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Neufert, Prof. Ernst: Bau-Entwurfslehre, Grundlagen, Normen, Vorschriften und Anlage Bau Gestaltung Raumbedarf Raumbeziehungen Maße für Gebäude Räume Einrichtungen und Geräte mit dem menschen als Maß und Ziel Geudens, Adolf: Adolf Geudens Daley, Janet; Gerstner, Karl; Banham, Reyner; Krishnamurti, Jiddu; Wedgwood Benn, Anthony; Berger, John: 3 ---> Infinity: New Multiple Art
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Stonehouse, Roger: Colin St John Wilson. Buildings and Projects Picon, Antoine: French Architects and Engineers in the Age of Enlightenment Bolton, Arthur T: The Portrait of Sir John Soane, RA. (1753-1837) Set Forth in Letters from His Friends (1775-1837)
De Bernardi Ferrero, Daria: I ''Disegni D'Architetture Civile et Ecclesiastica'' Di Guarino Guarini e L'Arte Del Maestro Harris, John; Tait A A: Catalogue of the Drawings By Inigo Jones, John Webb and Isaac De Caus at Worcester College Oxford Ivins, Jr., William M: On the Rationalization of Sight. With an Examination of Three Renaissance Texts on Perspective
Index to the English Catalogue of Books Compiled on the Plan of the Late Sampson Low Volume IV Jan 1881 to Dec 1889 Macartney, Mervyn E (ed.): Recent English Domestic Architecture, Being a Special Issue of the Architectural Review 1910 Moss, Graham: Incline Press. Books Ready & Work in Hand. Prospectus Into Catalogue
Moss, Graham: Less a Catalogue, More a Prospectus Bodoni, Giambattista: Manuale Tipografico Garland, David: David Garland - an Exhibition of Paintings, Tempera, Gouaches and Ceramics
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Daniels, Rebecca & Brandwood, Geoff (eds.): Ruskin & Architecture Jackson, Holbrook; Fraser, Claud Lovat: Sixty-Three Unpublished Designs The Illuminated Manuscripts of William Morris. The Typography of William Morris
Jackson, Holbrook: Opening Speech By Mr Holbrook Jackson at an Exhibition of Percy Smith's Typographical Work 1st October 1935 Symons, A J A: An Episode in the Life of the Queen of Sheba, Rediscovered By A J A Symons France, Anatole: Stendhal
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Parker, John Henry: A Glossary of Terms Used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture 2 Volumes Keuerleber, Eugen: Otto Dix Zum 80 Robertson, Bryan (preface): The New Generation: 1968 Interim April-May
Michaux, Henri: Henri Michaux - February 26 - March 23 1963 Sulter, Maud: Echo: Works By Women Artists 1850-1940 Fischer, Erik: Svend Wiig Hansen - Biennale Venice 1964 Danish Pavilion
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