marchand De Lunettes
Charles Dickens: The Chimes: A Goblin Story of Some Bells That Rang An Old Year Out And A New
Year In
Boris Pasternak: The Poems of Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak
Barbey D’Aurevilly; Oscar Wilde: What Never Dies: A Romance
Hippolyte Tampucci: Poesies
Alexander Pope: Essai Sur L’Homme
Sir Edwin Arnold: The Light of Asia or The Great Renunciation Being the Life and teaching of Gautama Prince of India and Founder of Buddhism (As Told in Verse by an Indian Buddhist)
Rudyard Kipling: The Seven Seas, Barrack- Room Ballads and Other Verses, Departmental Ditties and Other
Kenneth Graham: Dream Days
Sherwin Cody: A Selection From the World’s Great Orations Illustrative of the History of Oratory and the Art of Public Speaking
M. Paulian: Le Guide Des Jeunes Mathematiciens, ou Commentaire Des Lecons de Mecanique de M. L’Abbe De La Caille, Avec un Supplement ou l’on discute plusieurs points interessans de la plus haute Mecanique, que L’Auteur n’a fait qu’indiquer dans son Traite. Par M. Paulian, pretre, Associe a l’Academie Royale de Nimes
Isaac Newton: Anmarkningar vid Daniels Prophetior och Johannis Uppenbaresls. Tvanee Delar Af Herr Isaac Newton.
George Crofutt: Crofutt\'s Trans-Continental Tourist Guide
John Richard Green: History of the English People
Lauro, Jacomo: Romani Imperii Imago
Joseph Bouchette: Plan Shewing that section of the Country lying between the Old Seig.l Settle.s on the River St. Lawrence and the Southern Boundaries of the Province or Mars Hill Highlands
B.F. Mitchell: Plan of the City of Calgary
Mallet: Die Inseln Schiro und Negropont etc
Mallet: Die Inseln Sifano und Milo; Sifanto et de Milo
Mallet: Die Stadt Cadix; Cadis
Mallet: die Insel Stalimene
Mallet: Die Insel Micone Nixia
Mallet: Die Inseln Pelagnisi, Dromi; De Pelagnisi Dromi
Mallet: die Inseln Zea, Fermena und Serphino; Zea Thermia..
Mallet: Die Mittagige Turkey in Europa; De La Turquie Meridionale En Europe
Mallet: Die insel Tasso und Monte Sante
Mallet: Die Inseln Sira, Sirna, Paros
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Venetia
Goad, Charles: Comprising Reg Plans York [Lambton Ave. & Bloor St, Humber Valley]
Dr. R. Bell; John Fleming; A.R.C. Selwyn: Map of Lake Winnipeg
Goad, Charles Edward: Atlas of Toronto Plate 79 [ Main St., Dufferin St. & Wellington St.)
Bellin: Carte de L\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'isle Celebes ou Macassar Pour servir a l\\\\\\\'Histoire Generale des Voyages
Alex Findlay: New South Wales
Thomas Bowen: Plan of the City of Quebec
Edward Weller: Colony of Queensland (Australia)
Edward Weller: Victoria (Australia)
Edward Weller: New South Wales
Edward Weller: Tasmania or Van Diemen\\\\\\\'s Land
J. Arrowsmith: Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Id. & Newfoundland, with the adjacent parts of the United States
Guillaume de L\\\'Isle: Orbis Veteribus Noti Tabula Nova. Auctore Guillermo De L\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Isle é Regia Scientiarum Academia
Henricus Hondius; Gerard Mercator: Alsatia inferior
Department of the Interior: Northern Alberta Showing Dispositions of Lands Natural Resources Intelligence Branch
Goad, Charles Edward: City of Toronto Plate 33 [Bloor St., Avenue Rd. & Davenport Rd.]
Goad, Charles Edward: Atlas City of Toronto Plate 1A [Harbour Front, Yonge St. & College St.]
Goad, Charles Edward: Atlas City of Toronto Plate 54 [Lakeshore Rd., Queen St. & Windermere Ave.]
Goad, Charles Edward: Atlas of Toronto Plate 52 [Eglinton Ave., Bathurst St. & St. Clair Ave.]
Goad, Charles Edward: Atlas City of Toronto Plate 124 [Eglinton Ave., Soudan Ave & Mcrae Ave]
A. Arrowsmith: Battle of Alexandria: Plan of the Action of the 13th of March
A. Arrowsmith: Battle of Alexandria
Alexander Murray; Robert Barlow: Map of Newfoundland
Mathews: Map shewing the Southern Boundary of the Province of Canada According to the Royal Proclamation of 1763...
Pierre Vander Aa: L\\\'Espagne, Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l\\\'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc. Augmentees de Nouveau a Leide, Chez Pierre Vander Aa, Avec Privilege
Tobias Conrad Lotter: Tabula Synoptica Totius Fluminis Danubii..
S.Neele: Pannonia Dacia &c
S. Penson: A Scene from Lake Rosseau
J.G. Strutt: The Great Ash in Woburn Park
J.G. Strutt: The Chipstread Elm
S. Penson: On Muskoka Lake
J. Webber: An Offering before Captain Cook, in the Sandwich Islands
Sir Edwin Landseer: Time of War
D. Lavater: Goods Engine On The Great Western Railway - Pyracmon
Girault de Prangley: Anciens Bains Moresques Ruines
J.B. Vanmour: Enterrement Turc
Thomas Nast: The Capture of Fort Donelson, February 1862
Charles Furse: Young Riders
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