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Limon, Jerzy: Dangerous Matter: English Drama and Politics in 1623/24 White, Shane: Stories of Freedom in Black New York Snyder, Robert L: Pare Lorentz and the Documentary Film
Yezierska, Anzia: How I Found America: Collected Stories of Anzia Yezierska Boyer, Patricia A. & Ronnald J. Jeffrey: A Guide for the Family Therapist Gregorian, Vartan: Islam: a Mosaic, Not a Monolith
Freud, Sigmund: The Future of an Illusion Dunning, John S. with Robert S Ridgely: South American Land Birds: A Photographic Aid to Identification Lawrence, Jerome & Robert E. Lee: The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail
Benedict, Edward B. & George L. Nardi: The Esophagus: Medical and Surgical Management Sullivan, Mary C: Catherine Mcauley and the Tradition of Mercy Verrill, A. Hyatt: Strange Customs, Manners and Beliefs: a Remarkable Account of Curious Beliefs & Odd Superstitions, ..
Menard, Rene: Interpretive Essays on Two Poems by Rene Char: To a Tensed Serenity & Lettera Amorosa Wilson, Nerissa: Gypsies and Gentlemen: the Life and Times of the Leisure Caravan Asselineau, Roger (Ed.): The Literary Reputation of Hemingway in Europe (Situation no. 5)
Spicer, Dorothy Gladys: The Book of Festivals Monahan, Michael: Nova Hibernia: Irish Poets and Dramatists of Today and Yesterday Page, Jesse: David Brainerd: the Apostle to the North American Indians
Thoreau, Henry B. (sic): A Week on the Concord and Merrimac Rivers Carlson, Douglas: Roger Tory Peterson: A Biography Pritchard, William H: Updike: America's Man of Letters
Emerson, Ralph Waldo: Uncollected Lectures Voigt, William Jr: Born With Fists Doubled: Defending Outdoor America Duberman, Martin: Visions of Kerouac
Newman, John Henry: The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman - Vol. XXXII : Supplement Burbick, Joan: Thoreau's Alternative History: Changing Perspectives on Nature, Culture and Language Fricke, Hans W: The Coral Seas: Wonders and Mysteries of Underwater Life
Liberman, Noah: Glove Affairs: the Romance, History and Tradition of the Baseball Glove Fernandez, Miguel Angel: El Vidrio En Mexico Hedin, Sven: Central Asia and Tibet:: Towards the Holy City of Lassa (2 Volumes)
Schenkel, Egbert Et Al: "Zeit Ohne Recht": Justiz in Bochum Nach 1933 - Dokumentation Einer Ausstellung Karp, Abraham J. (editor): Beginnings: Early American Judaica - A Collection of 10 Publications, in Facsimile, Illustrative ... of American Jewry 1761-1845 Grass, Gunter: Die Blechtrommel
Naef, Hans: Ingres - Rom Kühlken, Oskar: Das Glockner-Buch: Der Grossglockner Im Spiegel Des Alpinismus Bainbridge, Henry Charles: Peter Carl Faberge: Goldsmith and Jeweller to the Russian Imperial Court - His Life and Work
Langseth-Christensen, Lillian: Voyage Gastronomique: A Culinary Autobiography Grabar, Andre: The Golden Age of Justinian from the Death of Theodosius to the Rise of Islam Cardozo, Benjamin N: The Nature of the Judicial Process
Baedeker, Karl: Baedekers Tirol: Land Salzburg, Vorarlberg, Oberkarnten: Reisehandbuch Leibowitz, Jeshajahu & Michael Shashar: Gesprache Uber Gott Und Die Welt Eller, Karl: Der Heilige Berg Athos
Mann, Carl: He's in the Engineers Now Hart, Ivor B: The World of Leonardo Da Vinci: Man of Science, Engineer and Dreamer of Flight Hubbard, W.L. (Ed.): The American History and Encyclopedia of Music (6 of 12 Volumes)
Heller, Jules & Nancy G. Heller (Eds.): North American Women Artists of the Twentieth Century: a Biographical Dictionary Morell, Charles (translator): The Tales of the Genii; or, the Delightful Lessons of Horam the Son of Asmar (Vol. 2 Only) Names, Larry D: The History of the Green Bay Packers - Book I: the Lambeau Years, Part One
Quiller-Couch, A.T: The Roll Call of Honour: a New Book of Golden Deeds Harrow, Benjamin: Eminent Chemists of Our Time Sprunger, Samuel (Ed.): Orchids From the Botanical Register, 1815-1847 (2 Volumes)
Clerc, L.-P: La Technique Photographique (Two Volumes)) Coussens, Penrhyn W: The Ruby Story Book: Tales of Courage and Heroism Born, Wolfgang: American Landscape Painting: an Interpretation
Lawton, Thomas et al: Asian Art in the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery: The Inaugural Gift Scheen, Pieter A: Lexicon Nederlandse Beeldende Kunstenaars, 1750-1880 (Two Volumes) Luns, Huib: Holland Schildert: De Netherlandxche Schilderkunst in De Laaste 50 Jaar
Wasserstrom, William (ed.): A Dial Miscellany Dreier, Katherine S: Burliuk Burnett, David: A Tribute to / Hommage à Paul Klee, 1879-1940
Bailey, L.H. & Ethel Zoe Bailey: Hortus Second: a Concise Dictionary of Gardening, General Horticulture and Cultivated Plants in North America Schumann, Robert: Werke Fur Pianoforte Solo: Bands I - V (Five Volumes) Collins, Bertha Miller: Around My Home
Collins, Bertha Miller: Among These Hills McQuilkin, Rennie: North Northeast Schilpp, Paul Arthur (ed.): The Philosophy of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
Richter, Walter: ... Die Schonsten Aber Sind Orchideen Danesch, Edeltraud: Orchideen Europas: Sudeuropa Danesch, Edeltraud: Orchideen Europas: Ophrys Hybriden
Berger, Jonathan & John W. Sinton: Water, Earth, and Fire: Land Use and Environmental Planning in the New Jersey Pine Barrens Stopes, Marie Carmichael: Change of Life in Men and Women Linnell, J.E: Old Oak: the Story of a Forest Village
Wolf, A: A History of Science Technology and Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century Sherman, Henry C: Food and Health Dolph, Edward Arthur: "Sound Off!": Soldier Songs From Yankee Doodle to Parley Voo
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