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MERRITT, A: The Moon Pool. Murder Mystery Monthly No. 18 MISRA, B. R: V for Vinoba. The Economics of the Bhoodan Movement MORAES, George Mark: A History of Christianity in India
MORRIS-JONES, W. H: Parliament in India [Mr. PEARCE] Henry Serventi, Ltd: Album of Period Coiffures. Historical and Modern From Medieval Times to the Present Day. PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE PUBLISHING HOUSE [NICK CARTER]: Nick Carter Stories. The Death Plot or Nick Carter's Hunch. Nov. 14. 1914. No. 114
[NICK CARTER]: Nick Carter Stories. The King of the Firebugs or Nick Carter and the Island Stronghold. Oct. 24. 1914. No. 111 PALMER, Stuart: The Puzzle of the Blue Banderilla. UK FIRST EDITION PANDEY, A. B: Society and Government in Medieval India
PANDEY, B. N: The Break-up of British India. SIGNED PANDEY, Gyanendra: The Ascendancy of the Congress in Uttar Pradesh 1926 - 34 PETTUS, Sir John: Fodinae Regales. Or The History, Laws and Places of the Chief Mines and Mineral Works in England, Wales and the English Pale in Ireland. And Also of the Mint and Mony. With a Clavis Explaining some difficult Words relating to Mines, &c. FACSIMILE OF THE 1670 EDITION
PHILIPS, C. H., and WAINWRIGHT, Mary Doreen. (Edited by... ): Indian Society and the Beginings of Modernisation. c. 1830-1850 RANSOME, Stephen: Some Must Watch. FIRST EDITION RAWSON, Clayton: The Great Merlini. The Complete Stories of the Magician Detective. With a New Introduction by Eleanor Sullivan
RAY, Rajat K: Industrialization in India. Growth and Conflict in the Private Sector 1914-47 RED STAR MAGAZINE: Detective Fiction Weekly. December 14, 1940 RED STAR MAGAZINE: Detective Fiction Weekly. March 12, 1938
RED STAR MAGAZINE: Detective Fiction Weekly. September 1, 1934 RYLAND, Clive: The Case of the Brown-Eyed Housemaid. FIRST EDITION IN DW SAMUEL BAGSTER: The Holy Bible: Containing Old and New Testaments, According to the Authorised Version with Introductory and Concluding Remarks to Each Book: A General Introduction: The Parallel Passages of Scaott, Canne, Brown, Adaam Clarke, and the English Version of Bagster's Polygot Bible... IN A STUNNING BINDING WITH BRASS CLASP AND GLORIUSLY GAUFFERED EDGES
[Sexton Blake]: Union Jack Magazine. December 4th 1926. Number 1,207. Includes "The Mystery of the Masked Magician" Featuring Sexton Blake and the first part of Edgar Wallace's "The Three Just Men." [Sexton Blake]: Union Jack Magazine. September 15th 1923. Number 1,300. Includes "The Strange Affair of the Rejuvenation Club" Featuring Sexton Blake SHARAR, Abdul Halim: Lucknow: The Last Phase of an Oriental Culture. Translated and edited by E. S. Harcourt and Fakhir Hussain
SHOHAM-STEINER, Ephraim: On the Margins of a Minority. Leprosy, Madness and Disability among the Jews of Medieval Europe. Translated by Haim Watzman SINGHAL, D. P: India and Afghanistan. A study in Diplomatic Relations 1876 - 1907. SIGNED SINHA, Pradip: Calcutta in Urban History
STRAHAN, Kay Cleaver: The Desert Moon Mystery. FIRST EDITION STREET & SMITH: Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine. Dec. 25, 1933 STREET & SMITH: Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine. Sept. 6, 1930
STREET & SMITH: Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine. British Edition. March 1946 STREET & SMITH. Authors include Don ELSTAR Willy LEY and Warner Van LORNE: Astounding Science-Fiction. March 1938. Vol. XX1, No. 1 STREET & SMITH. Authors include E. E. [Doc] SMITH, Willy LEY and Don A. STUART: Astounding Stories. January 1938. Vol. XX, No. 5
STREET & SMITH. Authors include L. Sprague de CAMP, Clifford SIMAK, A. E. Van Vogt and L. Ron HUBBARD writing as René La Fayette: Astounding Science-Fiction. November 1940. Vol. XXVI, No. 3 STREET & SMITH. Cover Art by Howard V. BROWN: Astounding Stories. February 1934. Vol. XII, No. 6 STREET & SMITH. Includes Story by Frederic BROWN: Street & Smiths Detective Story Magazine. British Edition. May, 1951
STREET & SMITH. Writers Include Arthur J. BURKS, E. E. [Doc] SMITH and John W. CAMPBELL: Astounding Stories. November 1937. Vol. XX, No. 3, STREET & SMITH. Writers Include E. E. [Doc] SMITH and Erc Frank RUSSELL: Astounding Stories. December 1937. Vol. XX, No. 4 STREET & SMITH. Writers Include Nat SCHACHNER, Don A. STUART and Vic PHILLIPS: Astounding Stories. June 1937. Vol. XIX, No. 4
STREET & SMITH. Writers Include Ross ROCKLYNNE, John D. CLARK and Erc Frank RUSSELL: Astounding Stories. April 1937. Vol. XIX, No. 2 SUPER COMICS. STRANGE PLANETS: Strange Planets. Featuring "Earth Man on Venus." Man -Eating Plants, Giant Ants.... No. 11. 1963 SUPPLE, B. E: Commercial Crisis and Change in England 1600 - 1642. A Study in the Instability of a Mercantile Economy
SUTTON, Mr. Alfred M. (Edited by...): Album of Historic Coiffures. With Technical Descriptions and Biographical Details. These Illustrations of Coiffures, with the accompanying Technical Descriptions, Originally Appeared in "The Hairdressers' Chronicle" Authentic Series TAPLIN, William: A Compendium of Practical and Experimental Farriery, Originally Suggested by reason and Confirmed by Practice. Equally Adapted to the Convenience of The Gentleman, The Farmer, The Groom, and the Smith... As Well asto Ascertain the Cure of Disease TEED, G. H. [Sexton Blake]: Union Jack Magazine. March 29th 1930. Number 1,380. Includes "The Man From Devil's Island" Featuring Sexton Blake
THE THRILLER. CLEVELY, Hugh: The Thriller. Death Stakes. March 10th 1934. No. 266. Vol. 10 THE THRILLER. Donald STUART: The Thriller. Sinister House. April 26th 1930. No. 64. Vol. 2 THE THRILLER. Frank KING: The Thriller. The Secret of the Seven Pillars. February. 29th 1936. No. 369. Vol. 14
THE THRILLER. John BRANDON: The Thriller. Murder at the Mill. December 24th 1932. No. 203. Vol. 7 THE THRILLER. John G. BRANDON: The Thriller. The Blue Print Murders. June 10th 1933. No. 227. Vol. 8 THE THRILLER. John HUNTER and Edgar WALLACE: The Thriller. Phantom Footsteps and The Green Mamba . September 8th 1934. No. 292. Vol. 11
THE THRILLER. L. C. DOUTHWAITE: The Thriller. The Ghost House. December 20th 1930. No. 98. Vol. 3 TUBB, E. C: The Wall. Introduction by Philip Harbottle. SIGNED BY E. C. TUBB WAKEFIELD, H. Russell: The Clock Strikes Twelve. FIRST EDITION
WALLACE, Carlton: Sinister Alibi. FIRST EDITION WEARMOUTH, Robert F: Methodism and the Working Class Movements of England 1800 - 1850 AHMED, Sharif Uddin. SIGNED: Dacca. A Study of Urban History and Development. London Studies on South Asia No. 4
AHMED, Sufia: Muslim Community in Bengal 1884-1912. SIGNED BY AUTHOR BAILEY, D. R. Shackleton. (Translated by...) CICERO: Cicero's Letters to Atticus. PENGUIN CLASSIC EDITION BAROOAH, Nirode K: David Scott in North-East India. 1802 - 1831. A Study in British Paternalism
BEALES, Martin: Dead Not Buried. Herbert Rowse Armstrong. SIGNED BY AUTHOR BIHARI: The Satasai. PENGUIN CLASSIC EDITION CAO XUEQIN: The Story of the Stone. Also Known as the Dream of the Red Chamber. Volumes 1 The Golden Days, 2 The Crab-Flower Story, 3 The Warning Voice and 4 The Debt of Tears - lacks Volume 5
DAS, Tulsi: The Petition to Ram. Hindi Devotional Hymns of the Seventeenth Century. A Translation of Vinaya-patrika with Introduction, Notes and Glossary by F. R. ALLCHIN DOMIN, Dolores: India in 1857 - 59. A Study in the Role of the Sikhs in the People's Uprising DOWNING, Todd: The Last Trumpet. Murder in a Mexican Bull Ring. FIRST EDITION
FRYKENBERG, Robert Eric: Guntur District 1788 - 1848. A History of Local Influence and Central Authority in South India GALDOS, Pérez: Fortunata and Jacinta. PENGUIN CLASSIC EDITION GUPTA, Badlu Ram: The Aggarwals. A Socio-economic Study
HERBERT, A. P: The House by The River. SIGNED PRESENTATION FROM THE AUTHOR HOME-GALL, Edward R: The Haunted Ice-Rink. An Ice-Hockey Mystery Thriller. FIRST EDITION ISLAM, Sirajul: Rural History of Bangladesh. A Source Study
KHAN, Bazlur Rahman: Politics in Bengal 1927 - 1936. SIGNED KHUHRO, Hameeda: The Making of Modern Sind. British Policy and Social Change in the Nineteenth Century. SIGNED LOHUIZEN, Jan Van: The Dutch East India Company and Mysore 1762-1790
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