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Lewis, Cecil: Sagittarius Rising Paul Brickhill: Escape - or Die. Authentic Stories of the RAF Escaping Society. With a Commentary by H.E. Bates and a Foreword by Air Marshal Sir Basil Embry Harry Levin: James Joyce: A Critical Introduction (Makers of Modern Literature)
Trilling, Lionel: E. M. Forster (Makers of Modern Literature) Duncan, David Douglas: I Protest! Daiches, David: VIRGINIA WOOLF (Makers of Modern Literature)
LOWELL, Robert KENYON CRITICS: GERARD MANLEY HOPKINS (Makers of Modern Literature) Elsbeth E. Freudenthal: Flight Into History. The Wright Brothers and the Air Age Schnitzer, Luda; Schnitzer, Jean; Martin, Marcel; Robinson, David (translator): CINEMA IN REVOLUTION - The Heroic Era of the Soviet Film
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William Roughead: The Murderer's Companion Wambaugh, Joseph: The Blue Knight Frank G. Slaughter: Devil's Harvest
Slaughter, Frank: Flight From Natchez Frank G. Slaughter: Tomorrow's Miracle Waer, Jack: 17 and Black
Hansen, Thorkild: ARABIA FELIX - THE DANISH EXPEDITION OF 1761-1767 Bazin, Andre: French Cinema of the Occupation and Resistance: The Birth of a Critical Esthetic Spengler, Oswald: The Decline of the West
Bazin, André: What is Cinema? Vol. 1 Husserl, Edmund; Translator-J. N. Findlay; Introduction-Kah Kyung Cho: Logical Investigations, 2 Volume-Set SPENGLER, Oswald: Spengler Letters: 1913-1936
DOBELL, Clifford Introduction by Cornelius B. Van Niel: Anthony van Leeuwenhoek and His 'Little Animals': Being Some Account of the Father of Protozoology & Bacteriology and His Multifarious Discoveries in These Disciplines Loren Graham: Science and Philosophy in the Soviet Union Thoren, Victor E: The Lord of Uraniborg: A Biography of Tycho Brahe
Webster, E. M: The Moon Man: A Biography of Miklouho-Maclay Joravsky, David: The Lysenko Affair (Russian Research Center Studies, 61) Allan Janik; Stephen Edelson Toulmin: Wittgenstein's Vienna
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Baker, Russell: So This Is Depravity and Other Observations Tanter, Raymond: Rogue Regimes: Terrorism and Proliferation Edward E Hale: Stories of Adventure As Told By Adventurers
Barnett, A. Doak: China After Mao with Selected Documents Han Suyin: A Mortal Flower Krock, Arthur: Myself When Young: Growing up in the 1890's
Abend, Hallett: Japan Unmasked Cole, Sylvia; Lass, Abraham Harold: Facts on File Dictionary of Cultural and Historical Allusions: From the Middle Ages Through the 20th Century (Facts on File Library of Language and Literature) Wilhelm, Richard And Baynes, Cary F: The I Ching of Book of Change
Reston, James: Washington Morris, Roger: Richard Milhous Nixon: The Rise of an American Politician Lao She [Lau Shaw; S. Y. Shu; Lao Sheh]; Translated by William A. Lyell, Jr: Cat Country: A Satirical Novel of China in the 1930's by Lao She
Bentley, Eric: Bernard Shaw (Makers of Modern Literature) Nabokov, Vladimir: Nikolai Gogol (Makers of Modern Literature) Edouard Roditi: Oscar Wilde (Makers of Modern Literature)
MULLER, Herbert J: Thomas Wolfe (The Makers of Modern Literature) HATFIELD, HENRY: THOMAS MANN (The Makers of Modern Literature) AMES, Van Meter: Andre Gide (The Makers of Modern Literature)
Winters, Yvor: Edwin Arlington Robinson (Makers of Modern Literature) Honig, Edwin: Garcia Lorca (Makers of Modern Literature) Edited by Reginald J. W. Hammond: Ward Lock's Edinburgh Red Guide
Russell Baker: No Cause For Panic Pearl Buck: The Man Who Changed China: The Story of Sun Yat-sen Last Home of Mystery: Adventures in Nepal
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All Things Considered Baker, Russell: The rescue of Miss Yaskell and other pipe dreams Baker, Russell: Poor Russell's Almanac
MCADOO, William G: Crowded Years State of New York: A Memorial to Theodore Roosevelt Cooper, James Fenimore: New York
Adams, John Quincy: A Discourse Delivered At The Request Of THE NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY, In 'Delivered at the request of the New York Historical Society, in the City of New York, on Tuesday, The 30th of April 1839; Being the fiftieth anniversary of the Inaugration of George Washington as President of the United States, on Thursday, The 30th Of April, 1789 Governors Island: Its Military History Under Three Flags, 1637-1922 SHANNON, Joseph: Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York for 1868
Parkman, Francis: LA SALLE AND THE DISCOVERY OF THE GREAT WEST. France and England in North America, Volume Three A. A. Milne: For the luncheon Interval. Cricket and Other Verses Harrison, Mrs. Burton: Externals of Modern New York: Supplement to The History of the City of New York by Mrs. Martha J. Lamb Chapter XXI, Volume II
LEVINE, Louis: The Women's Garment Workers. A History of the International Ladies'Garment Workers Unio William Smith: THE HISTORY OF THE LATE PROVINCE OF NEW-YOURK FROM ITS DISCOVERY TO THE APPOINTMENT OF GOVENOR GOLDEN, 1762 (2 Volumes) Harry T. Cook: The Borough of the Bronx 1639-1913: Its Marvelous Development and Historical Surroundings
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