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BAEDEKER Karl: Belgium and Holland ROBERTS J M: The Mythology of the Secret Societies BRIGGS Barry: Briggo, Barry Briggs Speedway Champion, His own Story
Monty Python (Palin et al): The Brand New Monty Python Bok (Book) anon: Historical and descriptive guide to Carlisle and District EGAN Pierce: The True History of Tom and Jerry; Life in London
DUBOIS J H: Plastics, a simplified presentation of the important plastics materials and their properties.. MACNEILL Eoin: Phases of Irish History NGHE Nguyen: Facing the Skyhawks
ALDISS Brian: Helliconia Winter GENET Jean: Querelle of Brest FARNOL Jeffery: Gyfford of Weare
COBBETT William: Rural Rides in Surrey, Kent and Other Counties BLANC Albert D. G: Money, Medicine and the Masses ( Signed Copy ) BOLDREWOOD Rolf: In Bad Company and Other Stories
POCOCK L G: The Sicilian Origin of the Odyssey, a Study of the Topographical Evidence anon: Lenin Metropolitan Railway Of Moscow GRAY Rod: Lay Me Odds (The Lady From L.U.S.T. #2)
LINDGREN Eric: A Niugini Animal Alphabet DSIR: Soils of New Zealand Part 2 DSIR: Soils of New Zealand Part 3
KEEPING Charles: Miss Emily and the Bird of Make-Believe TIRYAKIAN Edward A: On the Margin of the Visible; Sociology, the Esoteric, and the Occult CHRISTIE Agatha: Towards Zero
CHRISTIE Agatha: Evil Under the Sun CABELL James Branch: Something About Eve, a Comedy of Fig-Leaves WHITE Patrick: The Solid Mandala
BUTLER Joan Pseudonym Robert William Alexander: Heat Haze WHARRAM James: Build Yourself a Modern Sea-Going Polynesian Catamaran POWELL A W B: Shells of New Zealand, An illustrated Handbook
PERELMAN S J: A childs garden of curses ( crazy like a fox, keep it crisp, acres and pains) KROLL Eric: The Art of Eric Stanton for the Man Who Knows His Place McLAGLAN Eleanor: Stethoscope and Saddlebags, an Autobiography
CHEIRO Louis Hamon: Cheiro's Language of the Hand CAMERON Neil & Simon France: Essays on Criminal Law in New Zealand, Towards Reform ( VUW Law Review Monograph 3) CHESTERTON, Mrs Cecil, & Ralph Neale (Foreword by G.K. Chesterton): The Man Who Was Thursday: A Play in Three Acts ( Contemporary British Dramatists: Vol Thirty-Four )
LAVENDER E. Marion: Approaches to Self-Discovery. Seven Modes. For Discussion Groups anon: The Lotus Song Book ( Words Only) for the Use of Round Table and Golden Chain Groups IRVING David: Hess: The Missing Years 1941-1945
LYNTON Norbert: Ben Nicholson WILLIAMS Charles: The Catfish Tangle POSTGATE Raymond: Somebody at the Door
CLEWES Dorothy: The Holiday LEITCH D. B: Engine Pass, New Zealand Railways ( Signed Copy ) GILKISON Robert: Early Days in Central Otago
LIND Clive A: A Cut Above, Early History of the Alliance Freezing Company (Southland) Ltd WILCOX Herbert: Twenty-five thousand sunsets an autobiography (Uncorrected proof copy) COOPER Edmund: All Fools' Day
COOPER Edmund: Prisoner of Fire WOLLHEIM Donald A: The universe makers, science fiction Today BESANT Annie: A Study in Consciousness
BRETT Martin: The Darker Traffic MORTON John OGDEN John HUGHES Tony: To Save a Forest Whirinaki WILSON Paul R: Murder of the innocents, child-killers and their victims
GUNN Victor ( a k a Berkeley Gray, Edwys Searles Brooks): Murder with a Kiss HALL Matthew: The Art of breaking glass ELIOT T S edited Christopher Ricks: Inventions of the March Hare Poems 1909-1917
GILSON Etienne translated L E M Lynch: The Christian Philosophy of Saint Augustine THAYER Lee: Murder in the Mirror GATHORNE-HARDY Robert: Garden Flowers from Plates by Jane Loudon
RUHEN Carl: Holroyd Centenary 1872-1972 GORDON Adam Lindsay: Poems of the late Adam Lindsay Gordon Arthur C. Clarke, Peter Hyams: 2010 Official Movie Magazine
FULLER R Buckminster: Nine Chains to the Moon PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE Sir Arthur: The Dramatic festivals of Athens HUNT Linda: Secret Agenda the United States Government, Nazi Scientists and project Paperclip
HALE Kathleen: Orlando Orlando The Marmalade Cat Buys a Cottage LONDON Jack: The Road DAWSON J William: The Chain of Life in Geologic Time
YATES Dora E: A Book of Gypsy Folk-Tales ATKINSON, RUSHMAN & LEE: A Synopsis of Anaesthesia (General Anaesthesia, Regional Analgesia, Intensive Therapy) ninth Edition MRABET Mohammed Translated By Paul Bowles: Look and Move On
FANGIO Juan Manuel & Marcello Giambertone: My Twenty Years of Racing O'BRIEN Tim: Going After Cacciato PAPAS: Theodore or The Mouse who wanted to Fly
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