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W J Stacey: W J Stacey Fine Art Publisher. Stacey Prints The Monotype Corporation Limited: The Nineteenth Century Ornament. 'Monotype' Ornament Broadsheet No. 4 Brown, Jonathan: Velázquez. Painter and Courtier
Stirling, James: James Stirling Michael Wilford & Associates The Monotype Corporation Limited: Casting Good Type Carter, Sebastian (ed.): Parenthesis 30 the Journal of the Fine Press Book Association
Phipps, Elena; Hecht, Johanna; Martin, Cristina Esteras: The Colonial Andes. Tapestries and Silverwork, 1530 - 1830 HORAK, František + STOLIETI, Pet + KNIHTISKU, Ceského: Fünf Jahrhunderte tschechischer Buchdruckerkunst., Five hundred years of Czech printing Pepler, Hilary Douglas C (ed.): Lectiones Ad Matutinum Officii Defunctorum, Juxta Ritum Sac.ord. Praed. Necnon Orationes Ad Processionem Post Missam Pro Defunctis
Fratelli Santerini: MODERNA COLTURA CALLIGRAFICA, a mano posata e calante. Opera di Biagio e Costantino Santerini, fratelli cesenati; stati pel corso d'anni ventidue maestri di calligrafia nel patrio Ginnasio Dale, Rodney: Louis Wain. The Man Who Drew Cats Kitching, Alan: Type Cases. Twenty-nine Type Founts, Borders, Ornaments & Stock Blocks from the Collection of David Hillman AGI / Harry Peccinotti AGI
LOS SEŃORES DEL JAGUAR Taller de capacitación en conservación y exhibición de colecciones arqueológicas y Etnográficas Christie, Manson & Woods: The Evelyn Library Part 1 A-C & Part IV T-Z Sotheby & Co: The Celebrated Library of Major J R Abbey the Second Portion 14 November 1966
Sotheby & Co: The Celebrated Library of Major J R Abbey Part III 19/20/21 June 1967 Sotheby & Co: The Celebrated Library of Major J R Abbey the Fourth and Final Portion 6 November 1967 Sotheby & Co: Catalogue of Highly Important Modern French Illustrated Books and Bindings Part V of the Celebrated Library of the Late Major J R Abbey 2 June 1970
Sotheby & Co: The Celebrated Library of Major J R Abbey the Sixth Portion 19 October 1970 Viollet-le-Duc, Eugčne Emmanuel: Dictionnaire Raisonné de l’architecture Française du XIe au XVIe Sičcle (10 Volumes) Margaret Mellis, Margaret Garlake (intro.): Paintings and Reliefs 1968-1978
Bellman, David: A Quest for Beauty; Cwest am Harddwch; Alvin Langdon Coburn Artist-Photographer Wales 1919-1966 Advertising Display April 1927 Advertising Display January 1930
Decoration of the House Beautiful April - June 1932 Roth, Alfred: La Nouvelle Architecture. Die Neue Architektur. The New Architecture Hamilton, Richard (intro.): The Almost Complete Works of Marcel Duchamp
Bjerregaard, Kirsten (ed.): Architecture from Scandinavia Forshaw, J H and Abercrombie, Patrick: County of London Plan, Prepared for the London County Council Gestetner: The Book of Ideas
Tambimuttu (ed.): Poetry London X Steranko, James; Fellini, Federico (fwd.): The Steranko History of Comics - Volume One Glaser, Milton (intro.): Posters By Folon
Lanston Monotype: The Monotype Recorder Training Schools Number Volume XXVII No 225 Fry's Metals: Efficient Remelting Sisson, C J and Foligno, C: Edmund Garratt Gardner 12 May 1869 - 27 July 1935 a Bibliography of His Publications, with Appreciations By
Maggs Bros: English Literature (Manuscripts and Printed Books) 14th to 18th Centuries. No. 446 Singer, Hans W & Strang, William: Etching, Engraving and the Other Methods of Printing Pictures The new whole duty of man, containing the faith as well as practice of a Christian; made easy for the practice of the present age, as the old Whole Duty of Man was design'd for those unhappy times in which it was written;
Marchese, Vincenzo: S. Marco, Convento dei Padri Predicatori in Firenze, illustrato e inciso principalmente sui dipinti del B. Giovanni Angelico. Con la vita dello stesso Pittore, e un sunto storico del Convento medesimo del P. Vincenzo Marchese domenicano Fassati, Miroslav (ed.); Jenicek, Jiri (Photography),: Dvacet let ceskoslovenské armády v osvobozeném státę Gierth, Pat; Usher, Paul: Aap65 Advertising Artists & Photographers
H Berthold AG: Signal Light, Signal Medium, Signal Black Tarr, John C: A Visit to Christophe Plantin's Workshop in the City of Antwerp Brandon, Raphael and J Arthur: Parish Churches: Being Perspective Views of English Ecclesiastical Structures. Accompanied By Plans Drawn to a Uniform Scale. And Letter-Press Descriptions. 2 Volumes
Novarese, Aldo; Butti, Alessandro: 70 Applicazioni Grafiche Con Caratteri Della Nebiolo Neve, Margaret: Margaret Neve 20 June - 3 July 2010 Gooding, Mel: Michael Upton Paintings 1977-1987
Jansen, Cilly (ed.): Pokon Architectuurcentra in Nederland. Architecture Centres in the Netherlands The Studio: The Studio Vol 1 No 6 September 15th 1893 Thiemann, Robert (ed.): Frame Magazine Issue 2 Vol. 2 1998
Schmertz, Mildred F (ed.): Office Building Design Sharp, Dennis (ed.): World Architecture Issue No. 10 Gustav Peichl Pawley, Martin (ed.): World Architecture Issue No. 18 July 1992 Sir Richard Rogers
Wilkinson, David (intro.): Guido Morris Fine Printer the Last Chapter? A Catalogue of Late Printings Franklin, Colin, with Turner John R: The Private Presses Ransom, Will: Selective Check Lists of Press Books. A Compilation of All Important & Significant Private Presses, or Press Books Which are Collected
Peterson, William S: A Bibliography of the Kelmscott Press Bakker, Steven A;: A Proofcopy of the First Item Printed at the Doves Press 1900 Halliwell, Steven: Fifty Years of Hand-Printing. A Bibliography of the Tragara Press
Ratcliffe, Eric: The Caxton of Her Age. The Career and Family Background of Emily Faithfull (1835-95) Jones, Trevor: The Bindings of Trevor Jones Tomkinson, G S; Newdigate, B H: A Select Bibliography of the Principal Modern Presses Public and Private in Great Britain and Ireland
Powers Alan: Enid Marx the Pleasures of Pattern Skipwith, Peyton: Edward Bawden. A Centenary Celebration Cooke, Gordon (intro.): Edward Bawden. Draughtsman & Printmaker
Stone, Ryenolds; Clark, Kenneth: Reynolds Stone Engravings Loxley, Simon: Emery Walker. Arts, Crafts and a World in Motion Hooley, Ray: Tank Papers Nos. 1-10
Campbell, Sir Malcolm (ed.): Speed Through the Ages. The Story of Its Significance in Nature and of Its Development By Mankind Lewis, John: John Nash the Painter as Illustrator Russell, James: Ravilious
Smith, Gaye: Eric Ravilious in Print. Books, Wood Engravings, Lithographs and Ceramics Cribb, Ruth & Joe: Eric Gill and Ditchling: The Workshop Tradition Stone, Reynolds; Goodison, J W; McLean, Ruari: Reynolds Stone 1909 - 1979
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