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Banfi, Franco: Papua New Guinea - Diving Guide (Dive Sites)
Barnes, Ernest W ( (Ed): The Railway Digest - Summer 1947: Featuring Articles of Lasting Interest about Railways of All Countries
Berridge, P S A and others: The Railway Magazine No.452 February 1935 (includes The Chappar Rift, Pakistan)
Bloomsbury Auctions: Dipinti e Disegni Antichi, Roma 19 Novembre 2009 / Arte Del XIX e XX Secolo - Roma, 26 Novembre 2009
Blotter, E & Millard, Walter S: Some Beautiful Indian Trees
Burnet, J F and Dealtry, L P: Public and Preparatory Schools Year Book 1962
By Command of His Excellency the Governor: Uganda Protectorate: Annual report of the Game and Fisheries Department for the period 1st January 1954 to 30th June 1955
C Wiliams (Preface): Supplementary List of L & N W Locos to that dated 1912 with corrections to date
Cain, P A and Hopkins, A G: British Imperialism: Crisis and Deconstruction 1914 - 1990
Captain C R S Pitman, and others: Uganda Wildlife and Sport, Vol 1 No 2
Caute, David: Under the Skin: the Death of White Rhodesia
Cockburn, H A (Hon Editor): The Journal of the Mountain Club of Rhodesia 1963
Committee of LLoyd's 1957, Walter Barrie (Chairman): Order of Proceedings on the Occasion of the Visit of H M Queen Mother to open LLoyd's New Building on 14th November 1957
Cooper B K - Editor; David R Morgan, R A H Baxter and others: Railway World: March 1973 (includes: Pugu - Portrait of an East African Station and Rhodesia remembers its past)
Cooper B K - Editor; Ian Krause and others: Railway World: September 1972 (includes:Turkey Part 2)
Cooper, B K - Editor: Railway World: June 1975 (includes: Steam in South Africa)
Crisswell, Colin (text); Briggs, Tom (Sketches): Hong Kong: The Vanishing City
Crump, Thomas: Asia-Pacific: A History of Empire and Conflict
Dendy, W and others: The Railway Magazine February 1950, No. 586, Vol. 96 (Includes Impressions of the Indian Railways - 3)
Deraniyagala, P E P (Illustrated by the Author): A Colored (Coloured) Atlas of Some Vertebrates from Ceylon. Volume 2 Tetrapod Reptilia (Reptiles)
Edited by Product and Design: United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Elliott, C Brooke: The Real Ceylon
Ensoll, Jack: Hatred in Kenya (Mau Mau)
Fraser, John Foster: Quaint Subjects of the King
Harris, Michael - Editor; S V Blencowe and others: Railway World: November 1982 (includes: A Steam Stronghold in Nepal)
Harris, Phil: Reporting Southern Africa: Western news agencies reporting from southern Africa
Hughes, Hugh: Steam Locomotives in India Part 3 - Broad Gauge
Institut Geographique de la Republique du Congo: Road Map: Ruanda-Urundi 1959 - Carte Routiere Officielle du territoire du Ruanda-Urundi
Isherwood, Robin and Bailey, Philip (Compiled by): Border Cricketers 1897/98-1997/98 (South Africa)
Isherwood, Robin and Bailey, Philip (Compiled by): Natal Cricketers 1889/90 - 1996/97 (South Africa)
Isherwood, Robin and Bailey, Philip (Compiled by): Northerns Cricketers (South Africa) 1937/38-1999/2000 - Inc. Northern-Eastern Transvaal & Northern Transvaal
Isherwood, Robin and Bailey, Philip (Compiled by): Transvaal Cricketers 1889/90-1993/94 (South Africa)
Isherwood, Robin and Bailey, Philip (Compiled by): Western Province Cricketers 1889/90 -1993/94 (South Africa)
Karani, Peter K: Sustainable Management of Tropical Rain Forest in Uganda
Kenya Polo Association: Kenya Polo Association: Programme of Polo Tournament: Nairobi Polo Ground : July 1927
Low, Professor D Anthony: Eclipse of Empire
Maggs, Colin G: The Last Days of Steam in Bristol and Somerset
Malaysian Federal Department of Information: Lapangan Terbang Antara Bangsa: International Airport Kuala Lumpur
Maxey, Kees: The Fight for Zimbabwe: The Armed Conflict in Southern Rhodesia since UDI
Moorehead, Alan; Junior Edition abridged by Lucy Moorhead: The White Nile: Junior Edition
Morgan Roy (Compiled and Edited by): Ceylon Isle of Enchantment - 1939 Christmas Edition
O'Halloran, J S (Editor): The Royal Colonial Institute Report of Proceedings 1904-1905 Volume XXXVI
Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for the Colonies (Duncan Sandys): Kenya: Report of the Northern Frontier District Commission
Pruginin, Yoel (based on the work of): Report to the Uganda Government, Experimental Fish Culture Project in Uganda, 1965 - 1966, No TA 2446
Ranger, Terence: Crisis in Southern Rhodesia
Reed, A W ; Illustrated by A S Patterson: Wonder Tales of Maoriland
Riedel, D R (based on the work of): report to the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic, Fish Culture Projects and Related Fields: No TA 2445
Riedel, Dietmar R (based on the work of): Report to the Government of Syria, Fish Culture Project in Syria, No TA 1502
Sampson, Henry (Editor): World Railways: 1963 - 1964. A Worldwide Survey of Railway Operation and Equipment . 8th Edition
Servier, A (Hon Editor): Eastern Region Staff Railway Society: Railway Forum Volume 10 No 2
Shell - East Africa: Road Map of East Africa - Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika - 1959
Singh, St Nihal: Ceylon's Scenic Splendour
Smithers, R H N (Director of the National Museums of Rhodesia): Animals of Rhodesia : Game -Viewing in Rhodesia
Snell, J B and others: The Railway Magazine, August 1954 (includes the New Zealand Government Railways - 2)
Stammers, Michael: Figureheads and Ship Carving
Timothy H Cobb and others: The Railway Magazine May 1950, No. 589 Vol. 96 (includes the Tanganyika Railway)
Vine, Peter & Casey, Paula: United Arab Emirates: Heritage and Modern Development (UAE)
W. V. Brelsford (Edited by ): Handbook to the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
Waldbauer, Gilbert : Illustrations by Katherine Brown-Wing: Millions of Monarchs, Bunches of Beetles: How Bugs Find Strength in Numbers
Wimbush, S H: Colony and Protectorate of Kenya: Catalogue of Kenya Timbers
Woolf, Leonard: Diaries in Ceylon 1908-1911: Records of a Colonial Administrator Being the Official Diaries Maintained by Leonard Woolf while Assistant Government Agent of the Hambantota District, Ceylon: and Stories from the East, Ceylon Historical Journal Vol IX
Wunder, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm F J Wunder (based on the work of): Report to the Government of the United Arab Republic (Syrian Region): The Kalaat El Moudik Experimental Fish Culture Station, No TA 1199
Inscriptions left by Early European Navigators on their Way to the East. Guide Leaflet No. 1 Third edition
A. H. M. Jones and Elizabeth Monroe: A History of Ethiopia
Abdullah, Muhammad Morsy: The United Arab Emirates (UAE): A Modern History
Codrai, Ronald: Dubai: An Arabian Album: A Collection of Mid-Twentieth Century Photographs
Dupont-Sommer, Andre / Translated from the French by R. D. Barnett: The Jewish Sect of Qumran and the Essenes; New Studies on the Dead Sea Scrolls
Jean Doresse: translated from the French by Elsa Coult: Ethiopia - Ancient Cities and Temples
Kelly, June: Another Side to Russia
Laughton, Timothy: The Maya: Life, Myth, and Art
Marshall, Patricia: Preface by Peter Scott: Illustrations by Albert Hill: Wild Mammals of Hong Kong
Office of the Secretary to Parliament: The Golden Jubilee of Parliament 1924-1974: This Brochure has been prepared to commemorate Fifty Years Of Paliamentary Government In Rhodesia
Reynolds, Barrie: The African - His Place in a Changing Society
Staal, Rev Fr J: Folklore, etc. of Sadong Dayaks
Tan T.K., Editor: Sukarno's Guided Indonesia
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