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Catherine Voorsanger: Art and the Empire City: New York, 1825-1861 Henry James: New York Revisited Marie Winn: Red-Tails in Love: A Wildlife Drama in Central Park
Stagg, Jerry: A Half-Century of Show Business and the Fabulous Empire of The Brothers Shubert Jules Witcover: Sabotage at Black Tom: Imperial Germany's Secret War in America, 1914-1917 John Yang: Over the Door: The Ornamental Stonework of New York
Fred Kaplan: Gore Vidal: A Biography Rh Value Publishing: Central Park: A Visit to One of the World's Most Treasured Lanscapes Dunn, Alan: East of Fifth: The Story of an Apartment House
Samuel R. Delany: Times Square Red, Times Square Blue (Sexual Cultures) Abernethy, Thomas Perkins: The Burr Conspiracy Michael John Burlingham: The Last Tiffany: A Biography of Dorothy Tiffany Burlingham
Richard F. Shepard: Broadway Edwin L Dunbaugh: The Era of the Joy Line: A Saga of Steamboating on Long Island Sound (Contributions in Economics and Economic History) John H. Davis: The Guggenheims: An American Epic
Mary Gabriel: Notorious Victoria: The Life of Victoria Woodhull, Uncensored Beverly Gage: The Day Wall Street Exploded: A Story of America in Its First Age of Terror Prurient Interests: Gender, Democracy, and Obscenity in New York City, 1909-1945
Gies, Joseph: Bridges and Men Arthur F. Wertheim: The New York Little Renaissance: Iconoclasm, Modernism, and Nationalism in American Culture, 1908-1917 David Ward; Olivier Zunz: Landscape of Modernity: Essays on New York City, 1900-1940 (Soviet and East European Studies; 86)
James L. Ford: Bohemia Invaded and Other Stories Gallico, Paul: Mrs. 'Arris Goes to New York Carl Glassman: Soho: A Picture Portrait
Reaching the Fighting Gang Angus Kress Gillespie: Twin Towers: the Life of New York City's World Trade Center Eli Ginzberg; Miriam Ostow; Howard Berliner: Improving Health Care of the Poor: The New York City Experience
David M. Scobey: Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape (Critical Perspectives on the Past) Jordan A. Schwarz: Liberal: Adolf A. Berle and the Vision of an American Era David W. Shaw: America's Victory: The Heroic Story of a Team of Ordinary Americans-- and How They Won the Greatest Yacht Race Ever
Joseph H. Sharlitt: Fatal Error: The Miscarriage of Justice That Sealed the Rosenbergs' Fate Rod Kennedy: Lost New York in Old Postcards Kent, Chancellor: The Charter of The City of New-York, With Notes Thereon. Also, A Treatise On The Powers and Duties of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Assistant Aldermen, and the Journal of The City Convention
The Story of Alexander Brown & Sons Kerfoot, J. B: Broadway Ira Katznelson: City Trenches
James Kaplan: The Airport: Terminal Nights and Runway Days at John F. Kennedy International Charles Kaiser: The Gay Metropolis, 1940-1996 Thomas Kessner: Capital City: New York City and the Men Behind America's Rise to Economic Dominance, 1860-1900
Leonard Kriegel: Notes for the two-dollar window: Portraits from an American neighborhood Alfred A Knopf: Sixty photographs: To celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of Alfred A. Knopf, publisher William D. Volkmer: New York City Trolleys in Color
Aurora Cuito: New York Minimalism Marshall, David: Grand Central Gillian Zoe Segal: New York Characters
Grady T. Turner; Martin Duberman; Joan Nestle: NYC Sex: How New York Transformed Sex in America Peter A. Selwyn: Surviving the Fall: The Personal Journey of an AIDS Doctor Allon Schoener: New York: An Illustrated History of the People
Cooper, Peter: Ideas for a Science of Good Government Robert A. Slayton: Empire Statesman: The Rise and Redemption of Al Smith Brian J Cudahy: Rails Under the Mighty Hudson
Peter L Bernstein: Wedding of the Waters: The Erie Canal and the Making of a Great Nation Guccione, Antonio: Faces of New York Nancy F. Cott: A Woman Making History: Mary Ritter Beard Through Her Letters
Dalton Conley: Honky Carl W. Condit: The Port of New York: A History of the Rail and Terminal System from the Grand Central Electrification to the Present (Port of New York, Volume 2) Brian J. Cudahy: Over and Back: The History of Ferryboats in New York Harbor
Frances F. Dunwell: The Hudson River & The Highlands Richard Berenholtz: Panoramic New York Krisztian Ungvary: The Siege of Budapest: 100 Days in World War II
Lev Kopelev: Ease My Sorrows - a Memoir Erich Kuby: The Russians and Berlin, 1945; Eric Homberger: John Reed and the Russian Revolution: Uncollected Articles, Letters, and Speeches on Russia, 1917-1920
John Erickson: The Road to Stalingrad (Stalin's war with Germany, Vol. 1) Seumas Milne: The Enemy within: MI5, Maxwell and the Scargill Affair Loch K. Johnson: America's Secret Power: The CIA in a Democratic Society
Nick Cullather; Piero Gleijeses: Secret History: The C.I.A.'s Classified Account of Its Operations in Guatemala, 1952-1954 Robert Cowley: What Ifs? of American History: Eminent Historians Imagine What Might Have Been David Corn: BLOND GHOST
Out Of Print: World Of Secrets J. C. Trewin (Editor): Plays of the Year: Elizabeth R (Plays of the year special) Lauran Paine: German Military Intelligence In World War II
Stanley Washburn (Author); Jon P. Speller (Editor): On the Russian Front in World War I: Memoirs of an American War Correspondent Sergei? Starikov: Philip Mironov and the Russian Civil War Kevin P. Phillips: The Emerging Republican Majority
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