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Phillips, Sandra S, Travis, David, and Naef, Weston J: Andre Kertesz of Paris and New York Michotte, Edmond: Richard Wagner's Visit to Rossini (Paris 1860) and an Evening At Rossini's in Beau Sejour (Passy) 1858 Golder, F. A: John Paul Jones in Russia
Porter, Eliot: Eliot Porter Bildstein, Keith L: White Ibis: Wetland Wanderer Hodgson, John R: The Adventures of Major Alexander MacPherson
Histoire Naturelle Des Indes: The Drake Manuscript in the Pierpont Morgan Library Wilton, Andrew: Painting and Poetry: Turner's Verse Book and His Work of 1804-1812 Lanier, Emilia: The Poems of Shakespeare's Dark Lady: Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum
Previte-Orton, C. W: The Shorter Cambridge Medieval History [2 Volume Set] Jenks, Tom: Our Happiness Parker, John: The Princess Royal
Shoemaker, Willie, and Smith, Dan: The Shoe: Willie Shoemaker's Illustrated Book of Racing Wheeler, Mortimer, Ed: Splendours of the East: Temples, Tombs, Palaces and Fortresses of Asia Casuso, Teresa: Cuba and Castro
Chittenden, Hiram Martin: The Yellowstone National Park Pearson, John: The Life of Ian Fleming Shepherd, Jane Bushnell: From New Haven to Madison in the Sixties and Other Madison Sketches
Frary, I. T: At Large in Marble Halls Sammons, Sonny: The Keepers of Echowah: A Novel Bent, Gordon: The Other Side of Armageddon: War Memoirs of Gordon Bent
Yates, Elizabeth: Silver Lining: A Novella Lessing, Doris: The Four-Gated City Lund, Jens: Flatheads and Spooneys: Fishing for a Living in the Ohio River Valley
Bolen, Eric G, and Flores, Dan: The Mississippi Kite: Portrait of a Southern Hawk Gregory, Anita: The Strange Case of Rudi Schneider Stern, Marc Jeffrey: The Pottery Industry of Trenton: A Skilled Trade in Transition, 1850-1929
Burrows, Donald: Handel Peterson, Merrill D: Lincoln in American Memory Kavaler, Lucy: The Astors: A Family Chronicle of Pomp and Power
Carmichael, Peter A: The South and Segregation Lamour, Dorothy, and McInnes, Dick: My Side of the Road Clendening, Logan: The Romance of Medicine: Behind the Doctor
Rachlin, Rachel, and Rachlin, Israel: Sixteen Years in Siberia: Memoirs of Rachel and Israel Rachlin Wilson, A.N: Tolstoy Havard, William C., editor: The Changing Politics of the South
Van Buskirk, Robert, and Bauer, Fred: Tailwind: A True Story Prewett, Virginia: Beyond the Great Forest Hahn, Mary: Illustriertes Kochbuch Fur Die Einfache Und Feine Ruche
Restak, Richard M: Pre-Meditated Man: Bioethics and the Control of Future Human Life Hurt, R. Douglas: The Ohio Frontier: Crucible of the Old Northwest, 1720-1830 Downey, Fairfax: Storming of the Gateway: Chattanooga, 1863
Minton, Sherman A, and Minton, Madge Rutherford: Venomous Reptiles Camp, John: Magic, Myth and Medicine Styles, Showell: On Top of the World: An Illustrated History of Mountaineering and Mountaineers
Wellborn, Charles: Twentieth Century Pilgrimage: Walter Lippmann and the Public Philosophy Faith, Nicholas: Victorian Vineyard: Chateau Loudennne and the Gilbeys Vernam, Glenn R: The Rawhide Years: A History of the Cattlemen and the Cattle Country
Henderson, David: Spook and Other Stories: Tales of a Bird Dog Gruber, Paul, Ed: The Metropolitan Opera Guide to Recorded Opera Herzog, Don: Poisoning the Minds of the Lower Orders
Gould, Richard A: Yiwara: Foragers of the Australian Desert Montagu, Ewen: Beyond Top Secret Ultra Tyrrell, Esther Quesada: Hummingbirds, Their Life and Behavior: a Photographic Study of the North American Species
MacMillan, Harold: War Diaries: Politics and War in the Mediterranean, January 1943--May 1945 Foster, Peter: The Blue-Eyed Sheiks: The Canadian Oil Establishment Gay, Peter: Freud: A Life for Our Time
Farrell, Cliff: The Mighty Land Desloge, Joseph: Passport to Manhood: Adventures of a WWII Front Line Ambulance Driver with the British and the French Foreign Legion Packard, Jerrold M: Sons of Heaven: A Portrait of the Japanese Monarchy
Ashby, M. K: Joseph Ashby of Tysoe, 1859-1919: A Study of English Village Life Fryer, Jonathan: Isherwood: A Biography Adams, William Howard: The Paris Years of Thomas Jefferson
Burrin, Philippe: France under the Germans: Collaboration and Compromise Kann, Robert A: A History of the Habsburg Empire, 1526-1918 Gerrits, H. A: Pheasants Including Their Care in the Aviary
Wood, Anthony: Nineteenth Century Britain, 1815-1914 Valencia, Jerry, and Valencia, Eugene: Knights of the Sky, Volume 1 Carson, Rachel: The Rocky Coast
Reyna, Jose Luis, and Weinert, Richard S, Eds: Authoritarianism in Mexico Irwin, Howard S: Roadside Flowers of Texas Brodie, Fawn M: The Devil Drives: A Life of Sir Richard Burton
Patterson, Gareth: Last of the Free: Final Chapter in the Born Free Saga Oliver, Andrew: The Portraits of John Marshall Shaw, Peter: The Character of John Adams
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