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Mueller, Chester: The New York Ordnance District in World War II Old Buildings of New York City With Some Notes Regarding Their Origin and Occupants B.B. Schofield: The Russian Convoys
John Terraine: Mons, the retreat to victory Pemberton, W. Baring: Battles of the Crimean War Bennett, Geoffrey: The Battle of Jutland
Allan Nevins and John A. Krout (editors): THE GREATER CITY : New York, 1898-1948 Hammond, Harold Earl (Editor)/Daly, Maria Lydig/Nevins, Allan (Foreword): DIARY OF A UNION LADY, 1861-1865 David Loth: Alexander Hamilton: Portrait of a Prodigy
Rilla, Wolf Peter: The writer and the screen;: On writing for film and television, John Naylor: Waterloo Rohmer, Eric: The Taste for Beauty (Cambridge Studies in Film)
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Georges Arnaud; Dale, Norman (translation): THE WAGES OF FEAR Dinkins, Greg: New York City in 3D: A Look Back in Time: With Built-in Stereoscope Viewer - Your Glasses to the Past! Arthur B Spingarn: Laws Relating to Sex Morality in New York City
Hart, Smith: The New Yorkers: the Story of a People and Their City William Wash Williams: The Quiet Lodger of Irving Place WEYL, Nathaniel: TREASON
BURROUGHS, William S: Nova Express Doctor Johnson. Illus. by Douglas Percy Bliss: The History of Rasselas - Prince of Abissinia David Ewen: The Story of George Gershwin
Schwezoff, Igor: Russian Somersault Robert Cortes Holliday: In the Neighborhood of Murray Hill The Elite Private Address and Carriage Directory 1874-5
WILLIAMS, Sherman: New York's Part in History Thomas, Bob: Winchell A. R. D'ALBERT: BED BATH AND BEDLAM: THE INSIDE STORY OF HOTEL LIFE
Everett P. Wheeler: Sixty Years of American Life, Taylor to Roosevelt, 1850 to 1910 Carl Sandburg: Chicago Poems Ramon. J. Sender Translated By Sir Peter Chalmers Mitchell: Mr. Witt Among the Rebels: The Story of a Reluctant Revolutionist in the Days of Victoria
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William Allen: Al Smith's Tammany Hall: Champion Political Vampire Smith, Stephen: The City That Was Smith, Al: Campaign Addresses of Governor Alfred E. Smith 1928
SMITH, Harry J: Romance of the Hoboken Ferry Smith, Matthew Hale: Bulls and Bears of New York with the Crisis of 1873, and the Cause SMITH, Mortimer: William Jay Gaynor: Mayor of New York
Graham, Frank: Al Smith American : An Informal Biography Astor - Smith, Arthur D. Howden: John Jacob Astor: Landlord of New York Small, John K: Ferns of the Vicinity of New York
Updegraff, Robert R: The Story of Two Famous Hatters Medina, Judge Harold R: Freedom of the Press and Fair Trial: Final Report With Recommendations Richard M. Lynch: Alfred E. Smith: An Anthology
SKOWITZ, Henry: Alfred E. Smith: An American Career Stoddart, Dayton: LORD BROADWAY: VARIETY'S SIME Love, Edmund G: Subways Are for Sleeping
Martin Mayer: The Teachers Strike, New York, 1968 E.B. White: This Is New York Sophie Tucker: Some of thsee Days
Karlowich, Robert A: We Fall and Rise Morand, Paul; Miles, Hamish [translator]: NEW YORK CARVALHO, Solomon N: Incidents of Travel and Adventure in the Far West
SADAT, ANWAR EL.; President Gamal Nasser (Foreward): Revolt on the Nile Ballard, Colin R: The Military Genius of Abraham Lincoln: An Essay Roske, Ralph J. & Van Doren, Charles: Lincoln's Commando; the Biography of Commander W.B. Cushing, U.S.N
O'Neill, Charles Kendall: Wild Train; The Story of the Andrews Raiders Nye, Russel B: George Bancroft: Brahmin Rebel Fejto, Francois (Ed.); Into by A.J.P. Taylor: THE OPENING OF AN ERA 1848 - AN HISTORICAL SYMPOSIUM
Stolberg, Benjamin: Tailor's Progress Dau's New York Social Blue Book 1928 Dau's Buffalo Social Blue Book 1923
Dau'sSyracuse Social Blue Book 1910 Sabin, Joseph A: A Dictionary of Books Relating to America, From Its Discovery to the Present Time (Mini-Print, 2 Volume Set) Directory of American Society: New York State and the Metropolitan District, Volume 1
Greater New York Illustrated Over one Hundred and fifty Photographic Views of the foremost City of the Western Hemisphere Sartre, Jean-Paul: Troubled Sleep Glenn Tucker: Chickamauga: Bloody Battle in the West
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