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Laband, John: The Rise & Fall of the Zulu Nation MacKenzie, W. Douglas and Stead, Alfred: South Africa, Its History, Heroes , and Wars (Four Books In One Volume) Stille, Charles J: History of the United States Sanitary Commission Being the General Report of Its Work During the War of Rebellion
Ameringer, Charles D: U.S. Foreign Intelligence: Secret Side of American History Joubert de la Ferte, Philip: Rocket Blair Jr., Clay: Silent Victory: The U.S. Submarine War Against Japan, Vols. 1 and 2
Albright, Joseph, and Kunstel, Marcia: Bombshell : The Secret Story of America's Unknown Atomic Spy Conspiracy Fermi, Laura: Illustrious Immigrants: Intellectual Migration from Europe, 1930-41 Bradley F. Smith; Elena Agarossi: Operation Sunrise: The Secret Surrender
John Newhouse: War And Peace In The Nuclear Age Mr. David Holloway: Stalin and the Bomb: The Soviet Union and Atomic Energy, 1939-1956 Cromer The Earl of: Modern Egypt (Volume I)
Aldred, Cyril: Middle Kingdom Art in Ancient Egypt 2300-1590 B.C Caroe, Olaf: The Pathans Charles Alexander Robinson, Jr: Alexander the Great: The Meeting of East and West in World Government and Brotherhood
Wright, William: An Account of Palmyra and Zenobia with Travels and Adventures in Bashan and the Desert Vandenberg, Philipp; Translated by Ruth Hein: Nefertiti: An Archaeological Biography Hitti, Philip K: The Near East in History: A 5000 Year Story
Robin Fedden; John Thomson: Crusader Castles Ian Knight: Great Zulu Battles 1838-1906 Nevins, Allan: America Through British Eyes
Turner, Frederick Jackson: Rise of the New West, 1819-1829 Amir Habibullah; Gul, Jamal: My Life: From Brigand to King--Autobiography of Amir Habibullah Cubbins, William R: The War of the Cotton-Tails : Memoirs of a WWII Bomber Pilot
McGovern, James: Crossbow and Overcast David Alan Johnson: The Battle Of Britain: July-October 1940 (Great Campaigns) Garlinski, Jozef: Hitler's Last Weapons: The Underground War Against the V1 and V2
H. Montgomery Hyde: The Atom Bomb Spies Irving, David: German Atomic Bomb: History of Nuclear Research in Nazi Germany Mark Walker: Nazi Science: Myth, Truth, and the German Atomic Bomb
Medawar, Jean; Pyke, David: Hitler's Gift: The True Story of the Scientists Expelled By the Nazi Regime Homer Hickam: Rocket Boys: A Memoir (The Coalwood Series #1) Wilhelm, Maria: The Man Who Watched the Rising Sun: The Story of Admiral Ellis M. Zacharias
Collier, Basil: The Battle of the V-Weapons 1944-45 Fermi, Laura: Atoms in the Family My Life with Enrico Fermi Downes, Donald: The Scarlet Thread: Adventures in Wartime Espionage
Bird, Harrison: Navies In The Mountains: The Battles On The waters Of Lake Champlain And Lake George, 1609-1814 Lunt, James: Charge to Glory! Quennell, Peter: Diversions of History
Bird, Harrison: Attack on Quebec: American Invasion of Canada 1775 Borden, Morton: The Federalism of James A. Bayard Willard, Emma: Abridged History of the United States; or, Republic of America
Westropp, Hodder M: Handbook of Archaeology Egyptian - Greek - Etruscan - Roman Burton, Richard: The Perfumed Garden of the Sheik Nefzaoui Collis, Maurice: The Hurling Time
Russell, Bertrand: Power: A New Social Analysis Maxime Rodinson: Mohammed Giles Milton: Paradise Lost: Smyrna, 1922
Francesco Gabrieli: Arab Historians of the Crusades Oesterley, W.O.E. and Robinson, Theodore H: A History of Israel (2 Volume Set) Volume I: From the Exodus to the Fall of Jerusalem, 586 B.C. And Volume II: From the Fall of Jerusalem, 586 B. C. To the Bar-Kokhba Revolt, A.D. 135 Alyn Brodsky: The Kings Depart: The Saga of the Empire Judah Maccabee Created and His Heirs Destroyed
Rubin, Barry: Paved with Good Intentions: The American Experience and Iran Bradford, Ernle Dusgate Selby: Gibraltar: the history of a fortress Guerdan, Rene: Byzantium: Its Triumphs And Tragedy
Gunga Din, Ali Mirdekvandi: No Heaven For Gunga Din Russell, Jack: Gibraltar Besieged 1779-1783 Brauer, George C: Judaea Weeping
Callahan, North: Royal Raiders. The Tories of the American Revolution Falls, Cyril: Elizabeth's Irish Wars Schlesinger, Arthur M: Prelude to Independence: The Newspaper War on Britain, 1764-1776
Botkin, B.A: A Treasury Of Mississippi River Folklore: Stories, Ballads and Traditions of the Mid-American River Country Gardiner, Dorothy: West of the River Hanna, Matthew Elting: Tactical Principles and Problems
Ronald, Susan: The Pirate Queen: Queen Elizabeth I, Her Pirate Adventurers, and the Dawn of Empire Shreve, Royal Ornan: The Finished Scoundrel: General James Wilkinson, Sometime Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the United States, Who Made Intrigue a Trade and Treason a Profession Richard Sanders: If a Pirate I Must Be...: The True Story of Black Bart, King of the Caribbean Pirates
Ashley, Maurice: Cromwell's Generals Ritchie, Robert: Captain Kidd and the War against the Pirates Abraham Phineas Nasatir: Borderland in Retreat: From Spanish Louisiana to the Far Southwest
William H. McNeill: The Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed Force, and Society Since A.D. 1000 Alexander Hamilton; James Madison; John Jay; Edited by John C. Hamilton: The Federalist (Conservative Leadership Series): A Commentary on the Constitution of the United States. A Collection of Essays Cipolla, Carlo: Guns, Sails and Empires: Technological Innovation and European Expansion 1400-1700
Robbins, Harold: The Carpetbaggers Wade, Mason: Francis Parkman: Heroic Historian Shepard, Odell and Willard: Jenkins' Ear: A Narrative Attributed to Horace Walpole, Esq
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