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MARSHALL III, James M: To You We Shall Return. Lessons About Our Planet from the Lakota SAID, Edward: Orientalism THACKERAY, William Makepeace: The History of Pendennis. His Fortunes and Misfortunes, his Friends and his Greatest Enemy
THACKERAY, William Makepeace: Vanity Fair. A Novel Without a Hero THOMAS, Helen: As It Was... World Without End ZIMMERMANN, F.G: An Easy Handbook of German for Soldiers, containing the chief grammatical rules, conversational phrases, essays on military and technical subjects, and a handy vocabulary
ADAMS, W. Dacres: A Book of Beggars ALABONE, Edwin W: The Cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis and other Diseases of the Chest; with Chapters on Laryngitis, Tabes Mesenterica, Post-Natal Catarrh, and Hay Fever ALLEN, Thomas: Foreign Parts. A Singer's Journal. SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR
ANON. WARD LOCK PICTURE BOOK: Rat Tat Tat. My Friend the Postman. With Many Plates in Full Colour and Nearly Fifty Illustrations ATKINSON, M. E. Illustrated by Harold JONES: Going Gangster. FIRST EDITION ATTENBOROUGH, David: Quest Under Capricorn. FIRST PAN PAPERBACK EDITION
BALLARD, J. G: The Disaster Area. Panther Science Fiction. FIRST P/BK EDITION BLAKE, Stephenson: A Specimen Book of Verona Types: From Stephenson Blake BURGESS, A. J: The Notary and Other Lawyers in Gilbert & Sullivan. PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR. LIMITED EDITION OF 1500
BURGESS, A. J: The Notary in Opera. PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR BUSSCHE, Willy van den: Von Ensor bis Delvaux : Ensor. Spillaert. Permeke. Magritte. Delvaux. 5/10/96 - 2/2/97 DAVID, Saul: Victoria's War. The Rise of Empire. SIGNED
DE WAAL, Ronald Burt: The World Bibliography of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. A Classified and Annotated List of Materials Relating to Their Lives and Adventures DUNDERDALE, George: The Book of the Bush. Containing Many Truthful Sketches of the Early Colonial Life of Squatters, Whalers, Convicts, Diggers, And Others Who Left Their Native Land and Never returned. PENGUIN COLONIAL FACSIMILES EVANS, Peter. [Peter SELLERS]: The Mask Behind The Mask. A Life of Peter Sellers
FARNON, Frantz: Black Skin, White Masks FROHAWK, F. W. Foreword by Lord Rothschild: The Complete Book of British Butterflies HEATH, Robin: Sun, Moon & Stonehenge. Proof of High Culture in Ancient Britain
HILL, Dorothy: The Little Blue Man INSOLL, Chris: Portscatho. Portrait of a Cornish Art Colony. PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR JEFFREY, Alexander: The History and Antiquities of Roxburghshire and Adjacent Districts, from the Most Remote Period to the Present Time. Volume I. Second Edition
KING, David and Cathy PORTER: Blood & Laughter. Caricatures from the 1905 Revolution KNIGHT, Damon. (Edited by...): 100 Years of Science Fiction (LASCELLES, Sir Alan). HART-DAVIS, Duff (Editor): King's Counsellor. Abdication and War: The Diaries of Sir Alan Lascelles
LICHTENBERGER, André. Illustrations de Henry MORIN: Le Règne de Nane LICHTENBERGER, André. Illustrations de Henry MORIN: Les Vacances de Nane LIVOCK, Group Captain G. E: To the Ends of the Air
LUDWIG, Gerd: Soviet Pollution LYNCH, Patricia. Illustrated by Peggy FORTNUM: The Bookshop On The Quay. FIRST EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DW MANIERA, Prima: Canaletto. Fondazione Giorgio Cini. Exhibition Catalogue. ITALIAN TEXT
MARTIN, Peter: Miggs Minor. A School Story METCALFE, Julian & Blanche VAUGHAN: Itsu Eat Beautiful 20-minute Suppers MILNE, A. A. Illustrated by Ernest SHEPARD: The Christopher Robin Verses Being 'When We Were Very Young' and 'Now We Are Six.' With a Preface For Parents. With Twelve Plates in Colour and Text Illustrations by Ernest H. Shepard
MORRISON, Blake: And When Did You Last See Your Father? [SIGNED] NISTER, Ernest. (Published and Printed by...) Contributors include L. L. WEEDON, E NESBIT, Clifton BINGHAM, Louis WAIN, etc: Dolly and her Doggies. A Book of Pictures & Stories for Boys & Girls NOYCE, Wilfred: The Springs of Adventure. FIRST EDITION
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COLLINS, Philip. Photography by Sam SARGENT: Radios Redux. Listening in Style DAY, Harold. [John CONSTABLE]: John Constable RA. 1776-1837. Drawings. the Golden Age. Landscape, Seascape, Building, Tree and Portrait Studies DEANE & CO: Deane's Illustrated Family Almanack for the Year 1868: Being Bissextile, or Leap Year, and the Thirty-Second Year of the Reign of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria
DRYDEN, John: The Poetical Works of John Dryden FARJEON, Eleanor: The Tale of Tom Tiddler FISHER, Margaret. Photographs by Douglas GLASS. Drawings by Patrick O'KEEFFE: How Things are Made. The Bread We Eat
FOSTER_BARHAM (Translator): The Nibelungen Lied. Lay of the Nibelung [HORACE] LYTTON, Edward Bulwer, Lord. (Translator): The Odes and Epodes of Horace [HORACE] LYTTON, Lord (Translator): The Odes and Epodes of Horace. A Metrical Translation into English. 2 Volumes
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LEE, Alan: Illustrators. Issue 7. SIGNED BY ALAN LEE AT THE HAY FESTIVAL LEWES, G.H: A Biographical History of Philosophy MARRYAT, Captain: The Dog Fiend or Snarleyyow
MARRYAT, Captain: Jacob Faithful MARRYAT, Captain: Japhet, in Search of a Father MARRYAT, Captain: The King's Own
MARRYAT, Captain: Midshipman Easy MARRYAT, Captain: Newton Forster or The Merchant Service MARRYAT, Captain: Peter Simple
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