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Otton Laskowski; Translated by F. C. Anstruther; Foreword by Bruce Boswell: Sobieski, King of Poland O.O. McIntyre: The Big Town: New York Day by Day STRODE, HUDSON: Jefferson Davis Four Volume Set Including: Jefferson Davis, American Patriot; Jefferson Davis, Confederate President; Jefferson Davis, Tragic Hero; Jefferson Davis, Private Letters (4 Volumes)
Figner, Vera Nikolaevna; Introductions by Paul Goodman and Barnett Newman: Memoirs of a Revolutionist Captain A. T. Mahan: The Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire 1793-1812 (Two Volumes) Captain A. T. Mahan: Sea Power in its Relations to the War of 1812
Captain A. T. Mahan: The LIFE OF NELSON the embodiment of the SEA POWER OF GREAT BRITAIN (2 Volume Set) Henry M. Stanley: In Darkest Africa, or the Quest, Rescue, and Retreat of Emin, Governor of Equatoria (2 Volume Set) Captain A.T. Mahan: The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1783
Henry Inman; William F. Cody ("Buffalo Bill"): The Great Salt Lake Trail Parton, James: The Life and Times of Aaron Burr Garibaldi, Giuseppe; Werner, A. (transl.): Introduction by William Salomone: Autobiography of Giuseppe Garibaldi (3 Volume Set)
Rupert Brooke: The Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke J. Perdriel-Vaissieres; Translated by Vincent O'Sullivan: Rupert Brooke's Death and Burial Based on the log of the French hospitalship Duguay-Trouin Stanley Casson: Rupert Brooke and Skyros
Rupert Brooke: Selected Poems Rupert Brookes; Introduction by Geoffrey Keynes: Democracy and the Arts Rupert Brooke: 1914 and Other Poems
Inspector Wade Solves the Mystery of the Red Aces James M. Cain: Past All Dishonour Beach, S. A. [Spencer Ambrose]: The Apples of New York (2 Volume Set)
Rupert Brooke; Preface by Henry James: Letters from America Browne, Maurice: RECOLLECTIONS OF RUPERT BROOKE Edward Marsh; Christopher Hassall; Compiled and Annotated by John Schroder: Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts by Rupert Brooke
Rupert Brooke; Foreword and Introduction by Geoffrey Keynes; Edited by A.N.L. Munby: Four Poems: The Fish 1911, Granchester 1912, The Dead 1914, The Soldier 1914. Drafts and Fair Copies in the Author's Hand Correa, Armando Lucas: The Daughter's Tale: A Novel Charles, Janet Skeslien: The Paris Library: A Novel
THE NEW YORK VISITOR AND LADY'S ALBUM: The New-York Visitor and Lady's Album, January to December 1842 THE NEW YORK VISITOR AND LADY'S ALBUM: The New-York Visitor and Lady's Album, January to December 1841 Roberts, James A: New York in the Revolution as Colony and State
James D. McCabe Jr: Light and Shadows of New York Life; or, the Sights and Sensations of the Great City. A Work Descriptive of the City of New York In All Its Various Phases; with FUll and Graphic Accounts of its Splendors and Wretchedness; It's HIgh and Low Life; Its Marble Palaces and Dark Dens; Its Attractions and Dangers; Its Rings and Frauds; Its Leading Men and Politicians; Its Adventurers; Its Charities; and Its Crimes Knickerbocker, Diedrich: History of New-York, from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty Louis Gottschalk: Lafayette in America 1777 - 1783 [First Bicentennial Edition: Signed by Both the Author and the Craftsman in Charge of the Binding of This Copy]
Comley, William J: COMLEY'S HISTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, Embracing a General Review of her Agricultural and Mineralogical Resources, her Manufacturing Industries, Trade and Commerce, Together with a Description of her Great Metropolis, from its Settlement by the Dutch in 1609 Link, William F: The Hudson by Daylight Map From New York Bay to the Head of the Tidewater, COntaining Names of Streams, Islands, and Heights of the Mountainside and Also the Names of Prominant Residences, Historic Land Marks, the Old Reaches of the Hudson, and Old Indian Names Mackesy, Charlie: The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse (Limited Edition) with Ephemera
Crocker, Lawton V., topographer: The official National Survey maps with descriptive guide and historical notes for Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, District of Columbia and route maps for all eastern states - Canada to Florida [cover title] Seaford, John Albert: Boston, its byways & highways: Being twenty-five drawings reproduced in photogravure Kenneth A. Lockridge: A New England Town, The First Hundred Years
BOSWELL, James: Dorando, A Spanish Tale Robert Bridges: The Growth of Love Lehmann, John: The Strange Destiny of Rupert Brooke
Lehmann, John: Rupert Brooke: His Life and His Legend Rupert Brooke; chosen and edited by Geoffrey Keynes: The Letters of Rupert Brooke Rupert Brooke; Introduction by George Edward Woodberry; Biographical note by Margaret Lavington: The Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke
Rupert Brookes; Preface by Geoffrey Keynes: DEMOCRACY AND THE ARTS: A Hitherto Unpublished Essay With a new Portrait Evans, Robert O: Graham Greene : Some Critical Considerations Matschat, Cecile H: Suwannee River Strange Green Land (The Rivers of America)
Becker, George J. [editor and translator]; Beik, Paul H. [intro]: Paris Under Siege, 1870-1871: From the Goncourt Journal WPA Federal Writers' Project: Puerto Rico: A Guide to the Island of Boriquen (American Guide Series) WPA Federal Writers' Project: North Dakota A Guide t the Northern Prairie State (American Guide Series)
WPA Federal Writers Project: Mississippi: A Guide to the Magnolia State (American Guide Series) WPA Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administratoin: Alabama: A Guide to the Deep South (American Guide Series) McCABE, James D: New York by Sunlight and Gaslight: A Work Descriptive of the Great Metropolis
Viereck, George Sylvester: The Strangest Friendship in History: Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House Rilke, Rainer Maria: Duino Elegies Rilke, Rainer Maria; Translated by Babette Deutsch: POEMS FROM THE BOOK OF HOURS. 'DAS STUNDENBUCH"
Moran, Lord: Winston Churchill: The Struggle for Survival, 1940-65 Hoffer, Eric: True Believer Thoughts on the Nature Of Mass Movements Hoffer, Eric: The Temper of Our Time
Settle, Mary Lee: ALL THE BRAVE PROMISES Morros, Boris: My Ten Years as a Counterspy Galbraith, John Kenneth: The Affluent Society
James M. Cain: Serenade GALBRAITH, JOHN KENNETH: THE TRIUMPH Thomas, Hugh: John Strachey
John Kenneth Galbraith: Economic Development in Perspective Collins, Wilkie: The Moonstone and The Woman in White (Two Volumes In One Complete and Unabridged) Bertrand Russell: Satan in the suburbs, and other stories
University Club New York: University Club Souvenir ( Photo Album ) Reynolds, Clark G: Fast Carriers The Forging of an Air Navy Goddard, George W., with Copp, DeWitt S: Overview: A Lifelong Adventure in Aerial Photography
Szent-Györgyi, Albert: The Crazy Ape Still, Bayrd: Mirror For Gotham: New York as Seen by Contemporaries from Dutch Days to the Present Walter de la Mare; Maurice Browne; Rupert Brooke: Rupert Brooke: Rupert Brooke and the Intellectual Imagination, Recollections of Rupert Brooke, Democracy and the Arts
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