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Harris, Peter (intro.): Vision. An Exhibition of Art in Architecture Van Der Leeuw-Stcichting, Prof. Dr. G: Ark 10 Jaar Kerkbouw Rothenstein Michael: Michael Rothenstein Drawings and Paintings Aged 4 - 9 1912 -1917 Drawing Book
Waldow, Alexander: Archiv für Buchgewerbe Band 48 Heft 2 Februar 1911 Waldow, Alexander: Archiv für Buchgewerbe Band 48 Heft 10 Oktober 1911 Waldow, Alexander: Archiv für Buchgewerbe Band 49 Heft 7 Juli 1912
Waldow, Alexander: Archiv für Buchgewerbe Band 49 Heft 9 September 1912 Banks, Joseph: Banks' Florilegium. Prospectus Glusberg, Jorge: Colección Alfa Romeo de Dibujos de Arquitectos
Thomas Harrison & Sons Ltd: There'll Always be an England. A Pictorial Record of an Unusual Advertising Campaign Escribano, Maria; De Ayala Gimenez, Juan Perez; Molina, Oscar Alonso: La Marina Triado, Joan-Ramon: El Bodegon
Novosilzov, Natalia: La Pintura Rusa Siclos XII al XIX Novosilzov, Natalia: La Pintura Rusa El Siglo XX Intertype: Intertype Interludes Vol IV Spring 1959 No. 4
Carter, Sebastian (ed.): Parenthesis 36 the Journal of the Fine Press Book Association Carter, Sebastian (ed.): Parenthesis 38 the Journal of the Fine Press Book Association Bloomsbury Auctions: Catalogue of the Zentner Collection of W Somerset Maugham: Books, Artwork, Photographs and Other Related Material Including Cinema
Toman, Rolf (ed.): The Art of Gothic: Architecture Sculpture Painting Bd Ediciones De Diseno: 1993-1994 Catalogue Franco Maria Ricci: Manuale Tipografico Di G B Bodoni Prospectus
Papierfabrik Zerkall, Renker u. Söhne: Zerkall-Bütten Ingres- Und Ausstattungspapier Stitt, Alexander: Stitt Autobiographics O'Reilly, M P; Russam, K; Williams F H P: Pavement Design in the Tropics. Investigations of Subgrade Conditions Under Roads in East Africa
Estacion Intermodal Abando 2000 Delafons, Allan (ed.): The Penrose Annual Volume 56. A Review of the Graphic Arts Spencer, Herbert (ed.): The Penrose Annual 66 1973 Graphic Arts International
The British Printer Vol. XI 1898 Gamble, William (ed.): Penrose's Annual. The Process Year Book and Review of the Graphic Arts Volume XXXV 1933 Pugin, Augustus: Gothic Ornaments. Selected from Various Ancient Buildingsin England and France
Rooses, Max: Christophe Plantin. Imprimeur Anversois Brandon, Raphael and J Arthur: The Open Timber Roofs of the Middle Ages. Illustrated By Perspective and Working Drawings of Some of the Best Varieties of Church Roofs Carter, John and Muir, Percy H: Printing and the Mind of Man: A Descriptive Catalogue Illustrating the Impact of Print on the Evolution of Western Civilization During Five Centuries. Japanese Edition
Beckett, Sister Wendy: Art and the Sacred Henley, Wm Ernest; Chaves Andre: Invictus The Whittington Press: The 47th Whittington Summer Show Saturday 3rd September 2016
The Whittington Press: The Fifth Fine Press Book Fair Will be Held at Oxford Brookes University Headington, Oxford Fanthorpe, U A: This & That: Guido Morris at St Ives The Whittington Press: An Exhibition of Fifty Books Printed at the Whittington Press from 1972 to 1993 {nordiska Museet Stockholm Poster]
Gill, Eric: My Dear Brother The Whittington Press: The Seventh Fine Press Book Fair Will be Held at Oxford Brookes University Headington, Oxford The Whittington Press: The Sixth Fine Press Book Fair Will be Held at Oxford Brookes University Headington, Oxford
The Whittington Press: Fine Papers of the Oxford University Press (Prospectus) Britton, John: The history and antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury : illustrated with a series of engravings, of views, elevations, plans, and details of that edifice : also etchings of the ancient monuments and sculpture, including biographical Anecdotes Clark, Sir Kenneth (intro.): Paintings of Graham Bell
Mason, Christopher: Joanna Carrington Morrocco, Leon: Alberto Morrocco R.S.A., R.S.W. (1917 - 1998) Potter, Julian: Mary Potter. A Life of Painting
Wootton, David (intro.): Anthony Green RA. Among Royal Academy Artists and Friends Thompson, David: Harry Becker 1865 - 1928 Chambers, Emma (ed.): Paul Nash
Lambirth, Andrew: Frank Dobson - 'Bring It Alive' Usherwood, Nicholas: Algernon Newton RA 1880 - 1968 Bryce, Gordon: Gordon Bryce RSA RSW
Hill, Michael & Adrian: Peter Gilman. Painting East Anglia & Beyond Coutts, Howard: The Road to Impressionism - Joséphine Bowes and Painting in Nineteenth Century France Thomson, Richard: Monet & Architecture
Billcliffe, Roger; McConkey, Kenneth; O'Neill, Mark: Pioneering Painters - the Glasgow Boys Thompson's: James Longueville RSBA PS Rothenstein, Julian; Gooding, Mel (eds.): Alphabets & Other Signs
Solo, Dan X: Extended Alphabets. 100 Complete Fonts Snodin, Michael and Stavenow-Hidemark (eds.): Carl and Karin Larsson - Creators of the Swedish Style Meco, Jose: Azulejos. The Stunning Tile Heritage of Portugal 1600-1986
Bicknell, Anna L: The Story of Marie Antoinette Kindersley, Edward Cockburn: The Chevalier Bayard (Pierre Du Terrail) Orleans, Duchesse D' - Mother of the Regent: Secret Memoirs of the Court of Louis XIV and of the Regency
Mirabeau, Count: Secret Memoirs of the Court of Berlin - or The Character of the King of Prussia, His Ministers, Mistresses, Generals, Courtiers, Favourites and the Royal Family Anonymous: Memoirs of the Court of Sweden and Denmark - During the Reigns of Christian VII of Denmark and Gustavus III and IV of Sweden Griffin, Gerald: Gabriele D'Annunzio - The Warrior Bard
Cowles, Virginia: The Rothschilds - A Family of Fortune Croft-Cooke, Rupert: Fall Of Man Grier, Sydney C: The Kings of The East - A Romance of the Near Future
Esposito, Mary Ann: Ciao Italia - Traditional Italian Recipes From Family Kitchens Marnell, William H: The Right To Know - Media and the Common Good Weldon, Fay: Rhode Island Blues (SIGNED COPY)
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