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Howe, Maud: ROMA BEATA Letters from the Eternal City Baedeker, Karl: NORTHERN FRANCE From Belgium and the English Channel to the Loire. Excluding Paris and its Environs. Handbook for Travellers Collette and Willy: CLAUDINE AT SCHOOL
Wpa [ Federal Writers' Project]: THE OREGON TRAIL The Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean Kirkland, Joseph: THE CAPTAIN OF COMPANY K Burton, William L: DESCRIPTIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CIVIL WAR MANUSCRIPTS IN ILLINOIS
Buchanan, Lamont: A PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE CONFEDERACY Catton, Bruce: BRUCE CATTON'S AMERICA Selections from His Greatest Works Batty, Peter; Parish, Peter: THE DIVIDED UNION The Story of the Great American War, 1861-65
Foner, Eric; Mahoney, Olivia: A HOUSE DIVIDED America in the Age of Lincoln Leech, Margaret: REVEILLE IN WASHINGTON 1860-1865 Munden, Kenneth W; Beers, Henry Putney: GUIDE TO FEDERAL ARCHIVES RELATING TO THE CIVIL WAR
Davis, William C: THE DEEP WATERS OF THE PROUD Volume I: the Imperiled Union: 1861-1865 Murdock, Eugene C: ONE MILLION MEN The Civil War Draft in the North McDonough, James Lee: CHATTANOOGA A Death Grip on the Confederacy
Sommers, Richard J: RICHMOND REDEEMED The Siege At Petersburg Persico, Joseph, E: MY ENEMY, MY BROTHER Men and Days of Gettysburg Harrold, Stanley: GAMALIEL BAILEY AND ANTISLAVERY UNION
Martin, David G: THE SHILOH CAMPAIGN March - April, 1862 Cannan, John: WAR IN THE EAST Chancellorsville to Gettysburg, 1863 Cannan, John: WAR IN THE WEST Shiloh to Vicksburg, 1862 - 1863
Nofi, Albert A: THE BLOODY STRUGGLE The Civil War in the East, 1862 Nofi, Albert A: OPENING GUNS Fort Sumter to Bull Run Gooding, H. J: ON THE ALTAR OF FREEDOM A Black Soldier's Civil War Letters from the Front
Golay, M: TO GETTYSBURG AND BEYOND The Parallel Lives of Chamberlain and Alexander Masterson, K. B: CUSHING OF GETTYSBURG The Story of a Union Artillery Commander Gallagher, W. G: THE THIRD DAY AT GETTYSBURG & BEYOND
Nevins, Allan: ORDEAL OF THE UNION. [VOLUME II only] A House Dividing 1852 - 1857 Humphreys, A. A: GETTYSBURG TO THE RAPIDAN The Army of the Potomac. July, 1863 to April, 1864 Bowen, John: BATTLEFIELDS OF THE CIVIL WAR A State-By-State Guide
Coco, Gregory A: A VAST SEA OF MISERY A History and Guide to the Union and Confederate Field Hospitals At Gettysburg. July 1 - November 20, 1863 Baxter, Nancy Niblack: GALLANT FOURTEENTH The Story of an Indiana Civil War Regiment Smith, Fredrika Shumway: FREMONT Soldier, Explorer, Statesman
Korngold, R: TWO FRIENDS OF MAN Puig, Manuel: THE BUENOS AIRES AFFAIR A Dectective Novel Du Bois, W. E. B: THE NEGRO
Sills, Beverly: BUBBLES A Self Portrait White, William Allen: THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF WILLIAM ALLEN WHITE Josyph, Peter: THE WOUNDED RIVER The Civil War Letters of John Vance Lauderdale, MD
Jones, J. B: A REBEL WAR CLERK'S DIARY OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES CAPITAL [VOLUME II only] Walton, Clyde C: CIVIL WAR HISTORY [15 VOLUME SET] March 1955 - December 1969 Baedeker, Karl: LE NORD-OUEST DE LA FRANCE De La Frontière Belge a La Loire. Excepté Paris. Manuel Du Voyageur
Baedeker, Karl: NORTHERN FRANCE From Belgium and the Engish Channel to the Loire. Excluding Paris and its Environs. Handbook for Travellers Baedeker, Karl: SOUTHERN FRANCE Including Corsica. Handbook for Travellers Baedeker, Karl: LE SUD-OUEST DE LA FRANCE De La Loire a La Frontière D'Espagne. Manuel Du Voyageur
Colby, Merle: ALASKA: A PROFILE [Wpa]: THE CONNECTICUT GUIDE What to See and Where to Find It Baedeker, Karl: LONDRES ET SES ENVIRONS Manuel Du Voyageur
Baedeker, Karl: SPANIEN UND PORTUGAL Handbuch Für Reisende Baedeker, Karl: LONDON AND ITS ENVIRONS Handbook for Travellers Baedeker, Karl: GREAT BRITAIN Handbook for Travellers
Baedeker, Karl: ITALIE SEPTENTRIONALE JUSQU' A LIVOURNE, FLORENCE ET RAVENNE Manuel Du Voyageur Baedeker, K: ITALIEN Handbuch Für Reisende. Erster Theil: Ober-Italien Bis Livorno, Florenz Und Ravenna, Nebst Der Insel Corsica Und Den Reise-Routen Durch Frankreich, Die Schweiz Und Oesterreich Baedeker, K: ITALIEN Handbuch Für Reisende. Erster Teil: Ober-Italien, Ligurien, Das Nördliche Toskana
Wpa [Federal Writers' Project]: NEW JERSEY A Guide to its Present and Past Baedeker, Karl: UNTERITALIEN. SIZILIEN. SARDINIEN, MALTA, KORFU Handbuch Für Reisende Baedeker, Karl: TIROL Vorarlberg Und Teile Von Salzburg Und Kärnten. Handbuch Für Reisende
[New Jersey Writer's Project]: LIVINGSTON The Story of a Community Marcos, Ferdinand E: THE DEMOCRATIC REVOLUTION IN THE PHILIPPINES Romulo, Carlos P: CRUSADE IN ASIA Philippine Victory
Komisar, Lucy: CORAZON AQUINO The Story of a Revolution Baedeker, Karl: RIVIERA, SÜDÖSTLICHES FRANKREICH, KORSIKA Die Kurorte in Südtirol an Den Oberitalienischen Seen Und Am Genfer See. Handbuch Für Reisende Baedeker, Karl: RIVIERA, DAS SÜDÖSTLICHE FRANKREICH, KORSIKA Die Kurorte in Südtirol an Den Oberitalienischen Seen Und Am Genfer See. Handbuch Für Reisende
Baedeker, Karl: DIE RIVIERA Das Südöstliche Frankreich, Korsika. Die Kurorte in Südtirol, Am Genfer See Und an Den Oberitalienischen Seen. Handbuch Für Reisende Baedeker, Karl: BELGIQUE ET HOLLANDE Y Compris Le Luxenbourg. Manuel Du Voyageur Baedeker, K: BELGIEN UND HOLLAND Nebst Dem Grossherzogtum Luxemburg. Handbuch Für Reisende
Baedeker, K: BELGIUM AND HOLLAND Handbook for Travellers Wpa [ Federal Writers' Project]: KANSAS A Guide to the Sunflower State Baedeker, Karl: L'ITALIE. DES ALPES A NAPLES Manuel Abrégé Du Voyageur
Baedeker, Karl: OBERITALIEN MIT RAVENNA, FLORENZ UND LIVORNO Handbuch Für Reisende Baedeker, K: BELGIEN UND HOLLAND Nebst Luxemburg. Handbuch Für Reisende [Wpa]: MISSOURI A Guide to the 'show Me' State
Moon, William Least Heat [Trogdon, William]: BLUE HIGHWAYS A Journey Into America Nutting, Wallace: MASSACHUSETTS BEAUTIFUL Wpa [Federal Writers' Project]: NEVADA A Guide to the Silver State
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