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BECK, Aaron T., FREEMAN Arthur, DAVIS, Denise D. and associates: Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders. Second Edition BECKMAN, Gary. Edited by Harry A. Hoffer Jr: Hittite Diplomatic Texts. Second Edition BECKWITH, Christopher I: The Tibetan Empire in Central Asia: A History of the Struggle for Great Power among Tibetans, Turks, Arabs, and Chinese during the Early Middle Ages
BEER, Max: A History of British Socialism. Forewords by R.H. Tawney and Ken Coates BEETON: Beeton's Farmer's Own Book. Comprising full and practical instructions on all points connected with the managements of Horses, Cows, Sheep, Pigs, Goats, Fowls, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Other Live Stock in health and sickness, for sale or breeding purposes. With chapters on the Treatment of Dogs and Cats BENACERRAF, Paul and PUTNAM, Hilary (Edited and with an Introduction by): Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Readings
BENEDICT, Rex. Wrapper designed by Quentin BLAKE: Last Stand at Goodbye Gulch BENN, Tony: Conflicts of Interest: Diaries 1977-80 BENTLEY, E. C. and H. Warner ALLEN: Trent's Own Case. FIRST EDITION
BERKOFF, Steven: Free Association. An Autobiography. FLAT - SIGNED BY AUTHOR BETJEMAN, John: Mount Zion or In Touch with the Infinite. (Poetry Reprint Series.) BETTLEY, James. (Editedby...): The Art of the Book. From Medieval Manuscript to Graphic Novel
BINSTEAD, Arthur, M. ["Pitcher" of The Sporting Times.]: Houndsditch Day by Day BIRD, H. E: Chess Masterpieces. Comprising a Collection of 150 Choice Games of the past Half Century, with Notes, including the finest Games of the Exhibition Tournament of 1851, and in the Vienna Tournament of 1873. With Excellent Specimens of the Styles of Anderssen, Blackburne, Der Laza, Hanstein, Kolisch, Lowenthal, Morphy, Staunton, Steinitz and the Principle English Players. Supplemented by the Games of Labourdonnaias, MacDonnell and Cochrane, contested prior to 1849 BITTEL, Kurt: Hattusha. The Capital of the Hittites. A BESPOKE ART BINDING IN MATCHING SLIPCASE
BLAMIRES, Harry: The Bloomsday Book. A Guide Through Joyce's Ulysses BLANNING, Tim: The Pursuit of Glory: Europe 1648-1815 BLEILER, Everett F. and T. E. DIKTY. Edited by..: The Best Science Fiction Stories. With an Introduction bu Vincent Starrett. FIRST EDITION IN WRAPPER
BLOWER, W. E: The Complete MG Workshop and Tuning Manual BOCCACCIO, Giovanni: The Decameron. Translated by J. M. Rigg. Introduction by Edward Hutton BOLAND, John: Bitter Fortune. British Bloodhound No. 281
BOLAND, John: Operation Red Carpet BOLT, Ben: The Five Red Stars BOOKCHIN, Murray: The Third Revolution, Volume 1: Popular Movements in the Revolutionary Era
BOWEN, Elizabeth: The House in Paris. (FIRST PENGUIN EDITION) BOYD, William: Armadillo. SIGNED BY AUTHOR BRAND, Christianna: The Three Cornered Halo. FIRST EDITION
BRAUTIGAN, Richard: An Unfortunate Woman: A Journey BRIDGES, Victor: Quite Like Old Days. FIRST EDITION BROOKE, Jocelyn: A Mine of Serpents
BROOKE, Keith and Nick GEVERS. (Edited by...) Contributors include: Michael Moorcock, Lucius Shepard, Lisa Goldstein, Stephen Baxtter, Paul McAuley, Ian McDonald, Adam Roberts and Brian Stapleford: Infinity Plus Two. LIMITED EDITION OF ONLY 300, SIGNED BY EVERYONE - 16 Signatures in total! BROOKNER, Anita: Incidents in the Rue Laugier BROWN, Jemima. Art Works by... Text by Ken PRATT. Photography by Shaun Vincent and Caron Geary: Peace Camp. Marking the 40th Anniversary of Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp. SIGNED BY AUTHOR
BROWN, John: Hebrews BROWNING, Elizabeth Barrett: A Selection From the Poetry. HANDSOMELY BOUND IN FULL RED MOROCCO BROWNING, Robert: Poems
BRUCE, Dorita Fairlie. Illustrated by M. D. Johnston: Captain Anne. Illustrated by M. D. Johnstone BRYAN, Dora and Kay HUNTER: According to Dora. SIGNED BY DORA BUCKERIDGE, Anthony: Jennings in Particular. FIRST EDITION
BUKHARIN, Nikolai: Philosophical Arabesques. Translated by Renfrey Clarke with editorial assistance by George Shriver BULLETT, Gerald: Marden Fee BUNYAN, John: The Pilgrim's Progress From This World To That Which is to Come. A New Edition, With a Memoir
BUTLER, Octavia: Wildseed. COLLECTORS' EDITION BUTLER, Octavia E: Patternmaster. FIRST UK EDITION BUXTON, Meriel: Ladies of the Chase
BYATT, A. S: Babel Tower. (SIGNED, FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE) BYATT, A. S: Possession. A Romance. (FIRST EDITION) CAMPBELL, Patrick. Illustrated by Quentin BLAKE: How to Become a Scratch Golfer. FIRST EDITION
CANETTI, Elias: Earwitness. Fifty Characters CANETTI, Elias: The Play of the Eyes CANETTI, Elias: The Secret Heart of the Clock. Notes, Aphorisms, Fragments 1973-1985
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CARMICHAEL, Ian: Will the Real Ian Carmichael... FLAT-SIGNED BY AUTHOR CARR, John: A Stranger in France: Or A Tour from Devonshire to Paris CARR, John Dickson: The Demoniacs. FIRST EDITION IN DW
CARTER, Charles E. O: Essays on the Foundation of Astrology CATULLUS, TIBULLUS and PROPERTIUS: Carmina A Mauricio Hauptio Recognita. Editio Quinta Ab Johanne Vahleno Curata. BOUND BY RIVIERE CAVANAGH, Dermot and KIRK, Tim. (Edited by...): Subversion and Scurrility: Popular Discourse in Europe from 1500 to the Present
CHALMERS, Patrick. Illustrated by Cecil ALDIN: Forty Fine Ladies CHAMBERS, Mrs. Lambert: Lawn Tennis For Ladies. With Twenty-Three Illustrations. Second Edition (CHARDIN). ROSENBERG, Pierre: Chardin
[CHATWIN, Bruce.] CLAPP, Susannah: With Chatwin. Portrait of a Writer. SIGNED CHEESMAN, Evelyn: Time Well Spent CHERRY-GARRARD, Apsley: The Worst Journey in the World. Antarctica 1910-1913. ONE VOLUME EDITION
CHETWYND-HAYES, R: The Partaker. A Novel of Fantasy. FIRST EDITION CHINESE ART: A Song of Nature. An Exhibition of Chinese Flower and Bird Painting CHRISTIE, Agatha: The Adventures of The Christmas Pudding. FIRST FACSIMILE EDITION
CHRISTIE, Agatha: Appointment with Death. FIRST FACSIMILE EDITION CHRISTIE, Agatha: The Body in the Library. FIRST FACSIMILE EDITION CHRISTIE, Agatha: Cat Among the Pigeons. FIRST FACSIMILE EDITION
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