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R.V. Tooley: Maps and Map-Makers Michael Swift: Historical Maps of Canada Derek Hayes: Historical Atlas of Canada, Canada's History Illustrated with Original Maps
John Goss: The Mapping of North America Three centuries of map-making 1500-1860 W.P. Cumming, R.A. Skelton, D.B. Quinn: The Discovery of North America Stefan Lorant: The New World The First Pictures of America
Douglas Gohm: Antique Maps of Europe, the Americas, West Indies, Australasia, Africa, the Orient Adrian Johnson: America Explored Pierluigi Portinaro and Franco Knirsch: The Cartography of North America 1500-1800
Theodore de Bry, Michael Alexander: Discovering the New World John Goss: Bleau's The Grand Atlas of the 17th Century World Charles Robert Leslie; Tom Taylor: Life and Times of Sir Joshua Reynolds
Joseph Bouchette: The British Dominions in North America; or, a Topographical and statistical Description of the Provinces of Lower Canada and Upper Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the Islands of Newfoundland, Prince Edward, and Cape Breton. Including considerations on the land-granting and emigration. To which are annexed, statistical tables and tabels of distances John Evelyn: Sylva, or a Discourse of Forest-Trees, and the Propagation of Timber In His Majesties Dominions. As it was Deliver d in the Royal Society the xvth of October, MDCLXII. Upon occasion of certain Queries propounded to that Illustrious Assembly John Scott: The Sportsman s Album, Comprising a Series of Highly-Finished Engravings Illustrative of British Field Sports
William Ainsworth: Ainsworth’s Works Katherine Hale: Canadian Cities of Romance William Kingsford 1819-1898: The Early Bibliography of the Province of Ontario, Dominion of Canada, with other information. A Supplemental Chapter of Canadian Archaeology
W. Somerset Maugham: A Writer s Notebook G. Franklin Allee: In the Shawdow of the Big Horns George Philip: Philips’ International Atlas
Robert Southey: The Complete Political Works of Robert Southey, LL. D Samuel Johnson: The Works of the English Poets. With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical James Whitcomb Riley: Songs O’Cheer
Omar Khayyam; Edward Fitzgerald, tr: Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Marco Polo: The Travels of Marco Polo The Venetian. With and Introduction by John Masefield Louis Rhead: Bold Robin Hood and His Outlaw Band, their Famous Exploits in Sherwood Forest
John Selden; Nathaniel Bacon: An Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England from the First Times to the End of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. With a Vindication of the Antient Way of Parliaments in England Comp. Sellers, John R. and Patricia Molen Van Ee: Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies 1750-1789 Cumming, William P: The Southeast in Early Maps
William Shakespeare; Alexander Pope: The Works of Shakespear in Six Volumes George Denholm Armour: Humour in the Hunting field Lajos Stegena: Lazarus Secretarius The First Hungarian Mapmaker and his WorK
ed. Fite, Emerson D. and Archibald Freeman: A Book of Old Maps Delineating American History: From the Earliest Days Down to the Close of the Revolutionary War Bricker, Charles: Landmarks of Mapmaking: An Illustration Survey of Maps and Mapmakers Roger Baynton-Williams: Investing in Maps
Armstrong, Joe C.W: From Sea Unto Sea: Art and Discovery Maps of Canada Charles Carrington: Untrodden Fields of Anthropology Observations of the Esoteric Manners and Customs of Semi-Civilized Peoples; being a record of thirty years’ experience in Asia, Africa, America and Oceania Karel Plicka: Prahave Fotografii
Maurice Bompard: Mon Ambassade en Russie 1903 -1908 William Light: Sicilian Scenery from Drawings by P. De Wint. The original Sketches by Major Light W.N. Russell: Memorial of the Marriage of HRH Albert Edward Prince of Wales and HRH Alexandra Princess of Denmark
James Matthew Barrie 1860 - 1937: Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens Illustrated by Arthur Rackham M. H. Daumier: Les Cent et un Robert-Macaire Quayle, Eric: The Collector's Book of Books
Simmons, R.C: British Imprints Relating to North America 1621-1760: An Annotated Checklist George N. Curzon: Persia and the Persian Question John Charles Dent: The Canadian Portrait Gallery
Sandford Fleming: Report on surveys and preliminary operations on the Canadian Pacific Railway Robert Huish: Memoirs of George the Third James D. Hart: The Oxford Companion of American Literature
J. Dawson: Report on the Exploration on the Country between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement Jedidiah Morse: A Compendious History of New England designed for Schools and Private Families Henry Youle Hind: North-West Territory. Reports of Progress Together with A Preliminary and General Report on the Assinboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition Made under Instruction from the Provincial Secretary
Helen Fagg: Adventures in Americana 1492-1897 C. Frommel: Ansichten Aus Griechenland / Vues de la Grece R. M. Lockley: Islands Round Britain
Emma DeLong: The Voyage of the Jeannette Muhammad Hasan Khan: Mirat i buldan i Nasiri (An Historical and Geographical Dictionary, with Special Reference to Persia; completed only to 4 volumes) [VOLUME 3 ONLY] Johannes Hieronimus Beaujon: Specimen Juridicum Inaugurale, de Variis Modis, Quibus Variis Temporibus jus Civitatis Romanae Acquiri Potuerit. .
Lucien N. B. Wyse: Le Canal de Panama H.F. Walling: Tackabury’s Atlas of the Dominion of Canada Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
Vernon How Bailey: Little Known Towns of Spain Watercolors and Drawings Geoffrey Chaucer, John Urry: The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Compared with the Former editions, and many valuable MSS. Out of which, Three Tales are added which were never before Printed Rollin; M. Crevier: Histoire Romaine Depuis la Fondation de Rome
Sadi: Gulistan ou Le Parterre de Roses Sadi: The Gulistan of Musle-Huddeen Shaik Sady of Sheeraz Sadi; Edward B. Eastwick, tr: The Gulistan; or, Rose Garden
Robert F. Scott: The Voyage of the ‘Discovery’ Sadi: Le Boustan de Sadi. Texte Persan avec un Commentaire Persan Sadi; Burton, tr: Tales from the Gulistan or the Rose-Garden of the Sheikh Sadi of Shiraz
George Lyttleton: Dialogues of the Dead Sadi; A.C. Barbier de Meynard, tr: Le Boustan ou Verger Poeme Persan de Saadi Pliny; Livy; Giovanni Tacuino; Giovani Bemo, ed: Annotationes vertes & recentes ex Plinio, Livio & Pluribus Authoribus (and other works by Beroaldo, Poliziano, Egnazio, Calderino, and Pio.)
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