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BARNES P M & LOMBARD R T J ed: Through the Chequered Path NIENABER G S & E M: Die Nienabers van Erfdraai HILLER V W: The Descendants of Richard and Maria Peacock, 1820 Settlers
VAN DER SPUY P VAN A: Familia Roome in Suid-Afrika CLOETE A & LOMBARD R T J ed: Orlandini - 'n Familiegeskiedenis VAN DER SPUY V A & LOMBARD R T J ed: Nordingstamregister
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CALITZ F et al eds: Goue Jubileum NG Kerk Nelspruit-Moedergemeente VAN ZYL C & HERMANN D: Treurgrond LAWN J R ( FERROCARRIL ): The landing of van Riebeeck
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BECKER K & HECKER J eds: Vom Schutzgebiet 1884 bis 1984 Namibia LEWIS-WILLIAMS J D: Discovering South African Rock Art BURMAN J ( JOSE ): Wine of Constantia
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SCHOEMAN K ed: Witnesses to War GLADSTONE P: Travels of Alexine HIBBARD M G: Boer War Tribute Medals
VAN WYK SMITH M: Drummer Hodge - the Poetry of the Anglo-Boer War SPEIGHT W L: Swept by Wind and Wave SWELLENGREBEL H, BOESEKEN A & ROBERTSON H M eds: Briefwisseling van Hendrik Swellengrebel jr oor Kaapse Sake 1778-1792
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