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Von Kirchmeyer, Carl Valentin: Gradlitzer Brunn-Quelle Hubbard, Elbert: Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Orators: William Pitt Wesley, Rev. John: A Collection of Hymns For the Use of the People Called Methodists
Badlam, Alexander: The Wonders of Alaska with Illustrations and Maps Cooper, Samuel: The First Lines of the Practice of Surgery. Being an Elementary Work for Students, and a Concise Book of Reference for Practitioners. In Two Parts Baric, Jules Jean Antoine: Ces Bonnes Petites Femmes
Reed, J. Eugene: The Masterpieces of German Art Illustrated Being Biographical History of Art in German and the Netherlands. From the Earliest Period to the Present Time Verne, Jules: The Fur Country or Seventy Degrees North Latitude Bartlett, W.H: The Pilgrim Fathers; or, The Founders of New England in the Reign of James the First
Pennant, Thomas: The Journey from Chester to London Soulé, Frank, John H. Gihon, and James Nisbet: The Annals of San Francisco; Containing A Summery of the History of the First Discovery, Settlement, Progress, and Present Condition of California, and a Complete History of all the Important Events Connected with Its Great City: to Which are Added Biographical Memoirs of Some Prominent Citizens Dent, John Charles: The Last Forty Years: Canada Since the Union of 1841
Mackenzie, Alex: The Life and Speeches of Hon. George Brown Nobody, A. (Gordon Browne) 1858-1932: Some More Nonsense for the Same Bodies as Before Nobody, A. (Gordon Browne) 1858-1932: Nonsense For Somebody, Anybody, or Everybody, Particularly the Baby Body
Weedon, L.L. and Evelyn Fletcher: The Model Menagerie: A Novel Picture Book of Wild Animals Prime, Nathaniel S: A History of Long Island, From its First Settlement by Europeans, to the Year 1845, with Special Reference to its Ecclesiastical Concerns. In Two Parts. I. Its Physical Features and Civil Affairs. II. Annals of the Several Towns, Relating Chiefly to Ecclesiastical Matters Smith, W.H: Canada: Past, Present, and Future. Being a Historical, Geographical, Geological, and Statistical Account of Canada West
Seton-Watson, R.W: Slovakia Then and Now: A Political Survey. By Many Slovak Authors, Arranged by R.W. Seton-Watson Bunyan, John: The Pilgrim s Progress Marryat, Capt. C.B: A Diary in America with Remarks on its Institutions. Part Second
Thomson, Rev. Thomas: The Works of the Ettrick Shepherd. 2 Volumes: Poems and Ballads; Tales and Sketches Ingoldsby, Thomas: The Jackdaw of Rheims: An Antient Ballad Thiers, M. Adolphe: History of the French Revolution
Mongault, L’Abbé: Lettres de Ciceron à Atticus avec des Remarques et le Texte Latin de L’Edition de Grævius Palustre, Léon: La Renaissance en France Morton, Rev. James: The Monastic Annals of Teviotdale. Or, The History and Antiquities of the Abbeys of Jedburgh, Kelso, Melros, and Dryburgh
Horace: Q. Horatius Flaccus ex Recensione Gesneri et Zeunii. Cum Praecipua Lectionis Varietate Borin, B: From Slavery to Freedom: How Peasants Became Slaves and How They Became Free (translation) Vsevolod Voinov: Paintings on Wood
Arngold, M: Navies of Fighting Powers (translation) Pushkin, A. S: (Portraits and Illustrations...), translation Shelkunov, M. I: History and Techniques About the Art of Book Printing (translation)
Gorfunkel, A.H: (Katalog Inkunabulov. Early Book Printing), translation Tolstoy, L.N: The Man Who Was Dead (The Living Corpse), translation Ignatiev, E.I: (In Kingdom of Quick Thinking, or Arithmetic for Every One. Book For Family and School. Experience of Mathematical Chrestomathy), translated
Paton, Mrs. Whitecross: Letters and Sketches from the New Hebrides Richardson, C.J: Studies from Old English Mansions. Third Series Porter, Rev. J.L: The Giant Cities of Bashan: And Syria’s Holy Places
Murray, Hugh: History of British India. Continued to the Year 1856 Fielding, Henry. (1707-1754): The Works of Henry Fielding, in Six Volumes. The History of Tom Jones: A Foundling I, II and III; Amelia, I and II; The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews Helsham, Richard: A Course of Lectures in Natural Philosophy
Christopher Saint German: The Dialogue in English, betweene a Doctor of Divinity and a Student in the Laws of England Thomas Pennant: A Tour in Wales William Scott Douglas: Modern Athenians a series of original portraits of memorable citizens of Edinburgh
Christoph Hermann von Manstein: Memoirs of Russia, Historical, Political, and Military, from the Year MDCCXXVII, to MDCCXLIV. A Period Comprehending many Remarkable Events. In Particular the Wars of Russia with Turky [sic] and Sweden. With Supplement, containing a Summary Account of the State of the Military, the Marine, the Commerce, etc., of that Great Empire Officina Elzeviriana: Respublica, sive Status regni Polonia, Lituania, Prussia, Livonia, etc. diuersorum autorum Arctic Institute of North America: Arctic Bibliography Prepared for in Cooperation with the Department of Defence Under the Direction of the Arctic Institute of North America. Volume 1-3
Justinian I: Institutiones Imperiales
Amedee Frezier 1682-1773: Traite des feux d’artifice pour le spectacle William H. Keating 1799-1840: Narrative of an Expidition to the Source of the St. Peter’s River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods..
Peter Heylyn 1600-1662: The Stumbling-Block of Disobedience and Rebellion Viscount Henry St John Bolingbroke: Letters on the Study and Use of History John Shakespear: A Grammar of the Hindustani Language
Walter Scott 1771-1832: The Lord of the Isles G. Gilbert: Treatise on Rents Bonanni: Numismata summorum pontificum templi Vaticani Fabricam indicantia, Chronologica ejusdem Fabricae narratione, ac multiplici eruditione explicata
Thomas Tredgold: Tredgold on the Steam Engine. Locomotive and Stationary Engines: The Principles and Practice of their Construction, Exemplified in Numerous Examples. With Descriptive text by Eminent Engineers Reginald Heber, D.D: Narrative of a Journey Through the Upper Provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-1825. (with notes upon Ceylon) A Account of a Journey to Madras and the Southern Provinces, 1826 and Letters Written in India Francis Bond Head 1793-1875: Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau
F St. George Spendlove: The Face of Early Canada Walter Muir Whitehill: Boston: Portrait of a City The Toronto Lawn Tennis Club: A Love of Tennis, A History of the Toronto Lawn Tennis Club
Gary H. Schwartz: The Art of Tennis Theodore Allen Heinrich: Art Treasures in the Royal Ontario Museum Ioseph Pennell: Etchers and Etching
Woodbury Lowery: A discriptive list of maps of the Spanish possessions within the present limits of the United States, 1502-1820 W.P. Cumming, S. Hillier, D.B. Quinn, G. Williams: The Exploration of North America 1630-1776 Thomas Suarez: Shedding the Veil Mapping the European Discovery of America and the World
Seymour I. Schwartz, Ralph E. Ehrenberg: The Mapping of America Jonathan Potter: Country Life Book of Antique Maps John M. Olman, Morton W. Olman: The Encyclopedia of Golf Collectibles
Charles P. deVolpi: Ottawa a Pictorial Record Recueil Iconographique Charles P. deVolpi: British Columbia A Pictorial Record, Historical Prints and Illustrations of the Province of British Columbia Canada Charles P. de Volpi: Toronto A Pictorial Record
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