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Rene Kraus: Winston Churchill: A Biography Robert Burns: The Scottish Keepsake or The Songs of The Ayrshire Bard William Robertson: History of Scotland
William Robertson: History of America William Robertson: History of Charles V J. Cheevers: A Plan shewing the Attack and Disposition of the Detachment which sallied on the 27th of November 1781 from Gibraltar, and destroyed the Spanish Batteries before that Garrison
J. Cheevers: A Plan of the Batteries erected before Gibraltar, with the Attacks made by Sea and Land on that Garrison by the Duke de Crillon and Admiral Moreno, on the 13th of September, 1782, In Presence of the Combined Fleets of France and Spain A. Kincaid: A Chart of the Nth. West Coast of America, & the Nth. East Coast of Asia. Shewing the Discoveries that have been lately made in Those parts Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Tvrcici Imperii Descriptio
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Brescia Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Brixen Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Bebgamo In Lombardia
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Bergen Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Fermo Metropoli della Marca di Ancoa Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Natolia olim Asia Minor
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Candia Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Crembs Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Spagnvola
Raphael (Raffaello) Savonarola: Hollanda Geo. W. Colton; John M. Atwood; W.S. Barnard: Map of The United States of America, The British Provinces, Mexico, The West Indies and Central America, with part of New Grenada and Venezuela George Philip & Son, Ltd; The London Geographical Institute: Manitoba With Parts of Saskatchewan & Ontario
C.O. Senecal; A Dickenson: Map of the Yukon Territory Georg Braun; Francisci Hogenberg: Calechvt celeberri mvm Indiae emporivm; Calcutta India Jonsonius: Riga
A.J. Algate: Algate\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Toronto & Suburbs Tobias Mayer; Homann Heirs: Carte des etats de la couronne de Pologne, nouvellement dessinée; Mappa; Geographica Regni Poloniae ex novissimis quotquot.. Robert Bruce Bell; D. Miller,: Plan of the Harbour of Montreal, Shewing the Present Harbour & The River St. Lawrence. (Plate 1)
Reuben Ward Binks: River Swans; Fine Feathers Jean-Michel Chevotet: Vue extérieure de l\\\'entrée du Grand Escalier du
château de Versailles; Prospectus exterioris introitus Magnarum Scalarum Regine Versaliance
William Haskell Coffin: Piedmont Mt. Airy Guano Co. Baltimore. MD. (Ruth)
Jacques Rigaud: Vue générale de la ville de Paris, prise dela hauteur du village de Chaillot Max Eschner: Seeschiff David Roberts: Isle of Graie, Gulf of Akabah, Arabia Petraea
Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Inscriptions sépulchrales, et autres, trouvées dans les fabriques adjacentes à la Porte de la Ville de Pompeïa Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Vue des fabriques de la Ville de Pompeïa, prise de son entrée Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Vue de toutes les boutiques de droite et de gauche de la rue, prise vis-à-vis la Porte de la Ville de Pompeïa
Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Vue intérieure de la 2e. Taverne à droite avec ses dépendances et ses Ornements. Dans la Ville de Pompeïa S.D.Swarbreck: Sketches in Scotland Drawn from Nature and on Stone by S.D. Swarbreck Samuel Prout: Sketches in France, Switzerland and Italy
A.C. Gould: Sport or Fishing and Shooting Edited by A.C. Gould, and Illustrated from the Fifteen Original water Colors by A.B. Frost, Henry Sandham, F.H. Taylor, F.S. Cozzens, Frederic Reminton, R.F. Zogbaum and S.F. Denton Aesop: The Fables of Aesop Illustrated by Edward. J. Detmold Audrey Erskine Lindop: The Way To The Lantern
Oliver Master; Arthur Edward Elias: Dominion of Canada Animated Atlas Crown Lands Office, Joseph Cauchon commissioner of the Crown lands: Map of Upper Canada shewing the proposed Land Agency Divisions A. Kincaid: A Map of Ireland From the best Authorities
A. Kincaid: Scotland with the Roads & Post Towns; from the latest Authorities Cassini: Parte Meridionale Delle Africa che comprende La Bassa Guinea, e La Cafreria coll \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' Isola di Madagascar. Delineata valle ultime Observariorni M.P Bridgland: Map of The Central Part of Jasper Park Alberta
Conrad Malte-Brun; J.B. Tardieu; Giraldon: Mexique John Rogers: Map of Armour Township John Rogers: Map of McKellar Township
John Rogers: Plan of Bracebridge Village John Rogers: Town Plot of Magnetawan John Rogers: Map of Bethune Township
John Rogers: Map of Hagerman Township John Rogers: Map of Rousseau Village; Port Sydney John Rogers: Map of Christie Township
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John Rogers: Map of Nipissing Township John Rogers: Map of McDougalll Township John Rogers: Village of Parry Sound
John Rogers: Map of Stephenson Township John Rogers: Map of Stisted Township John Rogers: Map of Foley Township
John Rogers: Map of Ferguson Township; Map of McKellar Village John Rogers: Map of Machar Township John Rogers: Map of Strong Township
J.H. Burd: Plan of Islands in Georgian Bay District of Parry Sound in front of the Townships of McDougall & Carling L.R. Orde: Plan orf Islands in Georgian Bay District of Parry Sound in front of the Tip of Wallbridge L.R. Orde: Plan of the Islands in Georgian Bay District of Parry Sound between Key Harbour & Byng Inlet
D. Beatty: Plan of the Islands in Georgian Bay District of Parry Sound in front of the Townships of Conger & Cowper A.G. Ardagh: Plan of the Islands in Georgian Bay of Lake Huron in front of Harrison Township District of Parry Sound Joseph Édouard Cauchon: Map of the Ottawa and Huron Territory (Georgian Bay)
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