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BRIGGS, Asa: Victorian Cities BRODIE, Allan. Jane CROOM and James O Davies: English Prisons. An Architectural History. FIRST EDITION IN DW BRONTË, Charlotte: The Professor. (FIRST PENGUIN EDITION)
BROWN, Richard: Coping with Change: British Society, 1780-1914 BURNS, Anna: Milkman. FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE BURNS, Robert: The Poetical Works od Robert Burns With Explanatory Glossary, Notes, Memoir, &c. [WITH 6 EARLY PHOTOGRAPHIC PLATES TIPPED-IN]
BUSH, Christopher: The Case of the Dead Shepherd CAIN, James M: Serenade. USA PENGUIN EDITION CAIRNS, Cicely: Murder Goes to Press
CARR, John Dickson: The Bride of Newgate. FIRST EDITION CARR, John Dickson: Deadly Hall. U.S. FIRST EDITION CARR, John Dickson: The Hungry Goblin. FIRST EDITION
CARR, John Dickson: The Lost Gallows. POCKET BOOK EDITION CARR, John Dickson: Papa La-Bas. FIRST EDITION CARRE, Abbe: The Travels of the Abbe Carre in India and the Near East 1672 to 1674. Translated from the manuscript journal of his travels in the India Office by Lady Fawcett and edited by Sir Charles Fawcett with the assistance of Sir Richard Burn. The Hakluyt Society, Second Series No. XCV
CASPARY, Vera: The Murder in the Stork Club and Other Mysteries. Edited by A. B. Emrys. The Lost Classics Series CASSEL, Gustav: Money and Foreign Exchange After 1914 CHANDLER, Raymond: Finger Man And Other Stories
CHASE, Borden: Diamonds of Death CHAUDHURI, Nani Gopal: British Relations with Hyderabad (1798-1843) CHOKSEY, R.D. (Editor): The Last Phase: Selections from the Deccan Commissioner's Files (Peshwa Daftar) 1815-1818. With an Introductory Note on the British Diplomacy at the Court of Peshwa
CHOKSEY, R.D. (Editor): Malwan Residency (Savantvadi Affairs) (1812-1819). Select Documents from the Ratnagiri Collector's Files (Peshwa Daftar) CHOKSEY, R.D. (Editor): Ratnagiri Collectorate (1821-1829). Select Documents from the Ratnagiri Collector's Files (Peshwa Daftar) CHRISTIE, Agatha: Mrs. McGinty's Dead. FIRST EDITION
CHRISTIE, Agatha: A Murder is Annouced.. FIRST EDITION CLARK, Geo. T: Some Account of Sir Robert Mansel Kt, Vice Admiral of England and Member of Parliament for the County of Glamorgan; and of Admiral Sir Thomas Button Kt, of Worlton, and of Cardiff, in the County of Glamorgan CORNISH, W. R; HART, Jennifer; MANCHESTER, A. H; STEVENSON, J. Introduction by P and G Ford: Crime and Law in Nineteenth Century Britain
CORREIA-AFONSO, John (Editor): Indo-Portuguese History: Sources and Problems COXE, George Harmon: Flash Casey... Detective. Murder Mystery Monthly No. 39 CREW, F. A. E: Organic Inheritance in Man
CROSSEN, Ken: The Case of the Phantom Fingerprints CUMMINGS, Rev. Thomas F. and BAILEY, Rev. T. Grahame: Panjabi Manual and Grammar: A Guide to the Colloquial Panjabi of the Northern Panjab CUNNINGHAM, A. B: The Bancock Murder Case. FIRST EDITION IN DW
CURTISS, Ursula: The Wasp. A Novel of Suspense DANI, Dr. Ahmad Hasan: Peshawar. Historic City of the Frontier. SIGNED DARBY, J. N: Murder in the House with the Blue Eyes. A Thrilling Mystery Novel
DAUMAL, René: Mount Analogue. An Authentic Dialogue. Translation and Introduction by Roger Shattuck DAWOOD, N. J. (Translated by...): Aladdin and Other Tales from The Thousand and One Nights. A New Translation. FIRST EDITION PENGUIN DE ASSIS, Machado: Dom Casmurro.Translated from the Portuguese with an Introduction by R. L. Scott-Buccleuch. PENGUIN CLASSIC EDITION
DE MAIGRET, Alessandro: Arabia Felix. An Exploration of the Archaeological History of Yemen DE QUEIROS, Eca: The Maias. PENGUIN CLASSIC EDITION DEMOSTHENES. Translated by SAUNDERS, A. N. W. Introduced by RYDER, T. T. B: Demosthenes and Aeschines. PENGUIN CLASSICS EDITION
DENNETT, Daniel C: Darwin's Dangerous Idea. Evolutions and the Meanings of Life DINWIDDY, J.R: Radicalism and Reform in Britain, 1780-1850. Introduction by H.T. Dickinson DISNEY, A.R: Twilight of the Pepper Empire: Portuguese Trade in Southwest India in the Early Seventeenth Century
DOWNING, Todd: Night Over Mexico. FIRST EDITION DOYLE, Arthur Conan: Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. (FIRST EDITION IN PENGUIN PAPERBACK) EBERHART, Mignon G: The Dark Garden. FIRST EDITION, USA
ELIOT, T. S: Selected Poems. (FIRST PENGUIN EDITION) FANTE, John. Introduced by Charles BUKOWSKI: Ask the Dust FARJEON, Eleanor. Illustrated by Edward ARDIZZONE: The Little Bookroom. Eleanor Farjeon's Short Stories for Children Chosen by Herself
FATH, Edward Arthur: Through the Telescope: A Story of the Stars FEARON, Ethelind. Illustrated by Alex JARDINE: The Reluctant Cook, The Reluctant Hostess, The Reluctant Gardener and How To Keep Pace With Your Daughter. A COLLECTION OF FOUR WONDERFUL 1950's SELF-HELP BOOKS WITH A LARGE DASH OF HUMOUR FILM FUN ANNUAL: Film Fun Annual. 1942. A Wonderful All Star Annual Featuring A Host of Famous Film Stars and Packed with Funny pictures and Thrilling Stories
FIRMINGER, The Ven. Walter Kelly: Historical Introduction to the Bengal Portion of "The Fifth Report" FLEMING, Ian: Thunderball. FIRST EDITION IN WRAPPER FLETCHER, H. L. V: The Devil Has the Best Tunes
FORSYTHE, W. J: ASystem of Discipline. Exeter Borough Prison. 1819-1863 FORSYTHE, William James: The Reform of Prisoners. 1830-1900 FOSTER, R. F. [YEATS, W. B.]: W. B. Yeats. A Life. I. The Apprentice Mage. PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR
FOX, Lionel W: The English Prison and Borstal Systems. The International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction FROST, Ginger S: Victorian Childhoods FUCHS, Sir Vivian and Sir Edmund HILLARY: The Crossing of Antarctica. The Commonwealth Trans-Antarctica Expedition. 1955-58. FIRST EDITION IN DW
FURBER, Holden: Rival Empires of Trade in the Orient, 1600-1800. Europe and the World in the Age of Expansion Volume II GANGULI, B.N. (Editor): Readings in Indian Economic History: Proceedings of the First All-India Seminar on Indian Economic History, 1961. SIGNED [GENTOO LAWS]: A Code of Gentoo Laws, or Ordinations of the Pundits. From a Persian Translation made from the Original Written in the Shanskrit [sic] Language
GILLION, Kenneth L: Ahmedabad: A Study in Indian Urban History GOUDGE, Elizabeth: The Middle Window GRAVES, Robert: Count Belisarius
GRAY, Berkeley: Thank you, Mr. Conquest. A WHITE CIRCLE POCKET NOVEL GROWSE, F.S: Mathura: A District Memoir. Part I and Part II GUPTA, Jyotis Chandra Das: A National Biography for India. Volume First
GUPTE, B.A: The Kayastha Prabhus of Bombay, Baroda Central India and Central Provinces HAGGARD, H. Rider: Nada the Lily. EARLY EDITION HALE, Christopher: Going, Going, Gone!
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