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RAHNER, Karl [Ed.]: Sacramentum Mundi. An Encylopedia of Theology.Edited by Karl Rahner with Cornelius Ernst and Kevin Smyth
RAINE, Craig: The Electrification of the Soviet Union
RAITHBY, John: The Study and Practice of the Law. Considered, in their various relations to society. In a series of letters
RAM, James: A Treatise on Facts. As Subjects of Inquiry by a Jury
RAMSAY, A. C: The Old Glaciers of Switzerland and North Wales
RAMSEY, Jeremy: Colours east. Paintings and drawings by Jeremy Ramsey. The Gallery in Cork Street, 28 Cork Street London. 9th -27th September 1996
RAO, Rama Dr M: Eastern Calukyan Temples of Andra Desa
RAPER, G.C: North Perrot. The Story of a Country Village
RAPHAEL, Mary F: The Romance Of English Almshouses
RASHLEIGH, Edward: Among The Waterfalls of The World. With 84 Illustrtations
RASTELL, John: The Four Elements. Edited by Roger Coleman. As performed at the University Printing House, Cambridge in the summer of this year now printed for friends at Christmas
RATHORE, Fateh, Singh, SINGH, Tejbir and THAPAR, Valmik: With Tigers In The Wild. An Experience in an Indian Forest. (SIGNED)
RAVEN-HART, Major R: Canoeing in Ireland. by... author of Canoe Errant and Canoe Errant on the Nile
[RAWLINSON, Sir Robert] A Civil Engineer: Cosmos: A Study
RAWSON, Jessica (Ed): Mysteries of Ancient China. New Discoveries from the Early Dynasties
RAY, Acharya Prafulla Chandra: History of Chemistry in Ancient and Medieval India Incorporating History of Hindu Chemistry
RAY, Jane: The Story of The Creation
RAYNES, Samuel: A Guide to the Practice of The Courts of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace in England
READ, Herbert: The End of a War
REED, Talbot Baines: The Willoughby Captains
REES, Abraham: The Cyclopaedia; or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature. Illustrated with numerous engravings by the most distinguished artists. Vol. VI. Plates. Ancient and Modern Atlas
REES, Alwyn and Brinley: Celtic Heritage. Ancient Tradition in Ireland and Wales
REES, Alwyn D: The Magistrate's Dilemma vis-à-vis The Welsh Language Offender
REES, His Honour J. Tudor: Reserved Judgment. Some Reflections and Recollections
[REFRIGERATION]: Ice and Cold Storage. Trades' Directory & Handbook for 1927 For all Connected with the Refrigerating Industry and Allied Trades in the United Kingdom
REID, A.J., SHAW, N.J., and WHEELER, W.R: Birds of Victoria and South-East Australia. 1: Urban Areas 2: The Ranges 3: Oceans, Bays, Beaches 4: Inland Waters 5: Dry Country 6: Rare SpeciesWith paintings by Margo Kroyer-Pedersen (Vols. 1 and 3) and Susan McInnes (Vols. 2 and 4-6)
REID, Don: Rock Climbing. Yosemite Free Climbs
REID, T.W: The Book Of The Cheese. Being Traits and Stories of "Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese". Wine Office Court, Fleet Street London, EC. Compiled by the Late... Fourth Edition Edited by R.R Adams. Illustrated Messrs Seymour Lucas, Herbert Railton, Joseph Pennell, Walter Allen & George Cruickshank
REILLY, Helen: Ding Dong Bell
REILLY, Paul, RAHTZ, Sebastian. (Eds.): Archaeology and the Information Age. A global perspective
REINACH, Salamon: Cults, Myths and Religions. Translated by Elizabeth Frost
REITAM, E. A. (Ed.): The Best of the Gentleman's Magazine 1731-1754. Studies in British History Volume 4
RELIGIOUS AND POLITICAL TRACTS. FLETCHER, J. STENNETT, Samuel: American Patriotism Farther Confronted with Reason, Scripture, and the Constitution: Being Observations on the Dangerous Politics. Taught by the Rev. Mr. Evans, M.A. And the Rev. Dr. Price. With A Scriptural Plea For the Revolted Colonies. The Second Edition. Together WITH: A Rational Vindication of the Catholic Faith: Being The First Part of A Vindication of Christ's Divinity; Inscribed to the Reverend Dr. Priestley, by J. Fletcher, Vicar of Salop. Left Imperfect by the author and now revised and finished by, At Mrs. Fletcher's Request, by Joseph Benson. Together WITH: Remarks on Christian Minister's Reasons for administering Baptism by Sprinkling or Pouring of Water: A Series of Letters to a Friend. By Samuel Stennett, D.D
RELIGIOUS COURTSHIP: Religious Courtship, or Discourses on the Choice of Husbands & Wives. With an Appendix: Shewing the necissity of taking none but Religious Servants: And a proposal for the better managing of servants
REMFRY, Paul Martin: Bloody Montgomery. 1223 to 1295
REMFRY, Paul Martin: The Borough and Castles of Radnor Lordship. A Short Guide
RENMUS, S.J. and Others: The Story of "Ty.phoo". "Ty.phoo" Once an Idea. Now a Great Business
REY, Guido: The Matterhorn. With an Introduction by Edmondo De Amicis. Translated from the Italian by J. E. C. Eaton. With 14 Coloured Plates and 23 Pen and Ink Drawings by Edoardo Rubino and 11 photographs
REY, H.A: How Do You Get There?
REY, Jean: The Essays of Jean Ray. A Facsimile reprint of the original edition of 1630. With an Introduction and Notes by Douglas McKie
RHIND, William: A History of The Vegetable Kingdom; Embracing The Physiology of Plants, With Their Uses to Man and the Lower Animals. Illustrated by Several Hundred Figures. WITH 22 HAND-COLOURED PLATES
RICARDO, Sir Harry R: Memories and Machines. The Pattern of My Life
RICE, Michael: Swifter than the Arrow. The Golden Hunting Grounds of Ancient Egypt
RICHARDS, Walter: Her Majesty's Army: A Descriptive Account of the Various Regiments now Comprising the Queen's Forces, from their First Establishment to the Present Time. With Coloured Illustrations by G.D. Giles
RICHARDSON, Norval: Third and Last
RICHARDSON, Tim: Avant Gardeners. 50 Visionaries of the Contemporary Landscape. With Foreword by Martha Schwartz
RICKMAN, Phil: The Fabric of Sin. (SIGNED)
RIDING, Laura: Four Unposted Letters to Catherine. Postscript by Laura (Riding) Jackson.Afterword by Elizabeth Friedmann and Alan J. Clark
RIDLEY, Rosalind M. and BAKER, Harry F: Fatal Protein. The Story of CJD, BSE, and Other Prion Diseases
RIGBY, Bernard: Ever Glorious. The Story of the 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment. Vol One only
RIPMAN, Constance: Ginger & Snout. Illustrated by Eva Ash
RIPSTON, Rowena: Children, For Shame!
RIVERS. PENSWICK, Right Rev. Dr: River's Manual; Or Pastoral Instructions Upon the Creed, Commandments, Sacraments Lord's Prayers, &c Collected from the Holy Scriptures, Councils, Fathers, and approved writers in God's Church with prayers conformable thereunto'....
RIVOIRA, G. T: Roman Architecture and Its Principles of Construction Under The Empire. With an Appendix on the Evolution of the Dome up to the XVIIth Century. By... Translated from the Italian by G. McN. Rushforth
ROBB, Candace: The King's Bishop. A Medieval Murder Mystery. The Fourth 'Owen Archer' Mystery
ROBERTS, A: Applied Geotechnology. A Text for Students and Engineers on Rock Excavation and Related Topics
ROBERTS, Glenys: Bardot. A Personal Biography
ROBERTS, H. A., UNDERHILL, Eugene et al: The Homoeopathic Recorder. Volume LI. Numbers 1 - 12. The Complete run for 1936 Bound together in Cloth
ROBERTS, Lord: Forty-One Years in India. From Subaltern to Commander-in-Chief. In Two Volumes. With Portraits and Maps
ROBERTS, Mrs John: Khasi Folk Lore
ROBERTS, Mrs John, late of Cherrapoonjee: Khasi Folk Lore
ROBERTS, Peter, GIBBONS, Andrew and HERAUD, Richard: Education, Ethics and Existenc. Camus and the Human Condition
ROBERTSON, E.Graeme and ROBERTSON, Joan: Cast Iron Decoration. A World Survey
ROBERTSON, James (edited by): Forensic Examination of Fibres
ROBERTSON, John M: Pagan Christs. Studies in Comparative Hierology
ROBERTSON, R. Macdonald: Wade the River Drift The Loch. Angling in Scottish Waters. Compiled by..
ROBERTSON, Stanley: Nyakim's Windows. SIGNED presentation copy from the author. Illustrations by Simon Fraser
ROBERTSON, W. Graham: French Songs of Old Canada. Pictured by... With Translations
ROBERTSON, William: An Historical Disquisition Concerning the Knowledge which the Ancients had of India; and the Progress of Trade with that Country prior to the discovery of the Passage to it by the Cape of Good Hope. With an Appendix... The Fourth Edition
ROBERTSON, William: The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. With a view of the progress of society in Europe, from the Subversion of the Roman Empire, to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century. In Four Volumes
ROBINS, F. W: The Story of the Bridge
ROBINSON, Admiral Samuel Murray: A Brief History of the Texas Navies
ROBSON, Brian: Crisis On The Frontier. The Third Afghan War And The Campaign In Waziristan. 1919-1920
ROBSON, Rev. James: Christ in Islam
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