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PILLSBURY, BARBARA and, WANG DING HO: West Meets East: life among Chinese
REISCHAUER, HARU MATSUKATA: Samurai and silk. A Japanese and American heritage
SHAPIRO, MICHAEL: Japan: In the Land of the Brokenhearted
HAHN, EMILY: The Tiger House Party: The Last Days of the Maharajas
SCOVEL, MYRA with, BELL, NELLE KEYS: The Chinese ginger jars
REID, HOWARD and, CROUCHER, MICHAEL: The way of the warrior. The paradox of the martial arts
HARVEY, ROBERT: The undefeated. The rise, fall and rise of Greater Japan
WOODMAN, MARION: Leaving My Father's House : A Journey to Conscious Femininity
IRIYE, AKIRA: Power and Culture: The Japanese-American War, 1941-1945
LEA, HOMER (1876-1912): The valor of ignorance. Introduction by Clare Boothe
CROW, CARL: Master Kung the story of Confucius
PEREIRA, GEORGE [EDWARD] and YOUNGHUSBAND, FRANCIS [compiler]: Peking to Lhasa. the Narrative of Journeys in the Chinese Empire Made by the Late Brigadier-General George Pereira
Our flying Navy
TAKASHIMA, S: Illustrations of Japanese life. (cover illustration of a lantern)
LATTIMORE, OWEN: Solution in Asia
GLICK, CARL: Shake hands with the dragon
HOPKIRK, PETER: Foreign Devils on the Silk Road: The Search for the Lost Cities and Treasures of Chinese Central Asia
WILSON, DICK: The Long March 1935: the Epic of Chinese Communism's Survival
HAN SUYIN: Wind in the tower: Mao Tsetung and the Chinese Revolution. 1949- 1975
Poncins, Gontran De: From a Chinese City
Yokohama City Office: General Introduction of Yokohama, Japan
Novack, John A. (Project Manager): Handbook on the Soviet Armed Forces. DDB-2680-40-78. Information Cutoff Date: 1 December 1977
HACKETT, General Sir JOHN: The Third World War. August 1985. by General Sir John Hackett and Other Top-Ranking NATO Generals and Advisors
Denenberg, Barry: The Journal of Ben Uchida: Citizen 13559 Mirror Lake Internment Camp
Salisbury, Harrison E: The New Emperors: China in the Era of Mao and Deng
Hawks, Ellison: The Wonders of Speed
Freeman, Douglas Southall and Harwell, Richard: Lee, an Abridgment in One Volume by Richard Harwell of the Four-Volume R. E. Lee by Douglas Southall Freeman
MOSKIN, J[OHN] ROBERT: The U.S. Marine Corps story
Knight, Austin M: Modern Seamanship 15th Edition
Nye, Naomi Shihab editor: What Have You Lost? Poems
Reck, Franklin M: The Romance of American Transportation
MANCHESTER, WILLIAM (Raymond): The Last Lion. Winston Spencer Churchiill. Alone 1932-1940
Richardson, Tim: Sweets: a History of Candy
New Yorker: The New Yorker Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Album. 1925- 1950
Douglas, Mary editor: Witchcraft Confessions and Accusations
Livermore, Thomas L: Numbers and Losses in the Civil War in America, 1861-65
Simpson, Jeffrey: The American Family. a History in Photographs
Stern, Philip Van Doren editor: The Civil War Christmas Album
Cohen-Salal, Annie: Sartre. a Life
Cunningham, Noble E. , Jr: In Pursuit of Reason: the Life of Thomas Jefferson
Gifford, George E. , Jr. editor: Physician Signers of the Declaration of Independence
HAXBY, JAMES A: The Royal Canadian Mint and Canadian Coinage. Striking Impressions
Hunter, Simon: The Official Koala Handbook
BARRON, JOHN: KGB. The secret work of Soviet secret agents
Furneaux, Rupert: The Pictorial History of the American Revolution, As Told by Eyewitnesses and Participants
Brander, Michael: Over the Lowlands
Johnson, Paul: The Birth of the Modern. World Society 1815-1830
Leffingwell, Randy: Mustang: America's Classic Pony Car
Mead, Margaret (Words) and Heyman, Ken (Photographs): World Enough. Rethinking the Future
Nofi, Albert A: The Gettysburg Campaign June and July, 1863. the Great Military Campaigns of History
YEE, PAUL [RICHARD]: Struggle and hope. The story of Chinese Canadians
Krug, Johanna: Prisen Aus Kleinen Tabakflaschen. Notizen Und Bilder Einer Sammlung
Selden, Mark: The Yenan Way in Revolutionary China
United States Court Of Claims: In the Court of Claims of the United States. China and Japan Trading Company, Limited, Vs. the United States. No. 30,251. Brief for Claimant. Crammond Kennedy, Attorney for Claimant, Bond Building, Washington, D. C. Frank C. Partridge, William E. Chandler
Hosokawa, Bill: Nisei: the Quiet Americans
Conant, Jennet: Tuxedo Park: a Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science That Changed the Course of World War II
Mar, Wing, editor In Chief: Portraits of Pride; Chinese Historical Society of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, 2005
Douglas, George [Brisbane]: Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales
Johnson, Gaylord: The Sky Movies. with One Hundred Pictures
Lytton, Robert Bulwer ("owen Meredith"): The Ring of Amasis: from the Papers of a German Physician
Mother Hubbard's Melodies: A Book For Nurseries
Rheault, Charles A. , Jr: In Retrospect: the Riverside Press, 1852-1971
Smith, Laura Rountree: The Tale of Curly-Tail
Wilson, Daniel Munro: Where American Independence Began: Quincy, its Famous Group of Patriots; Their Deeds, Homes, and Descendants
Walker, Mick: Miller's Collectors Cars Price Guide 2005-2006
Ramage, C. Kenneth: Lyman Centennial Journal 1878-1978
Greg Martin Auctions: Fine Antique & Collectible Arms, Armor and Sporting Guns, Including Estate Arms and Armor and Historic Memorabilia. Auction: June 26 and 27, 2006
Kolarz, Walter: The Peoples of the Soviet Far East
Rowe, David Nelson: Informal "Diplomatic Relations" the Case of Japan and the Republic of China, 1972-1974
Rowe, David Nelson and, Yen, Sophia S. F. (editors): Index to Su-Lien Yin-Mou Wen-Cheng
Fifield, Russell H: The Diplomacy of Southeast Asia: 1945-1958
Firth, Raymond: Malay Fishermen: Their Peasant Economy
Griffin, W. Hall (Completed and edited by Harry Christopher Minchin): The Life of Robert Browning: with Notices of His Writings, His Family & His Friends
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