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Sagan, Eli: At the Dawn of Tyranny: The Origins of Individualism, Political Oppression, and the State Hull, Seabrook: The Bountiful Sea Gaylin, Willard: In the Service of Their Country: War Resisters in Prison
Rosenfeld, Richard N: American Aurora: A Democratic-Republican Returns; The Suppressed History of Our Nation's Beginnings and the Heroic Newspaper.. Edmonds, Margot, and Clark, Ella E: Voices of the Winds: Native American Legends Bradbury, Jim: The Medieval Siege
Muller, Melissa: Anne Frank: The Biography Durham, Michael S: Desert between the Mountains: Mormons, Miners, Padres, Mountain Men, and the Opening of the Great Basin, 1772-1869 Marshall, Suzanne: Violence in the Black Patch of Kentucky and Tennessee
Kershaw, Alex: Jack London: A Life Dawson, Joseph G: Doniphan's Epic March: The 1st Missouri Volunteers in the Mexican War Randall, Willard Sterne: Thomas Jefferson: A Life
Lindsay, Jack: Cezanne: His Life and Art Emerson, Everett, Ed: American Literature, 1764-1789: The Revolutionary Years Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo, Ny: Master Bronzes Selected from Museums and Collections in America, February, 1937
Patrick, Kenneth G: Perpetual Jeopardy: The Texas Gulf Sulphur Affair; a Chronicle of Achievement and Misadventure Riesenberg, Peter: Citizenship in the Western Tradition: Plato to Rousseau Trevelyan, George Macaulay: Garibaldi and the Thousand
Severin, Tim: In Search of Moby Dick: Quest for the White Whale Fitzgerald, F-Stop: Secrets of the Saltwater Fly: Tips and Tales from the World's Great Anglers Kremer, Gary R: James Milton Turner and the Promise of America: The Public Life Of A Post-Civil War Black Leader
Bent, Arthur Cleveland: Life Histories of North American Woodpeckers Davidov, Denis: In the Service of the Tsar Against Napoleon: The Memoirs of Denis Davidov, 1806-1814 King, Francis: The Magical World of Aleister Crowley
Peck, Taylor: Round-Shot to Rockets: A History of the Washington Navy Yard and the U. S. Naval Gun Factory Fox, David: Garden of Eagles: The Life and Times of a Falconer Beardwood, Valerie: The Still Hunt: The Story of Naturalist-Wildlife Photographer Jack Couffer
Winterbotham, F. W: The Nazi Connection Destler, Chester McArthur: Roger Sherman and the Independent Oil Men McCoy, Donald R: Landon of Kansas
Spewack, Bella: Streets: A Memoir of the Lower East Side Josephson, Matthew, and Josephson, Hannah: Al Smith Hero of the Cities: a Political Portrait Drawing on the Papers of Frances Perkins Money, Keith: John Curry
Gould, Stephen Jay: Dinosaur in a Haystack: Reflections in Natural History Stevenson, Elizabeth: Park Maker: A Life of Frederick Law Olmsted Rodgers, Daniel T: The Work Ethic in Industrial America, 1850-1920
Werner, M. R, and Starr, John: Teapot Dome Ellis, Richard E: The Jeffersonian Crisis: Courts and Politics in the Young Republic Lichtenstein, Grace, and Dankner, Laura: Musical Gumbo: The Music of New Orleans
Cato, Bob, and Vitello, Greg: Joyce Images Rothschild, Fritz: The Lost Tradition In Music: Rhythm And Tempo In J. S. Bach's Time [with] Musical Performance In The Times Of Mozart & Beethoven Wescher, Paul: Jean Fouquet and His Time
Houston, Donald E: Hell on Wheels: The 2d Armored Division Ruskin, John: The Lamp of Beauty: Writings on Art by John Ruskin, Selected and Edited by Joan Evans Lister-Kaye, John: The White Island
Turgenev, Ivan: Literary Reminiscences and Autobiographical Fragments Redondi, Pietro: Galileo Heretic (Galileo Eretico) Ridley, Jasper: Henry VIII: The Politics of Tyranny
Sheehan, Fred: Anzio: Epic of Bravery Hanawalt, Barbara A: Growing Up in Medieval London: The Experience of Childhood in History Bragg, Melvyn: Speak for England: an Oral History of England 1900-1975, Based on Interviews with Inhabitants of Wigton, Cumberland
O'Neill, Richard: Suicide Squads W.W. II: Axis and Allied Special Attack Weapons of World War II: Their Development and Their Missions Isely, Bliss: The Horseman of the Shenandoah: A Biographical Account of the Early Days of George Washington Scaduto, Anthony: Bob Dylan: An Intimate Biography
Lanier, Ruby J: Blanford Barnard Dougherty: Mountain Educator Kennedy, Robert Francis, Jr: Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr.: A Biography Inge, M. Thomas, Ed: The Frontier Humorists: Critical Views
Minton, Robert: Forest Hills: An Illustrated History Baker, Richard D: Lifeguarding Simplified: The Management Principles and Techniques of Lifeguarding Cantarella, Eva: Pandora's Daughters: The Role and Status of Women in Greek and Roman Antiquity
Lagrange, Francis, and Murray, William: Flag on Devil's Island Kitchen, Paddy: Gerard Manley Hopkins Sheppard, Francis: London, 1808-1870: The Infernal Wen
Ferm, Vergilius, Ed: A History of Philosophical Systems Pollard, Sidney, and Crossley, David W: The Wealth of Britain 1085-1966 Watson, Francis: The Year of the Wombat: England, 1857
Heller, Mikhail, and Nekrich, Aleksandr M: Utopia in Power: The History of the Soviet Union from 1917 to the Present Boll, Heinrich: The Bread of Those Early Years Corner, George W: Anatomist At Large: An Autobiography and Selected Essays
Scott, Bernard Brandon: Jesus: Symbol-Maker for the Kingdom Harris, George Washington: High Times and Hard Times: Sketches and Tales by George Washington Harris Winston, Richard: Thomas Mann: The Making of an Artist, 1875-1911
Masters, Anthony: The Man Who Was M: The Life of Maxwell Knight Gardner, Erle Stanley: Drifting Down the Delta Davis, Wade: The Serpent and the Rainbow
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