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PRYBYLA, JAN S: The Political Economy of Communist China BURCHETT, WILFRED G: Vietnam North Lelong, M.-H. (Maurice-Hyacinthe): Il est dangereux de se pencher au dehors relation d'un Voyage
KAWAKAMI, K(IYOSHI) K(ARL) (1875-1949): Manchoukuo : child of conflict LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT: The development of China DALLIN, DAVID J[ULIEVICH] (1889-1962): Soviet Russia and the Far East
ELISSEEFF, VADIME: Japon immortel texte par Vadime Elisseeff HSIA CHIH-YEN: The coldest winter in Peking : a novel from inside China HUANG HAN LIANG: The land tax in China
LEVY, MARION J(OSEPH) Jr: The family revolution in modern China LEWIN, PAULINE: The foreign trade of Communist China its impact on the free world LEWIS, ELIZABETH FOREMAN (1892-1958): Portraits from a Chinese scroll. Illustrations by Virginia Stout. Calligraphy by Chen Chao-ming
LIN, ANOR (LIN TAIYI): War tide LOWE, C.H. (CHUAN-HUA): Notable books on Chinese studies : a selected, annotated, and subject-divided bibliographic guide CHENG, NIEN: Life and death in Shanghai
MacDONALD, MALCOLM (JOHN): Inside China. With photographsy by William MacQuitty MANCALL, MARK: Russia and China their diplomatic relations to 1728 MAO TSE-TUNG: On contradiction
Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League, Republic of China: Mao's purge of senior military cadre MILLARD, THOMAS F. (Thomas Franklin): Our Eastern Question. America's Contact with the Orient and the Trend of Relations with China and Japan ROSENFIELD, JOHN M. and SHUJIRO SHIMADA: Traditions of Japanese Art: Selections From the Kimiko and John Powers Collection
MOHR, Professor E.C. JUL. (Edward Carl Julius) 1873-1970: The soils of equatorial regions with special reference to the Netherlands East Indies KUBEK, Dr. ANTHONY: The red China papers. What Americans deserve to know about U.S.-Chinese relations HU PU-YU: The military exploits and deeds of President Chiang Kai-shek. Translated by Chen Kuei-liang. Revised by Hsu Long-hsuen..
WHITNEY, WILLIAM DWIGHT, Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology in Yale College: Oriental And Linguistic Studies, Second Series: The East And West Religion And Mythology; Orthography And Phonology; Hindu Astronomy HUNTER, NEALE: Shanghai journal. An eyewitness account of the Cultural Revolution UTLEY, FREDA: The China story
YAO, MING-LE: The Conspiracy and Death of Lin Biao. Translated from the Chinese. With an introduction by Stanley Karnow TRUMBULL, ROBERT editor: This is Communist China, by the staff of Yomiuri shimbun, Tokyo. Edited by Robert Trumbull, Chief, Tokyo Bureau, New York Times Literature and the arts. Compiled by the China Handbook Editorial Committee translated by Bonnie S. McDougall and Hu Liuyu. China Handbook Series
GREW, JOSEPH C(LARK): Ten years in Japan. A contemporary record drawn from the diaries and private and official papers of Joseph C. Grew, United States ambassador to Japan, 1932- 1942 SIDEL, RUTH: Women and child care in China. A first hand report LIN YUTANG: With love and irony. Illustrated by Kurt Wiese
LITTLE, FRANCES: Little Sister Snow MIYOSHI, Dr. MANABU: Sakura. Japanese cherry PALOCZI-HORVATH, GEORGE: Mao Tse-tung, emperor of the blue ants
FEUERWERKER, ALBERT: Modern China LORD, BETTE BAO: Spring Moon : A Novel of China Oriental Steamship Company (Tokyo): Toyo Kisen Kaisha, Oriental Steamship Company
PEFFER, NATHANIEL: The Far East, a modern history ROSS, NANCY WILSON: Three ways of Asian wisdom. Hinduism, Buddhism, Zen and their significance for the west ROWAN, CARL T: The pitiful and the proud
TERRILL, ROSS: The white boned demon. A biography of Madame Mao Zedong THEROUX, PAUL: The great railway bazaar. By train through Asia VANDENBOSCH, AMRY and, BUTWELL, RICHARD: The changing face of Southeast Asia
WANG, FANG-YU: The lady in the painting. Mirror Series A. No. 23. Drawings by Luke Chen WU, YUAN-LI: The economy of communist China. An introduction MILN, LOUISE JORDAN (1864-1933): The flutes of Shanghai
NOGUCHI, YONE (Yonejiro): Japan and America PAHK, INDUK: September monkey QUIGLEY, HAROLD S(cott) and, TURNER, JOHN E: The New Japan Government and Politics
REISCHAUER, EDWIN O(LDFATHER): Japan, past and present RIBOUD, MARC: The three banners of China GRAVES, ROBERT: Lawrence and the Arabian adventure
TREVOR-ROPER, HUGH (REDWALD): Hermit of Peking. The hidden life of Edmund Backhouse LAU SHAW (i.e. LAU SHE): Rickshaw boy. Translated from the Chinese by Evan King KELLY, BRIAN and, LONDON, MARK: The four little dragons
THOMAS, LOWELL: Out of This World: Across the Himalayas to Forbidden Tibet LEGGETT, TREVOR: Zen and the ways KAHN, E[LY] J[ACQUES] Jr: The China hands: America's foreign service officers and what befell them
RICE, BERKELEY: The C-5A scandal. An inside story of the military-industrial complex THORP, WILLARD L. (editor): The United States and the Far East. (Second edition) LEBOUTILLIER, JOHN: Vietnam now. A case for normalizing relations with Hanoi
HINTON, WILLIAM: Shenfan SALISBURY, HARRISON E: The Long March The Untold Story HEARN, LAFCADIO: Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. Volume I
PENG, KUO-LIANG: Stories of Little Red Guards LEE, ULYSSES (GRANT): The Employment of Negro Troops. United States Army in World War II. Special Studies GREENBIE, SYDNEY and, GREENBIE, MARJORIE: Gold of Ophir, or The Lure that Made America
LABARGE, WILLIAM H., Lt Cmdr USN and, HOLT, ROBERT LAWRENCE: Sweetwater Gunslinger 201. A saga of carrier pilots who live by chance love by choice SLYKE, LYMAN P. VAN: Yangtze : nature, history, and the river KAPLAN, DAVID E: Fires of the Dragon : Politics, Murder, and the Kuomintang
HALLION, RICHARD: Supersonic Flight - the Story of the Bell X-1 and Douglas D-558 LEWIS, PETER: The British Fighter Since 1912. Sixty Years of Design and Development TAYLOR, JOHN W.R. and, SWANBOROUGH, GORDON: Military aircraft of the world
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