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G.B. Piranesi: Pianta di Roma e del Campo Marzo Pietro Ruga: Pianta Topografica Della Citta di Roma Dell' Anno 1821 Stier; Knapp: Pianta Della Citta Di Roma
De Fer: Plan des villes de Londres et de Westminster et de Leurs Faubourgs avec le Bourg de Southwark Tindal, Rapin: Bruges one of the Principal Cities of Flanders Francois Valentijn: Nieuwe Kaart van Choromandel ende Malabar
J. Bouchette: Plan of the Town of Guelf Upper Canada Bouchette: City of Montreal J. Bouchette: Plan of the Town of Goderich Upper Canada
Matthaeus Seutter: Le Plan de Paris ses Faubourgs et ses Environs… Homann: Carte des Indes Orientales Braun & Hogenberg: Roma
A.T. Chartier: Planisphere Des Barres: Charlotte Bay S. Munster: Paritz
Attilio Zuccani-Orlandini: Planta della citta de Roma Hellert: Constantinople Ottens: Theatre de la Guerre Contre les Turcs & Les Tartares avec les Marches de Armees de sa Majeste.; Theatrum Belli A: MDCCXXXVII a milite Augustae Russorum Imperatricis. .
Capt. Halls; Thompson: Corea and Japan A Vuillemin: Nouveau Plan Illustre de la Ville T. Kitchen: Plan of the North Port of Gibraltar as it was Besieged by the Spaniards and French in the year 1704
N. de Fer: Les Frontieres D'Espagne et de Portugal De L'Isle: Nova Regni Hispaniae Accurata Descripto ad Usum Serenissimi Burgundiae Ducis W.H. Greegor: Map of the County of Middlesex Ontario
C.L. Smith: Map of the County of Brant H.C. Sheffield: County of Wentworth, Ont Apres de Mannevillette: Carte Plate qui comprend I'Isle de Ceylan, et unt partie des Cotes de Malabar et de Coromandel
De Fer: L'Atlas Curieux ou Le Monde V. Lavasseur: Title page to the "Atlas National Illustre des 86 Departements et des Possessions de la France" De Fer: Vienne Capitale de l'Archiduche d'Autriche Residence ordinaire des Empereurs. .
N. de Fer: Cercle de Baviere Bellin: Carte Reduite de la Mer du Sud Duval: Carte de L'Italie et des Isles adjacentes
J. Wyld: A Map of Ireland divided into Provinces and Counties shewing the Great and Cross Roads Bellin: Carte Des Isles Philippines Celebes et Moluques Bellin: Carte des Costes de Cochinchine Tunquin et Partie de celles de la Chine
Bellin: Carte Des Isles de Java, Sumatra Borneo Homann: La Ville et Havre de Toulon avec ses forts Mount & Page: A Chart of the Coast of Ireland and Part of England
Jansonius: Nova Totius Livoniae Claude Joseph Sauthier, Homann: Mappa Geographica Provinciae Novae Eboraci ab Anglis New York L.S. De La Rochette: Lower Egypt and the Adjacent Deserts with part of Palestine
W.H. Smyth: Plan du Port et des Fortifications De La Valette M.H. Stansbury: Map of the United States Territory of Oregon R.W. Seale: A Map of the Kingdom of Ireland
Burr: Map of the Northern Parts of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois R and I Ottens: Plan de Jedo N. de Fer: L'Isle de Wight
J. Rapkin: Europe J. Rapkin: Russia in Asia J. Rapkin: Channel Islands
J. Rapkin: Central America Joseph Roux: Palme Bellin; Bachiene; Bowen: Nieuwe en Naukeurige Kaart van het Keizerryk Japan
John Baily: Map of Central America Including the States of Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica Hondius; Mercator: Hispaniae Nova Descriptio, de integro multis inlocis… Hondius; Mercator: Prussia
Hondius; Mercator: Irlandiae Regnum Mount and Page: Barbados John Thomson: Persia
La Perouse: Plan des Iles Juriles et des Terres peu connues F. Hassendeubel: Plan of Santa-Cruz de Rosales & of the operations of the U.S. Troops under Command of Brig. Gen. S. Price during the siege and storming of the place on the 16th of March 1848 U.S. War Department: Sketch of the Battle of Sacramento
J.L. Pemberton: Sketch of the route General Worth's Column from Chapultepec to the Alameda in the attack upon the City of Mexico 13th and 14th Sepetmber 1847 L.H. Hardcastle: Map of the Valley of Mexico L.F. Hardcastle: Sketch of the Operations of the 1st Division United States Army under the Command of General Worth on the 8th Sept 1847
Turnbull; McClellan; Cooper: Survey of the Mexican Lines of Defence at Cerro Gordo and the Lines of Attack of the American Army under Major General Scott on the 17th and 18th of April 1847 H. Ehrenberg; W.H. Warner: La Paz Linnard; Pope; Franklin: Plan of the Battle of Buena-Vista
Mason, Hardcastle: Map of Genl. Worth's Operations on the 20th of Aug 1847 Hardcastle, Turnbull, McClellan: Battles of Mexico, Line of Operations of the U.S. Army under the command of Major General Winfield Scott on the 8th, 12th and 13th of September 1847 Maj. Turnbull; Capt. McClellan; Lieut. Hardcastle: Battles of Mexico, Line of Operations of the U.S. Army under the Command of Major General Winfielf Scott on the 19th and 20th of August 1847
Kitchen: Karte von Ireland John Cooke: Plan of the City of St. Petersburg The Imperial Residence 1801 Seutter: Pontus Euxinus Hodie Mare Nigrum Cara Denghiz Turcis Zorno More Russis…
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