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LAWFORD, James: Napoleon. The Last Campaigns 1813-1815 LEVER BROTHERS: Progress. Lever Brother's Magazine. 8 Issues bound in one. January 1930 - Autumn 1931 LEVY, Muriel. KIDDELL-MONROE (Illustrated by...): The Adventures of Wonk. Fireworks. SECOND EDITION
LEVY, Muriel. KIDDELL-MONROE (Illustrated by...): The Adventures of Wonk. Strawberries and Cream. THIRD EDITION LEVY, Muriel. KIDDELL-MONROE (Illustrated by...): The Adventures of Wonk. The Secret. FIRST EDITION MANSFIELD, Katherine: The Doves' Nest And Other Stories. FIRST EDITION IN DW
MASEFIELD, John: Victorious Troy or The Hurrying Angel MEREDITH, George: Selected Poems. A POCKET EDITION IN AN ATTRACTIVE FULL RED CALF LEATHER BINDING NASH-WILLIAMS, V.E: The Roman Legionary Fortress At Caerleon, Monmouthshire. National Museum of Wales
NEW TESTAMENT: The New Testamentof Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Translated Out of the Original Greek....Appointed to be Read in Churches. VERY ATTRACTIVELY BOUND POCKET EDITION WITH HANDCOLOURED FRONTIS. AND "EMMA" IN GILT TO UPPER BOARD PERRAULT, Charles: Les Contes des Fées en Prose at En Vers de Charles Perrault. Deuxième Édition. Revue & Corrigéefur les Éditions originales Et Précédée d'une Lettre Critique Par Ch. Giraud POTTER, Beatrix: The Pie and the Patty-Pan. IN VERY SCARCE ORIGINAL GLASSINE WRAPPER
[PRAYER BOOK]: The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland: Together with the Proper Lessons for Sundays an Other Holy-days, and the New Version of the Psalms of David PYM, Barbara: Jane and Prudence. FIRST EDITION PYM, Barbara: An Unsuitable Attachment. FIRST EDITION
"SEPP": "Rex". The Coronation Lion Comes To Town SINCLAIR, Upton: The Flivver King. A Novel of Ford-America SOPHOCLES. R. F. P. BRUNK (Edited by...): Sophoclis Tragoediae Septem. Textui Subjicitur Singularum Editionum Brunckianarum Discrepans Lectio. In Two Volumes. SMALL POCKET EDITIONS IN GREEK
TROLLOPE, Anthony: The Claverings. A Novel. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION TURINE, Gael: Other Worlds. Texte de Jean-Paul Marthoz. Translation by Robert Furlong TUSSAUD, John Theodore: The Romance of Madame Tussaud's. SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR
WELSH, Dominic: Codes and Cryptography WILD, J. Malcolm: J. M.W Clocks. A Catalogue to Assist the Clockmaker, Antique Restorer & Model Engineer ALDING, Peter: Call Back To Crime. A C.I.D. Room Story
AMIS, Kingsley: Lucky Jim. Early edition in Film Tie-in Wrapper BABSON, Marian: Past Regret. (SIGNED) BANFIELD, Edwin: Barometers: Wheel or Banjo
BROWNE, F.G: Forest Trees of Sarawak and Brunei CARTWRIGHT, Julia. EMANUEL, Angela. (Edited by...): A Bright Remembrance. The Diaries of Julia Cartwright 1851-1924 CHRISTIE, Ian R: The End of North's Ministry 1780-1782
ELLIOTT, Douglas J: Shropshire Clock and Watchmakers HAYES, L. Newton: The Chinese Dragon. With an Introduction by Fong F. Sec. FIRST EDITION HOLMES, C.J: Self & Partners. (Mostly Self). Being the Reminiscences of C..Holmes. (ASSOCIATION COPY)
HOLMES, Martin: The Guns of Elsinore. (SIGNED) KEAY, R.W.J, ONOCHIE, C.F.A. and STANFIELD, D.P: Nigerian Trees MCCORMICK, Donald: Murder by Perfection. Maundy Gregory: The Man Behind Two Unsolved Mysteries?
PETLEY, Roy: Mistral Galleries Present Paintings by Roy Petley. (SIGNED). SEWELL, Brian, introduction by RONG, Jiang: Wolf Totem. FIRST EDITION FIRST ISSUE RUSSELL, James: A True-Dream Run
SEAGO, Edward. RICHARD GREEN: Edward Seago. 1910-1974. Richard Green, New Bond Street London SWANN, Edward: Sketches for Painting Practice. (SIGNED) THE GRAPHOTONE COMPANY: Twenty-Four Gems of Westminster Abbey. A Collection of Permanent Photographs
VICINUS, Matha: Intimate Friends. Women Who Loved Women, 1778-1928 WRIGHT, Alan: Mr. Barker Bow ANON: The Children's Make-And-Do Book
BRAZIL, Angela: A Gift From The Sea. Pictures by A. E. Jackson HERMAN, Josef: "Memory of Memories". The Glasgow Drawings 1940-43 RADFORD, E & M.A. Edited and Revised by Christina HOLE: The Encyclopaedia of Superstitions. (SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY FROM CHRISTINA HOLE)
HOLT, Ardern: How to Dance the Revived Ancient Dances HOPE, Laura Lee: The Bobbsey Twins and the Horseshoe Riddle HOPE, Laura Lee: The Bobbsey Twins at the Circus
HOPE, Laura Lee: The Bobbsey Twins at the Seashore HOPE, Laura Lee: The Bobbsey Twins Camping Out HOPE, Laura Lee: The Bobbsey Twins on Blueberry island
MILES, June: June Miles. A Retrospective of Her Work. Introduction by Ronald Gaskell NAVAL ALBUM: The Naval Album. Containing views of H.M. Troop Ships. Trip to India & Back. Also latest Types of Warships POOLE, Benjamin (Compiled by): Coventry: Its History and Antiquities. Compiled [. . . ] from authentic publications, ancient manuscripts and charters, corporation records, original contributions etc. Illustrated by W. Fred. Taunton with sixty exquisite tinted etchings, facsimiles, maps etc, chiefly from drawings made for the work
SAVAGE, The Reverend Edwin Sidney. and HODGES, Charles Clement: A Record Of All Works Connected With Hexham Abbey Since January 1899 And Now In Progress. Also an account of St. Wilfrid's Cathedral, various antiquities, Mr Temple Moore's report upon the proposed works, an estimate of their cost and an appeal to the public for subscriptions. SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY WATERHOUSE, Arthur: "Jack the Fiddler" and Other Stories. Illustrated by John Read ALLIES, Jabez: The British, Roman, and Saxon Antiquities and Folk-Lore of Worcestershire
BARKER, Cicely Mary, words and pictures by. LINNEL, Olive, music by: Flower Songs of the Seasons BEINT, Michele and ALEGO, Philippa: The Association of Illustrators Second Annual. Edited by... Designed by Pentagram CHILDERS, Erskine et al: The Yachting Monthly Magazine. February 1898 (Volume 1 no. 1) and April 1898 (Vol. 1 no. 3) and May, 1898, (Vol. 1 no. 4) Bound together. Contains two articles by Childers
CUMING, Fred. R.A: Fred Cuming. A Figure in the Landscape. Edited by Christian Tyler and introduced by Richard Holmes DALLEY, Robert J: Surfin Guitars. Instrumental Surf Bands of the Sixties DE MARE, Eric: The Victorian Woodblock Illustrators
DOYLE, Sir Arthur Conan. DAY, Dan, cover designer. Thomas ARTHUR (Illustrated by...): Cases of Sherlock Holmes. No 12. The Adventure of Silver Blaze. 1988 DURER, Albrecht. GROTE, Ludwig. (Edited by...): Albrecht Durer: Die Apokalypse GUY, John R. edited by: The Diocese of Llandaff in 1763. The Primary Visitation of Bishop Ewer
HERMAN, Josef: Josef Herman. Paintings & Drawings. With an Introduction by Edwin Mullins. (SIGNED by ARTIST) HUGHES, Robert with Richard HUGHES: Gladestry. 1900-1999. A Century of Change, JENKINS, Geriant H: Protestant Dissenters In Wales, 1639-1689. The Past In perspective
JONES, J. Morris: A Welsh Grammar. Historical and Comparative. Phonology and Accidence KNIGHT, Andrew: Selling Dreams. British and American Film Posters 1890-1976. Foreword by.. LEVER, Charles: The O'Donoghue: A Tale of Ireland Fifty Years Ago. With illustrations by H.K. Browne
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