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NEWTON, Ian: The Sparrowhawk. Illustrated by Keith Brockie O'BRIEN, Kate: The Ante-Room. FIRST EDITION OLDENBURG, Veena Talwar: The Making of Colonial Lucknow 1856 - 1877
OLDSTONE, Michael B. A: Viruses, Plagues and History. PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR PAGE, Marco.[Harry KURNITZ]: The Shadowy Third. SIGNED BY AUTHOR TO DW PALMER, Stuart: The Riddles of Hildegarde Withers. Introduced by Ellery Queen
PANIGRAHI, Lalita: British Social Policy and Female Infanticide in India PARENTI, Michael: The Assassination of Julius Caesar. A People's History of Ancient Rome PATRICK, Q: Death and the Maiden. FIRST EDITION
PATRICK, Q: S.S. Murder PAUSANIAS (Translated by Peter LEVI.): Guide to Greece (in 2 vols). PENGUIN CLASSIC EDITION PEARSON, M. N: Merchants and Rulers in Gujarat. The Response to the Portuguese in the Sixteenth Century
PENTECOST, Hugh: Death Wears a Copper Necktie And Other Stories PHOENIX ART MUSEUM: Copper As Canvas. Two Centuries of Masterpiece Painting on Copper, 1575-1775 PILGER, John: Distant Voices. SIGNED BY AUTHOR. (Revised edition)
PISCIOTTA, Alexander W: Benevolent Repression. Social Control and the American Reformatory-Prison Movement PISSURLENCAR, Panduronga [Introdluction and Notes by]: Roteiro dos Arquivos da India Portuguesa. (Publicacao do Arquivo Historico do Estado da India.) SIGNED BY EDITOR PORLEY, Ron and HODGETTS, Nick: Mosses and Liverworts. The New Naturalist Library
POTTER, David C: India's Political Administrators 1919- 1983 PRAGNELL, Festus: The Green Man of Graypec PROUST, Marcel: Against Sainte-Beuve and Other Essays. Translated with a Introduction and Notes by John Sturrock. PENGUIN CLASSIC EDITION
QUILLER-COUCH, Arthur: The Oxford Book of Victorian Verse. VERY HANDSOMELY BOUND IN HALF MAROON MOROCCO RADIO FUN: Radio Fun Annual. 1943 RAFFERTY, Sean: Collected Poems. Edited by Nicholas Johnson
RAWSON, Beryl (Editor): The Family in Ancient Rome: New Perspectives RAWSON, Clayton: The Footprints on the Ceiling. FIRST UK EDITION RAYNER, William: The Tribe and Its Successors. An Account of African Traditional Life and European Settlement in Southern Rhodesia
REED, Harlan: The Case of the Crawling Cockroach REPP, Ed Earl: The Radium Pool. FIRST EDITION THUS IN DW REYNOLDS, Mrs. Baillie: The Stranglehold
RIDDELL, John. [Corey FORD]: The John Riddell Murder Case. A Philo Vance Parody ROBERTS, Sir William and SINGH, S.B.S. Kartar: A Text Book of Punjab Agriculture ROSE, General Sir Michael: Fighting for Peace. SIGNED
RUSSELL, Charles E. B. and L. B. Rigby: The Making of the Criminal RUSSELL, Charlotte Murray: The Bad Neighbour Murder. FIRST EDITION RUSSELL, Charlotte Murray: Cook Up a Crime. FIRST EDITION
RUSSELL, Charlotte Murray: Hand Me a Crime. FIRST EDITION RUSSELL, Charlotte Murray: Ill Met in Mexico. FIRST EDITION RUSSELL, Charlotte Murray: June, Moon and Murder. FIRST EDITION
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SHASTRI, Pt. Shobhalal (Compiled by): Chittorgarh SHEPHERD, John A: Lawson Tait, the Rebellious Surgeon (1845-1899) SILVA, Chandra Richard De: The Portuguese in Ceylon 1617 - 1638
SIMPSON, John. (Edited by...): Managing Poverty : Cheltenham Settlement Examinations and Removal Orders, 1831-52. Gloucester Record Series Volume 34 SIODMAK, Kurt: F. P. 1 Fails to Reply SMELSER, Neil J: Social Paralysis and Social Change: British Working-Class Education in the Nineteenth Centry
SMITH, Philip: Punishment and Culture SNOW, Edgar: Red Star Over China. FIRST EDITION SOISTER, John T: Up From the Vault. Rare Thrillers of the 1920s and 1930s
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STOUT, Rex: Three Witnesses STRAHAN, Kay Cleaver: Footprints. FIRST EDITION STRANGE, John Stephen: All Men are Liars (Dell - 438). MAP BACK
TIMBERG, Thomas A: The Marwaris. From Traders to Industrialists TIMMINS, Alan: Making an Eight Day Longcase Clock TIPTAFT, Norman (Editor): Religion in Birmingham
TOZER, Katharine: Adventures of Alfie. FIRST EDITION TOZER, Katharine. Selected by Eiluned LEWIS: Mumfie's Picture Book. FIRST EDITION ULLENS DE SCHOOTEN, Marie-Therese: Lords of the Mountains. Southern Persia and the Kashkai Tribe
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