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ELLIOTT, Major E.R: Royal Pioneers 1945-1993 FELLS, David: Ben Caunt. The Nottinghamshire Bare-knuckle Boxer who became Champion of England FITZGERALD, Edward., rendered into English Verse by. Illustrated by Robert Stewart Sherriffs: Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
FORBES, Duncan: A Grammar of of the Hindustani Language in the Oriental and Roman Character, with Numerous Cooper-Plate Illustrations of the Persian and Devanagari Systems of Alphabetic Writing: to which is added A Copious Selection of Easy Extracts for Reading in the Persi-Arabic and Devagari Characters, forming a Complete Introduction to the Tota-Kahani and Bagh-o-Bahar, together with A Vocabulary of all the Words and Various Explanatory Notes GOETHE. Introduced and Edited by David Luke: GOETHE. With Plain Prose Translations of Each Poem HARRINGTON, Alan. Wrapper designed by Len Deighton: The Revelations of Dr Modesto
HARRIS, Anthony: Night's Black Agents. Witchcraft and Magic In Seventeenth-Century English Drama HARRISON, Raymond: The Measure of Life. An Introduction to The Scientific Study of Astrology JOHNS, Captain W.E: Biggles and the Penitent Thief
KHAYYAM, Omar. Translated by Edward Fitzgerald: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Four illustrations by Jesse M. King KINGSLEY, Charles: The Works of Charles Kingsley Volume IX: The Water Babies. Illustrations by Sir Noel Paton and Percival Skelton McGOUGH, Roger: Frinck. A Life in the Day of & Summer with Monika
MESSENGER, Charles: Terriers in the Trenches. The Post Office Rifles at War 1914-1918 MOLIERE: Oeuvres Completes de Moliere MURRAY, Iain H: D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, The First Forty Years 1899-1939
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WAITE, Arthur Edward, introduction by: Fairy Music: An Anthology Of English Fairy Poetry, Selected and Arranged by Arthur Edward Waite WILDE, Oscar: The Duchess of Padua. A Play BLACKMORE, R. D: Lorna Doone. A Romance of Exmoor. ATTRACTIVE LEATHER POCKET EDITION WITH ILLUSTRATIONS
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GALLICO, Paul: Thomasina GRAVES, Robert: Poems About War HENRY, Sir E.R: Classification and Uses of Finger Prints
LANGTON, Edward: Satan, A Portrait. A Study of the Character of Satan Through All the Ages MUIRANCOURT, Mme J. De: Felix et Aurélie, Ou Contes a Mes Pupilles PLAYFAIR, Guy Lyon: The Flying Cow. Research into the Paranormal Phenomena In the World's Most Psychic Country
POE, Edgar Allan. Illustrated by Harry CLARKE: Tales of Mystery and Imagination. Illustrated by Harry Clarke. FIRST EDITION POTTER, Beatrix: The Story of A Fierce Bad Rabbit. FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE - IN CONCERTINA FOLD OUT FORMAT SCHOFIELD, T: Chequered Flag. 1961. Twelve Issues Bound in One
STRANGE, Thomas Lumisden: The Legends of the Old Testament, Traced to Their Apparent Primitive Sources WELLS, H.G: World Brain WHITE, Patrick: Four Plays
WORDSWORTH, Christopher: Memoirs of William Wordsworth. Poet-Laureate D.C.L. In Two Volumes. FIRST EDITIONS and CONTAINING A LETTER FROM THE POET'S GREAT NEPHEW, YOUNGEST SON OF THE AUTHOR ALBERS, Josef: Josef Albers. The Mayor Gallery, London 1989 HARDY, Kimber G: The Hardy Family of Artists. Frederick Daniel, George, Heywood, James and their Descendants
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SAHL-MADSEN, Charlotte. (Editor). Translation by Sandra Blach: The Glasmuseum - The First 10 Years SEAGO, Edward: Edward Seago 1910-1974. A Collection of Oil Paintings and Watercolours. An Exhibition November 1996. Richard Green Gallery, New Bond Street, London SPIELMAN, M.H. and LAYARD, G.S. (Kate Greenaway): Kate Greenaway
AMERY, Colin,: New Atlantis. The Secret of the Sphinx ASHER, Dr Maxine: The Atlantis Conspiracy BRAGHINE, Colonel A: The Shadow Of Atlantis. With 25 illustrations
BRANGWYN, Frank. HORNER, Libby, text by: Frank Brangwyn. A Mission to Decorate Life. 22nd March -21 April 2006 DONNELLY, Ignatius: Atlantis The Antediluvian World. A New and Revised Edition. Including a New Preface and New Material by Egerton Sykes EICHNER, Henry M: Atlantean Chronicles
ENGELKING, Barbara and Jacek LEOCIAK: The Warsaw Ghetto. A Guide to a Perished City EOGAN, George: Knowth and the Passage-tombs of Ireland FERRO, Robert and GRUMLEY, Michael: Atlantis. The Autobiography Of A Search
FRYER, Donald: Songs and Sonnets Atlantean JORALEMON, Donald and SHARON, Douglas: Sorcery and Shamanism. Curanderos and Clients in Northern Peru MOIR, D.G./Royal Scottish Geographical Society: The Early Maps of Scotland to 1850. Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged
NICHOLSON, R.A. and DOCKRILL, S.J. (Editors): Old Scatness Broch, Shetland: Retrospect and Prospect O'CLERY, Helen. Illustrated by Ann O'Clery: The Pegasus Story of Atlantis ROBINSON, Lytle W: Edgar Cayce's Story of the Origin and Destiny of Man
SHARPLES, Niall and SHERIDAN, Alison. (Editors): Vessels for the Ancestors. Essays on the Neolithic of Britain and Ireland in honour of Audrey Henshall SPANUTH, Jurgen: Atlantis Of The North WILCOCK, John: An Occult Guide To South America
ANDERSEN, Christopher: Mick. The Wild Life and Mad Genius of Mick Jagger ANDERSON, T. Scott: Holloas from the Hills. With Illustrations by G. Denholm Armour BIGGERS, Earl Derr: The Chinese Parrot
CARR, John Dickson: Captain Cut-Throat. FIRST EDITION CARR, John Dickson: Castle Skull. FIRST EDITION THUS - THE SEVERN HOUSE VERSION CARR, John Dickson: It Walks By Night. U.S. FIRST EDITION
CARR, John Dickson. Edited and with an Introduction by Douglas G. Greene: The Dead Sleep Lightly CARR, John Dickson. Introduction and Notes by Tony Medawar: Speak Of The Devil CHURCHWARD, James: The Cosmic Forces of Mu
COWAN, Edward J: The People's Past CRISPIN, Edmund: The Long Divorce. A Detective Story DICKENS, Charles: The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
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