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Evans, David: Sherman's Horsemen: Union Cavalry Operations in the Atlanta Campaign Tebbel, John: Turning the World Upside Down: Inside the American Revolution Frothingham, Thomas G: Washington: Commander in Chief
Tuchman, Barbara W: The First Salute Guttridge, Leonard F, and Smith, Jay D: The Commodores: The U. S. Navy in the Age of Sail Miller, Daniel: History of the Reformed Church in Reading, PA
Lomask, Milton: Aaron Burr: The Years From Princeton To Vice President, 1756-1805 [with] The Conspiracy And Years Of Exile, 1805-1836 Egan, Ferol: The El Dorado Trail: The Story of the Gold Rush Routes Across Mexico Cisco, Walter Brian: States Rights Gist: A South Carolina General Of The Civil War
Krick, Robert K: Conquering the Valley: Stonewall Jackson At Port Republic Allen, Gay Wilson, and Asselineau, Roger: St. John De Crevecoeur: The Life of an American Farmer Tebbel, John: George Washington's America
Allen, H. C, and Hill, C. P, Eds: British Essays in American History Wilstach, Paul: Mount Vernon: Washinton's Home and the Nation's Shrine Greene, Jack P, Ed: Great Britain and the American Colonies, 1606-1763
Ferrell, Robert H: Foundations of American Diplomacy, 1775-1872 Pachter, Marc, and Wein, Frances, Eds: Abroad in America: Visitors to the New Nation, 1776-1914 Washington, George, and Kitman, Marvin: George Washington's Expense Account
Lathrop, Elsie: Early American Inns and Taverns Swiss-American Historical Society: Prominent Americans of Swiss Origin Pack, James: The Man Who Burned the White House: Admiral Sir George Cockburn, 1772-1853
Mazzei, Philip [Marchione, Margherita, Trans. & Ed. ]: Philip Mazzei: Jefferson's Zealous Whig Beerbohm, Max: Max in Verse: Rhymes and Parodies by Max Beerbohm Levin, Richard: The Multiple Plot in English Renaissance Drama
Thurston, Robert W: Life and Terror in Stalin's Russia, 1934-1941 McDonald, Lola Craig: Music in My Life: Autobiography of Lola Craig McDonald Stearns, Martha Genung: Homespun and Blue: A Study of American Crewel Embroidery
Whitehouse, Patrick, and Whitehouse, Maggy: China by Rail Laing, Alexander: American Sail: A Pictorial History Mellick, Andrew D: Lesser Crossroads
De La Fuye, Maurice, and Babeau, Emile: The Apostle of Liberty: A Life of La Fayette Kay, Marvin L. Michael, and Cary, Lorin Lee: Slavery in North Carolina, 1748-1775 Olton, Charles S: Artisans for Independence: Philadelphia Mechanics and the American Revolution
Bliven, Bruce: Under the Guns: New York, 1775-1776 Curti, Merle: The Roots of American Royalty Gipson, Lawrence Henry: A Guide to Manuscripts Relating to the History of the British Empire, 1748-1776
Forester, C. S: The Age of Fighting Sail: The Story of the Naval War of 1812 Bowers, Claude G: My Mission to Spain: Watching the Rehearsal for World War II Fehrenbach, T. R: Fire and Blood: A History of Mexico
Dunkelman, Ben: Dual Allegiance: An Autobiography Roth, Ernst: The Business of Music: Reflections of a Music Publisher McKelvey, Blake: The Emergence of Metropolitan America, 1915-1966
Bercuson, David J: The Secret Army Bruemmer, Fred: The Arctic Manceron, Claude: The Wind from America, 1778-1781
Bellot, Leland J: William Knox: The Life & Thought of an Eighteenth-Century Imperialist Berger, Carl: Broadsides and Bayonets: The Propaganda War of the American Revolution Lowrance, Mason I, and Bumgardner, Georgia B: Massachusetts Broadsides of the American Revolution
Wertenbaker, Thomas J: Give Me Liberty: The Struggle for Self-Government in Virginia Flexner, James Thomas: States Dyckman: American Loyalist Stewart, Donald H: The Opposition Press of the Federalist Period
Bowers, Claude G: Jefferson in Power: The Death and Struggle of the Federalists Robertson, E. Arnot: The Spanish Town Papers: Some Sidelights on the American War of Independence Edwards, Samuel: Barbary General: The Life of William H. Eaton
Wellman, Paul I: Glory, God and Gold: A Narrative History James, Marquis: The Life of Andrew Jackson Terrell, John Upton: La Salle: The Life and Times of an Explorer
Howe, Irving, and Libo, Kenneth: How We Lived: A Documentary History of Immigrant Jews in America, 1880-1930 Leary, Edward A: Indianapolis: The Story of a City Daniels, Jonathan: The Devil's Backbone: The Story of the Natchez Trace
Campbell, Tom W: Two Fighters and Two Fines: Sketches of the Lives of Matthew Lyon and Andrew Jackson MacRae, David: The Americans At Home Sachs, William S, and Hoogenboom, Ari: The Enterprising Colonials: Society on the Eve of the Revolution
Longyear, Edmund J: Mesabi Pioneer: Reminiscences of Edmund J. Longyear Carmer, Carl: The Hudson Wilson, Everett B: Fifty Early American Towns
Shulman, Abraham: The New Country: Jewish Immigrants in America Curtis Paper Company: Curtis Americana, 1954-1959 Dunbaugh, Edwin L: The Era of the Joy Line: A Saga of Steamboating on Long Island Sound
Beck, Henry Charlton: The Roads of Home: Lanes and Legends of New Jersey Cumming, William P, and Rankin, Hugh: The Fate of a Nation: The American Revolution through Contemporary Eyes Jones, Howard Mumford: The Age of Energy: Varieties of American Experience, 1865-1915
Holt, J. C: Robin Hood Morell, Virginia: Ancestral Passions: The Leakey Family and the Quest for Humankind's Beginnings Schad, Kathleen White: They Call Me Kay: A Courtship in Letters
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