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SINCLAIR, Catherine: Modern Society; or, The March of Intellect. The Conclusion of Modern Accomplishments. Sixth Thousand
SINCLAIR, Sir John: The Code of Agriculture; Including Observations on Gardens, Orchards, Woods and Plantations
SINGH, Dr. Om Prakash: Religion and Iconography On Indian Coins
SINGHAL, D.P: India and World Civilization
SINGLETON, Kate: Patriarchal Basilica in Assisi. Saint Francis. Artistic Testimony Evangelical Message. Translated by..
SINNETT, Mrs Percy: Herdsmen and Tillers of the Ground: or, Illustrations of Early Civilization
SINNETT-JONES, David: Not All Plain Sailing
SITWELL, Osbert: Wrack at Tidesend. A Book of Balnearics being the second volume of England Reclaimed
SIVARAMAMURTI, C: Nolamba Sculptures In The Madras Government Museum. Bulletin of the Madras Government Museum. New Series - General Section, Vol.IX, No 1
SLADEK, John: Roderick. Or The Education of a Young Machine
SLESSER, Malcolm: The Andes are Prickly
SLOVO, Shawn: A World Apart
SMART, Alastair. (Allan RAMSAY): Allan Ramsay. 1713-1784
SMITH, A. Croxton: Gun Dogs Their Training, Working & Management. Edited by A. Croxton Smith with Contributions by Capts G. Blaine, L. C. R. Cameron et al. With 29 Illustrations
SMITH, Amanda: Amanda Smith. An Autobiography. With an Introduction by Bishop Thoburn of India and Abridged for English Readers By The Rev. Charles G. Moore
SMITH, Guy N: The Knighton Vampires. SIGNED BY AUTHOR
SMITH, J. Toulmin: Government by Commissions Illegal and Pernicious. The Nature and Effects of all Commissions of Inquiry and other Crown-appointed Commissions. The Constitutional Principles of Taxation; and the Rights, Duties and Importance of Local Self-Government. [INSCRIBED 'FROM THE AUTHOR']
SMITH, Joan: Misogynies
SMITH, Rev. Thomas: A New and Complete Concordance. To The Holy Scriptures: Comprising, under one alphabet, the appellative or common words occurring in holy writ; together with the proper names of persons and places; the significations of those names in the languages from which they are derived; and their correct accentuation: the whole containing upwards of one hundred and twenty-two thousand references, carefully arranged, and actually verified, by collation with the Authorised Version of the Old and New Testaments; and forming a grand repository of biblical theology, history, geography, and biography; or, a complete and luminous index to the oracles of divine truth; adapted for general convenience and utility
SMITH, Vincent: A History of Fine Art in India and Ceylon. Second Edition Revised by K. de B. Codrington. Third Edition Revised and Enlarged by Karl Khandalavala
SMITH, W. P. Haskett., HART, H. C: Climbing in the The British Isles. In Two Volumes. I - England by W.P. Haskett Smith with 23 Illustrations by Ellis Carr and Five Plans. II - Wales by W.P. Haskett Smith, Ireland by H.C. Hart. With 31 Illustrations by Ellis Carr and Nine Plans
SNAFFLES: Four-Legged Friends and Acquaintances
SNAFFLES: A Half Century of Memories
SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE: Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. Edited by C. H. Hunter Blair
SOMERVILLE, E. OE. and Martin ROSS: Stray-Aways. With Thirty-Four Illustrations by E. OE. Somerville
(SOMERVILLE, E. OE.) CUMMINS, Geraldine: Dr. E. OE. Somerville. A Biography
SOMMERS, Barbara. (Interviewer): Transpersonal Psychotherapy. Five Sessions. Transcript. Sessions by; Elizabeth Wilde-McCormick; Nan Beecher-Moore; Andrew Samuels; Ian Gordon-Brown; Nigel Hamilton
SOUTH BANK CENTRE: The Art of Ancient Mexico Hayward Gallery, London 17 September to 6 December 1992
SOUTHEY, Robert: The Doctor &c. Complete in one volume. Edited by John Wood Warter. [First appearance of The Story of the Three Bears.]
SOUTHEY, Robert: The Poetical Works of Robert Southey. Complete in One Volume
SOWDEN, Harry: Australian Woolsheds. Edited and Photographed by Harry Sowden
SPARROW, Judge Gerald: The Great Impostors
SPEAR & JACKSON: Concerning Handsaws. Some Hints on their Care & Maintenance. Compiled by.... with the help of Mr. J. Aitchison and Mr. A. W. Lewis of Loughborough Training College, Leicester
SPEARS, Brigadier-General E. L: Liaison, 1914. A Narrative of the Great Retreat. With fourteen maps & two sketches by Lt.-Col. Sir Morgan Crofton. WITH TYPED LETTER SIGNED
SPEEL, Erika: Painted Enamels. An Illustrated Survey 1500-1920
SPEIGHT, T. W: The Crime in the Wood
SPELMAN, Sir Henry: The History and Fate of Sacrilege. Edited in Part from two Mss., Revised and Corrected, With a Continuation, Large Additions, And An Introductory Essay by Two Priests of the Church of England
SPENCE, Edward F: The Pike Fisher
SPENCE, Lewis: The Civilization of Ancient Mexico
SPENDER, Stephen: New Selected Journals 1939-1995. Edited by Lara Feigel & John Sutherland with Natasha Spender
SPIELMANN, Mrs M.H: The Rainbow Book. Tales of Fun and Fancy. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham, Hugh Thomson, Bernard Partridge, Lewis Baumer, Harry Rountree, C. Wilhelm
SPOHR, Louis: Louis Spohr's Celebrated Violin School, Translated from the John Bishop
SPOON. PORTER, R. E: A Brief History of the Spoon
SPRING, Howard: Christmas Honeymoon
SRINIVAS, M. N: Religion and Society Among the Coorgs of South India
STABE, General. MULLER, Andreas: Carte des Herzogthums Salzburg von dem Kaiserlich Koniglich Oesterreichischen [Carte Von Salzburg.] General Quartiermeister Stabe in den Jahren 1806 und 1807. In Verbindung mit dem oesterreichiscben Kaiserreiche astronomifch trigonometrisch vermessen, topographisch aufgenommen, und J M Jahre 1810. Reduchart und Gezeichnet. Gestochen von K. Ponheimer, academ. Kupferstecher, und beachrieben von Andreas Miller
STAMP, Dudley: Nature Conservation in Britain. With a list of Conservation Areas in England, Wales and Scotland compiled by James Fisher, Deputy Chairman, the Countryside Commission.The New Naturalist Library
STANDING, P.A. NEWSON, M.D. and WILKINS, A.G: Second Report On the Little Neath River Cave
STANLEY, Arthur Penrhyn: Sinai and Palestine. In Connection with Their History
STANLEY, William Owen: Memoirs on Remains of Ancient Dwellings, Holyhead Island, Mostly of Circular Form, Called Cyttiau'r Gwyddelod, Explored in 1862 and 1868 With Notices of Relics Found in Recent Excavations There, and Also in Various Parts of Anglesey
STANSKY, Peter and ABRAHAMS, William: London's Burning. Life, Death and Art in the Second World War
STARCK, Philip: Starck
STEBBING, W.P.D: The Invader's Shore. Some Observations on the Physiography, Archaeology, History and Sociology of Deal and Walmer
STEELE, Richard: The Lover and The Reader; By the Author of the Tatler and Spectator
STEERE, Edward: A Handbook of the Swahili Language as spoken at Zanzibar. Revised by A. B. Hellier
STEERS, J.A: The Sea Coast
STEINER, Ann: Reading Greek Vases
STEINER, Rudolf: The Festivals and Their Meaning. Michaelmas. The Significance of the Impulse of Michael. Lectures given between the years 1913 and 1924. Volume 4 only
STEINER, Rudolf: Die Gesunde Entwicklung Des Leiblich-Physischen Als Grundlage Der Freien Entfaltung Des Seelisch-Geistigen
STEINER, Rudolf: The Gospel of St. Matthew. A Course of twelve lectures given at Berne. 1st to 12th September, 1910. (From a shorthand report unrevised by the Lecturer)
STEINER, Rudolf: Vier Mysteriendramen. Die Pforte der Einweihung. Die Prufung der Seele. Der Huter der Schwelle. Der Seelen Erwachen
STEINER, Rudolf: Wahrspruchworte Richtspruchworte. Eight lectures given between the years 1904 and 1921
STEINER, Rudolf: Die Weisheit der deutschen Volksmarchen
STELLWAG, Dr. J. C: Monogrammenlexicon
STEP, Edward: Insect Artizans and Their Work
STEPHENS, Alan and WALDEN, Raphael (Eds): For the Sake of Humanity. Essays in Honour of Clemens. N. Nathan
STEPHENS, Robert: Cyprus, A Place of Arms. Power Politics and Ethnic Conflict in the Eastern Mediterranean
STEPHENS, Sir Edgar [Ed.]: The Clerks of the Counties 1360-1960. With a Foreword by The Rt. Hon. The Viscount Kilmuir, G.C.V.O., Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain
STEVENS, Wallace: Selected Poems
STEVENSON, David: The Principles and Practice of Canal and River Engineering. Revised by His Sons David Alan Stevenson and Charles Alexander Stevenson
STEVENSON, R.L: Songs with Music. From A Child's Garden Of Verses. Music by Rev. Thomas Crawford, B.D. Drawings by Margaret Tarrant
STEVENSON, Robert Louis: Prayers Written at Vailima
STEVENSON, Robert Louis: Virginibus Puerisque and Other Papers
STEWART, Gerry: The Cotswold Canals Walk. (Stroudwater, Thames and Severn). Designed and Compiled by... Illustrations by Genny Proctor
STEWART, Ian Charles: Indonesians. Portraits from an Archipelago. Photographs by Ian Charles Stewart. Text by Ian Charles Stewart and Judith Shaw
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