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GEORGES E: The Indian Ocean - Madagascar, Reunion, Mauritius and the Seychelles VAN WYK B et al: Poisonous Plants of South Africa DORST J & DANDELOT P: Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Africa
DE BEER M: Keimoes en Omgewing MIDGLEY J F: Kommetjie, C.P. - its Story MEARS W G A: The Early History of St Stithians College
BUTLER K: Parley with the Devil SHAXSON N: Poisoned Wells GUNN M & CODD L E: Botanical Exploration of South Africa
WHITE A C: Call of the Bushveld POPE C H: The Reptiles of China MUNDY P, BUTCHART D, LEDGER J & PIPER S: The Vultures of Africa
HARRIS T & ARNOTT G: Shrikes of Southern Africa WELCH K R G: Herpetology of Africa TAYLOR E H: The Caecilians of the World - a Taxonomic Review
WILLIAMS J G: Field Guide to the Butterflies of Africa PIENAAR U de V, RAUTENBACH I L & DE GRAAFF G: Small Mammals of the Kruger National Park BROADLEY D G, GANS C & VISSER J: Studies on Amphisbaenians - #6 The Genera Monopeltis and Dalophia in Southern Africa
DIERAUF L A & CULLAND F M D: CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine SAPEIKA N: Actions and Uses of Drugs KELLICOTT D S: The Dissection of the Ophidian
SPAWLS S et al: A Field Guide to the Reptiles of East Africa HENKEL F W & SCHMIDT W: Amphibien und Reptilien Madagaskars, der Maskarenen, Seychellen und Komoren NATIONAL MUSEUM OF BOTSWANA GABORONE: Proceedings of the Symposium on the Okavango Delta and its Future Utilisation
MEESTER J A J et al: Classification of Southern African Mammals POCOCK R I: Catalogue of the Genus Felis PHELPS T: Old World Vipers
MOORE J A ed: Physiology of the Amphibia Vol 1 HIGHFIELD A C: Practical Encyclopedia of Keeping and Breeding Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles PORTER K R: Herpetology
WILLIAMS K L: Snakes of the World Vol 1 - Synopsis of Snake Generic Names SPAWLS S, HOWELL K H & DREWES R C: Pocket Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of East Africa BRANCH B: Tortoises, Terrapins & Turtles of Africa
STUCKI-STIRN M: Snake Report 721 PARKER H W & GRANDISON A G C: Snakes - a Natural History PETERS J A: Dictionary of Herpetology
FITCH H S: Reproductive Cycles of Lizards and Snakes BROADLEY D G, DORIA C T & WIGGE J: Snakes of Zambia FURON R: The Geology of Africa
PEARN J ed: Animal Toxins & Man KINGSLEY NOBLE G: Biology of the Amphibia CAMP C L & UNDERWOOD G: Camp's Classification of the Lizards
CHRISTENSEN P A: South African Snake Venoms and Antivenoms DUELLMAN W E & TRUEB L: Biology of Amphibians VAN WYK J H ed: Proceeding of the Fitzsimons Commemorative Symposium 1993
DE WAAL S W P: The Squamata (Reptilia) of the Orange Free State, South Africa RUSSELL F E: Snake Venom Poisoning MEHRTENS J M: Living Snakes of the World
CLAUSS B & R: Common Amphibians and Reptiles of Botswana HORN H, BÖHME W & KREBS U: Advances in Monitor Research III BUYS P C & P C J: Slange van Suidwes-Afrika
FITZSIMONS F W: Snakes and the Treatment of Snakebite MINTON S A: Venom Diseases PHELPS T: Poisonous Snakes
ROMER A S: Osteology of the Reptiles CHANNING A: Amphibians of Central and Southern Africa STEYN P ( Peter ) & ARNOTT G: Hunters of the African Sky
ROSS C A et al eds: Crocodiles and Alligators OBST F J, RICHTER K & JACOB U: Completely Illustrated Atlas of Reptiles and Amphibians for the Terrarium COBORN J: The Atlas of Snakes of the World
PIENAAR U de V, PASSMORE N I & CARRUTHERS N C: Frogs of the Kruger National Park GADOW H: Amphibia and Reptiles MARX H & RABB G B: Phyletic Analysis of Fifty Characters of Advanced Snakes
KEMNITZER J W: Rattlesnake Adventures VIAL J L et al eds: Evolutionary Biology of the Anurans DUNSON W: The Biology of Sea Snakes
HEATWOLE H: Reptile Ecology GRUBER U: Die Schlangen Europas HARRISON P: Seabirds of the World
SCHEFFER V: Seals, Sea Lions and Walruses THOMSON R: The Wildlife Game STOCKMANN R: Scorpions of the World
REICHENBACH-KLINKE H: The Principal Diseases of Lower Vertebrates STEEL R: Sharks of the World EIBL-EIBESFELDT I: Ethology - the Biology of Behaviour
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