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Turner, L.M. and Nelson, Edward W: Contributions to the Natural History of Alaska. Results of Investigations made Chiefly in the Yukon District and the Aleutian Islands. Report upon Natural History Collections Made in Alaska between the Years 1877 and 1881 G.H. Jalland: The Sporting Adventures of Mr. Popple Apperley, Charles J. 1777?-1843: The Life of John Mytton
Surtees, Robert Smith 1803-64: Handley Cross, or Mr. Jorrocks s Hunt Hinton, John Howard 1791-1873: The History and Topography of the United States of North America W.G. Craven, and Alfred E.T. Watson: The Badminton Library. Racing and Steeple Chasing
Simon Grynaeus: Lexicon Graecum Flavius Arrianus; Bonaventura Vulcanis, tr: De Expedit. Alex. Magi, Historiarum Libri VIII. Ex Bonavent Vulcanii Brug. Nova interpretatione. Ab eodem quamplurimi loci ope veteris exemplaris restituti. Cum Indice copiosissimo Meursius, Johannes: Theseus sive de ejus vita rebusque gestis liber postumus accedunt ijusdem paralipomena de Pagis Atticis, et excerpta ex V.C.Jacobi Sponii Itinerario de iisdem pagis
Lane, Charles: Sporting Aquatints and their Engravers, 1775-1900 Siltzer, Frank: The Story of British Sporting Prints Bax, Clifford: Studio Plays; Three Experiments in Dramatic Form
Wolfe-Aylward, A.E: The Pictorial Life of Wolfe T. Crajenschot: La Journee Du Chrestien sanctifiee par la Priere Dezallier, Antoine: Office De La Semaine Sainte
Tatlock, John.S.P.; Mackaye, Percy: The Complete Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer Ariosto, Ludovico 1474-1533: Orlando Furioso Edmond Hoyle: Hoyle’s Games Improved. Being Practical Treatises on the following Fashionable Games, . . . Billiards
Turner, Joseph Mallord William & Monkhouse: The Turner Gallery a series of 120 engravings John Stockdale, Samuel Ayscough: Shakspeare’s Dramatic Works; with explanatory Notes. A new edition. To which is now added, a copious index to the remarkable passages and words. By the Rev., Samuel Ayscough, F.S.A Leopold von Buch; Alexandre de Humboldt; Charles Degenhardt: Petrifications recueillies en Amerique par Mr. Alexandre de Humboldt et par Mr. Charles Degenhardt / Decrites par Leopold de Buch
Stowe, Harriet Beecher: A Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin; Presenting the Original Facts and Documents Upon which the Story is Founded. Together with corroborative Statements Verifying the Truth of the Work Clement, Scott: The Theatre Darby, William: A Tour from the City of New-York, to Detroit, in the Michigan Territory, Made between the 2d of May and the 22d of September, 1818
Claridge, John: The Shepherd of Banbury’s Rules to judge of the changes of the Weather, Grounded on Forty Years’ Experience… Beadle, J.H: Life in Utah; or the Mysteries and Crimes of Mormonism. Being an Expose of the Secret Rites and Ceremonies of the Latter-Day Saints… Harding, J.D: Lessons on Trees
Solis, Don Antonio De: Historia De La Conquista De Mexico, Poblacion, Y Progresos de la America Septentrional, Conocida por el Nombre de Nueva-Espana Banks, W: Views of the English Lakes Colet, Charles-Theodore: Petit Paroissien Romain
Isaac Watts: The Improvement of the Mind, or a Supplement to the Art of Logic Tanner, Thomas: Notitia Monastica or A Short History of the Religious Houses in England and Wales William Alexander: The History of Women, from the Earliest Antiquity, to the Present Time; Giving Some Account of almost every interesting Particular concerning that Sex, among all Nations, ancient and modern
Mill, James: Elements of Political Economy Christophori Cellarii; L.J.C. Schwartz: Descriptio Orbis Antiqua Auctior, et Accuratior-Geographia Antiqua in Compendium Redacta Novis Praefationibus nunc Exornata a Francisco Tirolio et Joanne Baptista Ghisio Communi Sumptu Atque Labore Amplioribus Tabulis Aucta et Accuratioribus Catalogis Locupletata Piozzi, Hesther Lynch: Anecdotes of the Late Samuel Johnson, LL.D. during the Last Twenty Years of His Life
Milbert, Jacques Gerard: Itineraire pittoresque du Fleuve Hudson et des parties laterales de L’Amerique du Nord Smellie, William: The Philosophy of Natural History Charles Molloy: De Jure Maritimo et Navali: Or a Treatise of Affairs Maritime and of Commerce
comp. Tooley, Ronald Vere: Tooley's Dictionary of Mapmakers Supplement Morley, William F. E: Canadian Local Histories to 1950: A Bibliography
Ontario and the Canadian North
Holmden, H.R: Catalogue des Cartes, Plans, et Cartes Marines
Sheets, K.A: American Maps 1795-1895: A Guide to Values ed. Wolff, Hans: America: Early Maps of the New World Hayes, Derek: Historical Atlas of British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest
Spendlove, F. St. George: The Face of Early Canada: Pictures of Canada which have helped to make history Comp. Jefferys, Charles W: The Sigmund Samuel Collection: Canadiana and Americana de Volpi, Charles P: British Columbia: A Pictorial Record 1778-1891
de Volpi, Charles P: Nova Scotia: A Pictorial Record 1605-1878 de Volpi, Charles P: Ottawa: A Pictorial Record 1807-1882 Comp. Molnar, John Edgar: Author-Title Index to Joseph Sabin's Dictionary of Books Relating to America
Volume I: A-F
Volume II: G-P
Volume III: Q-Z
Lada-Mocarski, Valerian: Bibliography of Books on Alaska Published Before 1868 Green, H. Gordon and Guy Sylvestre: A Century of Canadian Literature / Un Siècle De Littérature Canadienne Whitehill, Walter Muir and Katharine Knowles: Boston: Portrait of a City
Finkelstein, Louis: The Jews, Their History, Culture and Religion Fairfax, Thomas Lord General: A Remonstrance of His Excellency Thomas Lord Fairfax, Lord General of the Parliaments Forces and of the General Councell of Officers held at St.Albans the 16 November 1648 Frank Brinkley: Japan, Described and Illustrated by the Japanese, Written By Eminent Japanese Authorities and Scholars
Eliot, George: Romola Thoma Stanleio: Historia Philosophiae vitas opiniones Resqve Gestas et Dicta Philosophorvm Sectae cvivsvis Complexa Sir Walter Scott: The Lady of the Lake with all his Introductions, Various Readings, and the Editor s Notes
Carver, Jonathan: Voyage Dans Les Parties Interieures de L’Amerique Septentrionale Pendant les annees 1766, 1767 & 1768 Decimus Junius Juvenalis; Aulius Persius Flaccus; John Dryden, tr: The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis. Translated into English Verse by Mr. Dryden, and Several other Eminent Hands. Together with the Satires of Aulus Persius Flaccus Lucian; Jasper Mayne, tr: Part of Lucian Made English from the Originall in the year 1638
Decimus Junius Juvenalis; Aulus Persius Flaccus; Barten Holyday, tr: Decimus Junius Juvenalis, and Aulus Persius Flaccus Translated and Illustrated, As well with Sculpture as Notes. / By Barten Holyday, D.D. and late Arch-Deacon of Oxon Hind, Arthur M: A History of Engraving and Etching from the 15th Century to the year 1914 Muir, John: Picturesque California: The Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Slope. The Region West of the Rocky Mountains from Alaska to Mexico
William Beattie; William H. Bartlett, illus: Switzerland. Illustrated in a Series of Views Taken on the Spot and Expressly for This Work by W.H. Bartlett, ESQ Beattie, William: Switzerland. Illustrated in a Series of Views Taken on the Spot and Expressly for This Work by W.H. Bartlett, ESQ Dobson, Austin: Eighteenth Century Essays
Vaselli, Donato: Raccolta di Vasi Antichi, Candelabri, Tripodi, Sarcofagi, Lucerne, Altari, Cippi, &. & Pope, Alexander: The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. In Six Volumes Complete, with his Last Corrections, Additions, and Improvements; Together with all his Notes as they were Delivered to the Editor a Little Before his Death Bradley, Eliza Mrs: An Authentic Narrative of the Shipwreck and Sufferings of Mrs. Eliza Bradley, wife of Captain James Bradley, of Liverpool, Commander of the Ship Salley, Which was Wrecked on the Coast of Barbary, in June 1818
De Humboldt, Alexandre: Essai Politique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne Johann Heinrich Ramhoffsky: Drey Beschreibungen, erstens: Des Königlichen Einzugs Trusler, Rev. John: The Works of William Hogarth in a Series of One Hundred and Fifty Steel Engravings by the First Artists: With Descriptions and a Comment on their Moral Tendency, in Two Volumes
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