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Schug-Wille,Christa: Art of the Byzantine World Mansel, Philip: Constantinople: City of the World's Desire, 1453-1924 Mango,Cyril: Byzantium : The Empire of New Rome
Cameron, Avril: Oi Byzantinoi Clark, Victoria: Why Angels Fall: a Journey Through Orthodox Europe From Byzantium to Kosovo Barker, John W: Manuel II Palaeologus (1391-1425) A Study in Late Byzantine Statesmanship
Kelly, Michael [trans]: Jousts of Aphrodite: Erotic Verse translated from the original Greek Trypanis, C.A (Constantine Athanasios): Medieval and Modern Greek Poetry : An Anthology Trypanis, C.A (Constantine Athanasios): The Penguin Book of Greek Verse
Merchant, Paul [ed]: Modern poetry in translation, 4 : Greece Friar, Kimon: New Greek Poets : an anthology and commentary [IN Poetry Vol.78 No, 3 J June 1951 Bennett, Janey: The Pale Surface of Things
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Sotheby's: The Estate of Jacqueline Kannedy Onassis April23-26 1996 Ondaatje, Michael: Divisadero Fotheringham, Allan: Boy from Nowhere: A Life in Ninety-One Countries
Sophocles: The Theban Plays : King Oedipus,Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone Sophocles: Oidipus Ha-Melekh = Oedipus Rex e Graeco Sermone in Hebreum Longus; Xenophon & Dio Chrysostom, Hadas, Moses (Ed.): Three Greek Romances : Three stories from Ancient Greek : Daphnis & Chloe ;An Ephesian Tale; The Hunters of Euboea
Apuleius, Lucius: The Golden Asse Petronius Arbiter: Satyricon ( IN : Apuleius, The Golden Asse..) Longus: Daphnis & Chloe IN : Apuleius, The Golden Asse..)
Longus (Trans. George Thornley): Daphnis & Chloe : Translated Out of the Greek Of Longus By George Thornley in 1657 Aitken, Hannah: Music for the Journey Ayrton,Elisabeth: Silence in Crete (UK title : The Cretan)
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Roxborough, Henry: Olympic Hero: A Tale of the 87th Greek Games International Olympic Academy: Report of the Twelfth Session of the International Olympic Academy at Olympia. (July 1972) Gardiner, Edward Norman: Athletics of the Ancient World
Perrottet, Tony: The Naked Olympics: The True Story of the Ancient Games Rice,Tamara Talbot: Everyday Life in Byzantium Scanlon, Thomas F: Olympia and Macedonia : Games, Gymnasia and Politics
Spivey, Nigel: The Ancient Olympics Miller, Stephen G: Arete - Ancient Writers, Papyri and Inscriptions Karnazes, Dean: 50/50: Secrets I Learned Running 50 Marathons in 50 Days--and How You Too Can Achieve Super Endurance
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McCormick, Michael: Eternal Victory: Triumphal Rulership in Late Antiquity, Byzantium and the Early Medieval West Miller, Dean A: Imperial Constantinople (Historical Cities series) Rice, David Talbot: Byzantine Art
Dickinson,Peter: Lizard in the Cup Deagan,Ann: The Diver's Tomb Collenette, Eric J: The Gemini Plot : A Sea Novel of World War II
Bliss, Corinne Demas: The Same River Twice Pressfield, Steven: Last of the Amazons Sweetman, David: Mary Renault : A Biography
Rouse, W.H.D [William Henry Denham]: Homer Thorpe, Martin: Homer [ Inside the ancient world series] Pick,Robert: The Escape of Socrates
Phillips, Marie: Gods Behaving Badly Hesiod [Athanassakis, Apostolos N.]: Hesiod - Theogony, Works and Days, Shield Quintus De Smyrne: La Guerre de Troie ou La Fin de L'Iliade = The Trojan War or The End of the Iliad
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Veyne, Paul [ed]: A History of Private Life [1] From Pagan Rome to Byzantium Prendergast, Guy Lushington: A Complete Concordance to the Iliad of Homer Thomas, C.G. (editor): Homer's History: Mycenaean or Dark Age?
Quennell,Marjorie and Quennell,C.H.B: Everyday Things in Homeric Greece Ambler,Eric: A Coffin for Demetrios About, Edmond [Arthur C.Ropes]: Le Roi Des Montagnes
Beye, Charles Rowan: The Iliad, the Odyssey and the Epic Tradition Todeschi, Kevin J: Mythic Troy: The Complete Story Legend Archeology and Intuition Homer [ Butcher & Lang]: The Odyssey of Homer, Translated Into English Prose
Griffin, Jasper: Homer: The Odyssey Schildt,Goran: In The Wake of Ulysses [Alternative Title "In The Wake of Odyseus"] Connor, W. Robert: New Politicians of Fifth Century Athens
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