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PHILLIFENT, John T: The Lonely Man. (A T.V. BOARDMAN TITLE IN WRAPPER) PHILLIPS, Charles, Esq., A.B: Curran and His Contemporaries PHILLIPS, Claude: Sir Joshua Reynolds
PHILLIPS, Michael. (William Blake): William Blake The Creation of the Songs. From Manuscript to Illuminated Printing PHILLIPS, Sir Thomas: The Life of James Davies, A Village Schoolmaster PHILPOTTS, Eden: Folly and Fresh Air. Author of "The End of a Life"
PILKINGTON, F.M. retold by: Shamrock and Spear. Tales and Legends From Ireland. Drawings by Roy Spencer PINE, L. G: The Twilight of Monarchy PINNOCK, Geoffrey: Dark Paths. The Story of Modern Contraband Running in Europe
PINTER, Harold: One for the Road. With production photos by Ivan Kyncl and an interview on the play and its politics PIPER, John: Oxon. A Shell Guide. FIRST EDITION PITCHER, W.S. and FLINN, Glennys W. [Eds.]: Controls of Metamorphism. A symposium held under the auspices of The Liverpool Geological Society
PITKÄNEN, Matti A. PITKÄNEN, Ilkka: Poromiehet. The Lapps and their Reindeer PLAKHOV, Andrei: The Soviet Cinema PLATTS, John T: A Dictionary of Urdu, Classical Hindi and English. In Two Volumes
(POE, Edgar Allan). HEARTMAN, Charles F. and CANNY James R: A Bibliography of First Printings of the Writings of Edgar Allan Poe. Together with a Record of First and Contemporary Later Printings of HIs Contributions to Annuals, Anthologies, Periodicals and Newspapers Issued During his Lifetime. Also Some Spurious Poeana and Fakes POLE, Dr William: Whist. by.. the author of The Philosophy of Whist POLIDORI, Robert. (Photographs by): Libya. The Lost Cities of the Roman Empire. Text by Antonino Di Vita, Ginette Di Vita-Evrard, Lidiano Bacchielli
POLLARD, Jack: Australian Cricket. The Game and the Players. Foreword by Sir Donald Bradman POLLARD, Joseph: The Land of Monuments. Notes of Egyptian Travel. With Introduction by The Rev. W. Wright. With Map and Fifteen Illustrations POLLARD, Major H. B. C: A History of Firearms. With Forty-One Half-Tone and Line Plates
POLONASKI, E: The Value of the Old Violins. Being a List of the Principal Violin Makers, British, Italian, French and German. With Approximate Valuations of their Instruments and Occasional Notes on their Varnish. With Illustrations of some Celebrated Instruments and Facsimiles of Labels POMEROY, Laurence and WALKERLEY, Rodney, compiled by: The Motor Year Book 1950 POOR LAW COMMISSION: Official Circulars of Public Documents and Information. Directed by the Law Commissioners to be Printed, chiefly for the Use of Boards of Guardians and their Officers. Ten Volumes in Two. Volumes I-VI [1840-1851]. Volumes VII-X [1840-1851]. Reprints of Economic Classics
POPE, A., GAY, John., GRAY, T., MALLET, DRYDEN, DIBDIN, MARVEL, SAVAGE., et al: The Cabinet of Genius. Containing Frontispieces and Characters adapted to the most Popular Poems &c. with the Poems &c. at large POPE, Alexander. Edited by Mr. Warburton: The Works of Alexander Pope in Nine (9)Volumes. With His Last Corrections, Additions, and Improvements. As they were delivered to the EDITOR, a little before his Death. Together with the Commentary and Notes of Mr. Warburton POPE, Rev. G. U: A Handbook of the Ordinary Dialect of the Tamil Language. Part V A Tamil Prose Reader. Adapted to the Handbook. Seventh Edition
[PORTAL]: Les Descendants des Alibgeois et des Huguenots. ou Memoires de la Famille de Portal PORTER, J.L: Pen and Pencil Pictures of the Holy Land PORTER, J. R. and W. M. S. RUSSELL. (Edited by...): Animals in Folklore
PORTER, Roy. (Ed.): George Cheyne; The English Malady (1733) . Tavistock in the History of Psychiatry PORTWAY, Christopher: Corner Seat. (SIGNED) POTTER, Beatrix: The Story of Miss Moppet
POTTS, William: Banbury Cross and The Rhyme POUND, Ezra: The Classical Anthology. Defined by Confucius POWER, Dr Patrick C and DUFFY, Dr Sean: Timetables of Irish History. An Illustrated Chronological Chart of the History of Ireland from 6000BC to Present Times
POWER, Ernest Erle: The Path of the Elders. A Modern Exposition of Ancient Buddhism POWYS, John Cowper: A Glastonbury Romance. (FIRST EDITION) [POWYS, John Cowper]: Selected Poems of John Cowper Powys. Edited with an Introduction by Kenneth Hopkins
PRANCE, Bernard: Thirty Years of War and Crime PREISS, Ken and OBORN, Pamela: The Torrens Park Estate. A Social and Architectural History PRESCOTT, William H: History of the Conquest of Mexico, With a Preliminary View of The Ancient Mexican Civilization, and the Life of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortés. By.... In Three Volumes
PRESCOTT, William H: History of the Conquest of Peru with a Preliminary view of the Civilization of the Incas. Edited by John Foster Kirk PRICE, Barrie: Bugatti 57, The Last French Bugatti. Enlarged and Revised edition PRICE, John: An Historical Account of the City of Hereford
PRICHARD, H. Hesketh: Hunting Camps. In Wood and Wilderness PRICKETT, Rev. Marmeduke: An Historical and Architectural Description of the Priory Church of Bridlington, In the East Riding of the County of York PRIESTLEY, J. B: Festival at Farbridge. WITH TYPED LETTER SIGNED
PRINCE, Edith: Angels' Whispers. by... Designed by Patty Townsend, T. R. Kennedy & W. J. Webb PRINCEP, James. THOMAS, Edward. (Edited by...): Essays on Indian Antiquities, Historical, Numismatic and Palaeographic, of the Late James Prinsep. To Which are Added His Useful Tables, Illustrative of Indian History, Chronology, Modern Coinages, Weights, Measures, etc. Edited with Notes and Additional Matter by Edward Thomas. Im Two Volumes. With Numerous Illustrations. (WITH SIGNED LETTER FROM THOMAS) Private 19022 [MANNING, Frederick]: Her Privates We
PROCTER, Maurice: No Proud Chivalry PROCTOR, Richard A: Pleasant Ways in Science PROULX, E.A. (Annie Proulx): The Customs Lounge. Worlds of IF Science Fiction' September, 1963. Vol. 13, No. 4
PROVENCE, Marcel: L'Histoire du Santon. Illustree par D. Dellepiane, Etiennette Gilles et J. M. Loustaunau PRYCE-JONES, David: Next Generation. Travels in Israel PULLEIN-THOMPSON, Diana: Janet Must Ride. With drawings by Mary Gernat
PULLMAN, Philip: I Was A Rat! ....Or The Scarlet Slippers. Illustrated by Peter Bailey PURDY, Richard Little and MILLGATE, Michael. (HARDY, Thomas): The Collected Letters of Thomas Hardy. Volume One 1840-1892. Edited by.. QUAKER: A Collection of Testimonies Concerning Several Ministers of the Gospel Amongst the People called Quakers, Deceased: With some of their last Expressions and Exhortations
QUAKERS: Annual Monitor For 1874, or Obituary of the Members of the Society of Friends In Great Britain and Ireland for the year 1873 QUAKERS: Annual Monitor For 1882, or Obituary of the Members of the Society of Friends In Great Britain and Ireland for the year 1881 QUAKERS: Annual Monitor For 1884, or Obituary of the Members of the Society of Friends In Great Britain and Ireland for the year 1883
QUAKERS: Annual Monitor For 1912, or Obituary of the Members of the Society of Friends In Great Britain and Ireland from October 1, 1910, to September 30, 1911 [QUAKERS]. DEWSBERY, William: The faithful Testimony of That Antient Servant of the Lord, and Minister of the everlasting Gospel. By William Dewsbery; In His Books, Epistles and Writings, Collected and Printed for Future Service QUAYLE, Eric: Old Cook Books. An Illustrated History. Photographs by Gabe Monro
QUENNELL, C. H. B and Peter: Somerset Shell Guide. FIRST EDITION QUINLAN, David: The Illustrated Directory of Film Character Actors RAAIJMAKERS, Jeroen G.W., CRISS, Amy H., GOLDSTONE, Robert L., NOSOFSKY, Robert M. and STEYVERS, Mark (Eds): Gognitive Modeling in Perception and Memory. A Festschrift for Richard M. Shiffin. Psychology Press Festschrifts
RACKHAM, Arthur. (Illustrated by...) Jonathan SWIFT: Gulliver's Travels Into Several Remote Nations of the World RACKHAM, Bernard: The Ancient Glass of Canterbury Cathedral. With a Foreword by the late Archbishop Lord Lang of Lambeth RADHAKRISHNAN, S: Essentials of Psychology. With a new foreword by S. Gopal
Radio Fun: Radio Fun Annual Radio Fun Annual: Radio Fun Annual 1955. Laugh with Norman Wisdom RAGAZZINI, Enzo. PARISE, Goffredo: The Tropics Before the Engine. Photographs by Enzo Ragazzini. Texts by Goffredo Parise and Enzo Ragazzini
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