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Chalfant, William Y: Without Quarter: The Wichita Expedition and the Fight on Crooked Creek
Calloway, Colin G: Crown and Calumet: British-Indian Relations, 1783-1815
Simpson, Marcus B: Birds of the Blue Ridge Mountains
Hunter, William W. and Robrock, David P, Ed: Missouri '49er: The Journal of William W. Hunter on the Southern Gold Trail
Cutrer, Thomas W: Ben McCulloch and the Frontier Military Tradition
Poly, Jean-Pierre and Bournazel, Eric: The Feudal Transformation, 900-1200
Rhoades, Weldon E: Flying MacArthur to Victory
Kates, Gary: Monsieur D'Eon is a Woman: A Tale of Political Intrigue and Sexual Masquerade
Haizlip, Shirlee Taylor: The Sweeter the Juice
Golb, Norman: Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls? The Search for the Secret of Qumran
Walker, Ronald G: Infernal Paradise: Mexico and the Modern English Novel
Rechy, John: Bodies and Souls
Cott, Jonathan: Isis and Osiris: Exploring the Goddess Myth
Beaussant, Philippe: Francois Couperin
Price, Pamela Vandyke: Wines of the Graves
Temple, Nigel: Seen and Not Heard: A Garland of Fancies for Victorian Children
Huxley, Elspeth: Scott of the Antarctic
Schaller, George B: The Last Panda
Lauderdale, John Vance and Josyph, Peter, Ed: The Wounded River: The Civil War Letters Of John Vance Lauderdale, M. D
Palmer, Dave R: 1794 America, its Army, and the Birth of the Nation
Siegel, Jeff: The American Detective: An Illustrated History
Feltwell, John: The Encyclopedia of Butterflies
Humphries, Jefferson, Ed: Conversations with Reynolds Price
Sanders, Ronald: Shores of Refuge: A Hundred Years of Jewish Emigration
Pourade, Richard F: The Call to California: The Epic Journey of the Portola-Serra Expedition in 1769
Matthiessen, Peter and Porter, Eliot: The Tree Where Man Was Born [With] the African Experience [Photos by Eliot Porter]
Edelberg, Cynthia Dubin: Jonathan Odell: Loyalist Poet of the American Revolution
Baczko, Bronislaw: Utopian Lights: The Evolution of the Idea of Social Progress
Olson, Fred: Exciter Fishing
Sutherland, Douglas: The Salmon Book
Marshall, Mel: Steelhead
Davis, J. Charles: Salt Water Fishing on the Pacific Coast
Wisner, Bill: The Complete Guide to Salt and Fresh Water Fishing Equipment
Evanoff, Vlad: Modern Fishing Tackle
Marks, Stuart A: Large Mammals and a Brave People: Subsistence Hunters in Zambia
Miller, Martin: The Collector's Illustrated Guide to Firearms
Dalrymple, Byron W: Deer Hunting with Dalrymple: A Lifetime of Lore on the Whitetail and Mule Deer
Wallack, L. R: American Rifle Design and Performance
Longrigg, Roger: The History of Horse Racing
Waterman, Charles F: The Treasury of Sporting Guns
Cofield, Tom: The Fisherman's Guide to North America
Keating, Bern: Chopper! The Illustrated Story of Helicopters in Action
Stilgoe, John R: Metropolitan Corridor: Railroads and the American Scene
Tearl, John: Mrs. Piozzi's Tall Young Beau: William Augustus Conway
Marquis, Alice Goldfarb: Alfred H. Barr, Jr. : Missionary for the Modern
Duncan, David Douglas: The Fragile Miracle of Martin Gray
Moyer, Roy, Ed: Dogancay
Naipaul, V. S: Finding the Center: Two Narratives
Hoffman, Daniel: Faulkner's Country Matters: Folklore and Fable in Yoknapatawpha
McClane, A. J: McClane's North American Fish Cookery
Newell, Dianne, editor: The Development of the Pacific Salmon-Canning Industry A Grown Man's Game
Bailyn, Bernard: The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson
Assouline, Pierre: Gaston Gallimard: A Half-Century of French Publishing
Griffith, Sally Foreman: Home Town News: William Allen White and the Emporia Gazette
Hulbert, Ann: The Interior Castle: The Art and Life of Jean Stafford
James, Michael: Slow Food: Flavors and Memories of America's Hometowns
Glynn, Jenifer: Prince of Publishers: A Biography of George Smith
Bettelheim, Bruno: Freud's Vienna and Other Essays
Schwartz, Barth David: Pasolini Requiem
Holt, Hazel: A Lot to Ask: A Life of Barbara Pym
Roskelley, John: Last Days
Ossa, Helen: They Saved Our Birds: The Battle Won and the War to Win
Porter, Eliot: Birds of North America: A Personal Selection
Brook-Shepherd, Gordon: November 1918
Hechtlinger, Adelaide: The Great Patent Medicine Era, or Without Benefit of Doctor
Gresham, Douglas H: Lenten Lands: My Childhood with Joy Davidman and C. S. Lewis
Macksey, Kenneth: Tank Warfare: A History of Tanks in Battle
Toklas, Alice B: What is Remembered
Degler, Carl N: In Search of Human Nature: The Decline and Revival of Darwinism in American Social Thought
Domico, Terry: Kangaroos: The Marvelous Mob
Reps, John W: Cities of the Mississippi: Nineteenth-Century Images of Urban Development
Coulling, Mary Price: Margaret Junkin Preston: A Biography
Bashline, L. James, Ed: The Eastern Trail
Gillespie, Angus K. and Mechling, Jay: American Wildlife in Symbol and Story
Abernethy, Francis Edward, Ed: The Bounty of Texas: Texas Folklore Society Publication XLIX
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