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Brown, R. Allen: The Normans Williams, Selma R: Divine Rebel: The Life of Anne Marbury Hutchinson Liggett, John: The Human Face
Strong, Roy: Royal Gardens Sachs, Wulf: Black Anger Vanderbilt, Arthur T: Fortune's Children: The Fall of the House of Vanderbilt
Blackbourn, David: Marpingen: Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Nineteenth-Century Germany Bassie-Sweet, Karen: From the Mouth of the Dark Cave: Commemorative Sculpture of the Late Classic Maya Jacobs, Wilbur R: Francis Parkman, Historian As Hero: The Formative Years
Smith, Graham: When Jim Crow Met John Bull: Black American Soldiers in World War II Britain Debartolo, Dick: Good Days and Mad: A Hysterical Tour Behind the Scenes At Mad Magazine De Caso, Jacques: David D'Angers: Sculptural Communication in the Age of Romanticism
Hauptman, Laurence M: Between Two Fires: American Indians In The Civil War Rhodes, Richard: Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb Flood, Renee Sansom: Lost Bird of Wounded Knee: Spirit of the Lakota
Morgan, Ted: Wilderness At Dawn: The Settling of the North American Continent Bierman, John: Righteous Gentile: The Story of Raoul Wallenberg, Missing Hero of the Holocaust Glatthaar, Joseph T: Partners in Command: The Relationships Between Leaders In The Civil War
Gilbert, Martin: The First World War: A Complete History Hamer, Dean, and Copeland, Peter: The Science of Desire: The Search for the Gay Gene and the Biology of Behavior Brown, Dee: The American West
Griffiths, Paul: Stravinsky Cone, Joseph: A Common Fate Endangered: Salmon and the People of the Pacific Northwest Davis, William C: A Government of Our Own: The Making of the Confederacy
Hampton, Bruce: Children of Grace: The Nez Perce War of 1877 Dietrich, William: Northwest Passage: The Great Columbia River Petersen, David: Ghost Grizzlies
Rachlin, Harvey: Lucy's Bones, Sacred Stones, and Einstein's Brain Coelho, Paulo: The Valkyries: An Encounter with Angels Smith, David G, Ed: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences
Tazieff, Haroun: Nyiragongo: The Forbidden Volcano Newell, Homer E: Express to the Stars: Rockets in Action Riabchikov, Evgeny: Russians in Space
Williams, Jerome: Optical Properties of the Sea Treat, Asher E: Mites of Moths and Butterflies Coulter, E. Merton: Daniel Lee, Agriculturist: His Life North and South
Burrage, Albert C: Burrage on Vegetables Connors, Charles H, and Tiedjens, Victor A: Chemical Gardening for the Amateur: Gardening Without Soil Made Easy Wightman, W. P. D: The Growth of Scientific Ideas
Edmunds, F. H: Geology and Ourselves Tempany, Harold, and Grist, D. H: An Introduction to Tropical Agriculture Pannekoek, A: A History of Astronomy
Houck, James P, Ryan, Mary E, and Subotnik, Abraham: Soybeans and Their Products: Markets, Models, and Policy Richardson, S. D: Forestry in Communist China Powell, Thomas, and Powell, Betty: Your Garden Homestead on Inches, Yards, or Acres
Wright, Richardson: Gardener's Tribute Engelmann, Larry: Intemperance: The Lost War Against Liquor Dash, Joan: Summoned to Jerusalem: The Life of Henrietta Szold
Howson, Gerald: Thief-Taker General: The Rise and Fall of Jonathan Wild Sanborn Laboratories: Is Diabetes Curable? How Those Afflicted with Diabetes and Bright's Disease Can be The...sanborn Treatment Wright, Richardson: Grandfather Was Queer: Early American Wags and Eccentrics From Colonial Times To The Civil War
Marshall, Thomas R: Recollections of Thomas R. Marshall, Vice-President and Hoosier Philosopher: A Hoosier Salad Williams, Gatenby, and Heath, Charles Monroe: William Guggenheim Wright, Richardson: Forgotten Ladies: Nine Portraits from the American Family Album
Ali, Muhammad, and Durham, Richard: The Greatest: My Own Story Wharton, Grace, and Wharton, Philip: The Queens of Society Robie, Virginia: The Quest of the Quaint
Shannon, Elizabeth: Up in the Park: The Diary of the Wife of the American Ambassador to Ireland, 1977-1981 Graham, Abbie: Grace H. Dodge: Merchant of Dreams Giles, Dorothy: Singing Valleys: The Story of Corn
Schuman, Frederick L: Soviet Politics At Home and Abraod Warwick, Christopher: Princess Margaret Taylor, Gordon Rattray: The Angel Makers: A Study in the Psychological Origins of Historical Change, 1750-1850
McCosker, M. J: The Historical Collection of the Insurance Company of North America Overmyer, Grace: America's First Hamlet Netboy, Anthony: Salmon: The World's Most Harassed Fish
Morgan, J. H: Assize of Arms: The Disarmament of Germany and Her Rearmament (1919-1939) Brooke, John: King George III: A Biography of America's Last Monarch White, Tim D: Prehistoric Cannibalism At Mancos 5MTUMR-2346
Lewis, D. B. Wyndham: The Hooded Hawk or the Case of Mr. Boswell Deiss, Joseph Jay: The Roman Years of Margaret Fuller A Biography Edwards, Anne: Sonya: The Life of Countess Tolstoy
Enters, Angna: Artist's Life McGuigan, Dorothy Gies: Metternich and the Duchess Scarisbrick, J. J: Henry VIII
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