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BOYD Tracey: Tracey Boyd's Nursery Rhymes BOYLE, John Earl of Orrery: Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift. In a Series of Letters from . . . to his son, the Honourable Hamilton Boyle BRACE, C. Loring: The Unknown God. Inspiration in Pre-Christian Races
BRADING, Tilla: Possibility of Inferno. SIGNED. Illustrated by Christopher Woodger BRADLEY, Alice: Desserts Including Layer Cakes and Pies BRADY, J.H: Varieties of Literature. Being, principally, selections from the portfolio of the late John Brady, Esq., author of "Clavis Calendaria"
BRAINE, Sheila E: To Tell The King The Sky is Falling. Illustrated by Alice Woodward BRANDON, S.G.F. [Ed.]: A Dictionary of Comparative Religion BRANGWYN, Frank and Walter Shaw SPARROW: Book Of Bridges
BRANHAM, H. A., & MCKIM, Buz: The Nascar Vault. An Official History Featuring Rare Collectibles from Motorsports Images and Archives BRAZIL, Angela: The School in the Forest. Illustrated by Dewar Mills [Breconshire]: The Breconshire Atlas. Being a Rendering into English of the text of Atlas Brycheiniog
BRERETON, John: Chain Mail. The History of the Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry 1798-1991 BRET, David: Tallulah Bankhead. A Scandalous Life BREWER, James Norris: A Descriptive and Historical Account of Various Places and Public buildings, English and foreign. With Biographical Notices of their Founders or Builders, and Other Eminent Persons
BRICE, A.H.M: Look Upon The Prisoner. Studies in Crime. By the Late Recorder of Tewkesbury. Edited by Alexander Cairns. With Sixteen Illustrations BRIDGES, Victor: The Cruise of the Scandal and Other Stories BRIDGES, Victor: It Never Rains
BRIDGETT, R. C: Sea-Trout Fishing. Illustrated in Colour and Half-Tone BRIGGS, John: Before the Deluge. Photographs of Cardiff's Docklands Communities in the Seventies. Foreword by Neil Sinclair BRIGGS, Wallace Alvin. (Edited by...): Immortelles. Garnered from The Lyric Centuries. SIGNED
BRILL, Bobby: Life on the Water's Edge. The Culture and History of the Qinhuai River BRILLAT-SAVARIN: The Phsyiology of Taste or Meditations on Transcendental Gastronomy. With an Introduction by Arthur Machen and embellished with designs by Andrew Johnson BRINE, Mary D: Jingles and Rhymes for Little People. Illustrated by Rosa C. Petherick, E. H. Stewart, and Others
BRINKMANN, Bodo. (CRANACH): Cranach BRION, Marcel: Animals in Art. Translated by Frances Hoagarth-Gaute. With Fifty-Eight Photogravure Plates Including Sixteen in Colour BRITTEN, F.W: The Watch Repairers' Instructor. A Practical Handybook on Cleaning, Repairing & Adjusting. Embracing Information on the Tools, Materials, Appliances and Processes Employed in Watchwork based on the work "Watch Jobbers' Handybook" by P. N. Hasluck
BROCK, Alan: A Casebook of Crime. With a picture commentary BROCK, H. M. (Pictured by): Beauty and the Beast BRODSKY, Stanley L. and EGGLESTON, Norman E: The Military Prison. Theory, Research, and Practice
BRODY, J. Kenneth: The Avoidable War Volume 1. Lord Cecil & the Policy of Principle 1933-1935 BRODY, J. Kenneth: The Avoidable War Volume 2. Pierre Laval & the Politics of Reality BRODY, J. Kenneth: The Avoidable War. Voume I: Lord Cecil & The Policy of Principle 1933-1935. Volume II: Pierre Laval & the Politics of Reality 1935-1936
BRØGGER, A. W. & SHETELIG, Haakon: The Viking Ships. Their Ancestry and Evolution BROOKE, L. Leslie: Nursery Rhymes II. With Drawings by... Rhymes and Lullabies BROOKE, Rupert: The Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke. The Title-page and Portrait cut on the wood by Gwen Raverat
BROOKE, Rupert: John Webster & The Elizabethan Drama by.... BROOKE, Rupert: Lithuania: A Play in One Act BROOMHALL, Edward Barron: The Imperial Combination Code for Mining, Company promoting, Financial and Stock Exchange Purposes. The Rubber Edition
BROPHY, Brigid: Mozart The Dramatist. A new view of Mozart, his operas and his age BROTHWELL, Don and HIGGS, Eric (Eds): Science in Archaeology. A Comprehensive Survey of Progress and Research BROWN, JONES, & ROBINSON: A Freshwater Yarn: Being ye True and Veracious Log of ye Boats "Fury" and "Kate", while on an Exploring Expedition on ye River Avon; Done by ye Officers (and Crew) in Charge thereof, vis. :- Brown, Jones, and Robinson. To ye which are superadded sundry Sketches, by ye Hydrographer and Draughtsman, Robinson: ye whole now edited, collated, emendated, and corrected, by Brown
BROWN, Roxanna & KAROW, Otto & MEISTER, Peter & SIEGEL, Hans: Legend and Reality, Early Ceramics from South-East Asia BROWN, Thomas. WARD, Edward: A Legacy for the Ladies. Or, Characters of the Women of the Age. By the late Ingenious Mr. Thomas Brown. With a Comical View of London and Westminster: Or. The Merry Quack; where-in Physic is Rectified for Both the Beaus and Ladies. In Two Parts. The First Part by Mr. Tho. Brown: The Second Part by Mr. Edw. Ward, Author of the London-Spy, &c. To which is prefixt, The Character of Mr. Tho. Brown, and his Writings, Written by Dr. Drake [BROWNE, Gordon Frederick]: A Nobody's Scrap Book. Nobody & Somebody
BROWNE, Sir Thomas: Religio Medici: Urn Burial and Christian Morals BROWNING, Robert: La Saisiaz: The Two Poets of Croisic BROWNING, Robert: Parleyings with Certain People of Importance in their Day: To Wit: Bernard de Mandeville, Daniel Bartoli, Christopher Smart, George Bubb Dodington, Francis Furini, Gerard de Lairesse, and Charles Avison. Introduced by A Dialogue between Apollo and the Fates; Concluded by Another Between John Fust and His Friends
BROWNING, Robert: Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau. Saviour of Society BROWNING, Robert H.K: Golf in Hants & Dorset. Series No 10 BROWNJOHN, Alan and DONOUGHUE, Bernard (edited by...): Departure. A Magazine of Literature and the Arts. Vol 2. No. 6
BRUCE, James of Kinnaird, esq., f.r.s: Travels To Discover the Source of the Nile, In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773. In Five Volumes BRUCE, The Hon. Mrs Victor: Nine Lives Plus. Record-Breaking on Land, Sea, and in the Air. An Autobiographical Account BRUER, John T: The Myth of the First Three Years. A New Understanding of Early Brain Development and Lifelong Learning
BRÜGGEN, Norbert: Model Submarine Technology BRUNTON, Paul: A Search in Secret Egypt BRYAN, Michael: A Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, from the Revival of the Art Under Cimabue, and the Alledged Discovery of Engraving by Finiguerra, to the Present Time: With the Ciphers, Monograms, and Marks, Used by Each Engraver; and an ample list of their Principal Works. Together wioth Two Indexes, Alphabetical and Chronological. To which is Prefixed, An Introduction, containing A Brief Account of the Painters of Antiquity. Two Volumes
BRYANT, Arthur: Protestant Island. (SIGNED) BRYANT, Sara Cone: Stories to Tell To Children. Illustrated by Patten Wilson BÜCHLER, Pavel: Pavel Büchler. Untitled Portraits
BUCHSTEINER, GREWENIG: Japanische Fotografie der 60er jahre. Japanese Photography in the 1960s BUCKINGHAM, Jane: Leprosy in Colonial South India Medicine and Confinement BUDD, Jim: Loki. A Mischievous God. Myths and Legends
BUHLER. G (Trans.): The Laws of Manu with Extracts from Seven Commentaries BUHLER, Johann Georg: The Indian Sect of the Jainas. Translated from the German. Edited with an Outline of Jaina Mythology. By JAs Burgess BUKHARIN, N. I.; DEBORIN, A. M.; URANOVSKY, T. M.; VAVILOV, S. I.; KOMAROV, V. L.; TIUMENIEV, A. I: Marxism and Modern Thought
BULLEN, Frank T: The Cruise of the "Cachalot". Round the World After Sperm Whales BULLEN, Frank T: The Men of the Merchant Service. Being the Polity of the Mercantile Marine For Longshore Readers BULLOUGH, John: Vol. I & II: Speeches and Letters, Vol. III: Letters & Verse. Three Volumes. Printed for Private Circulation
BUNGE, Frederica M (Ed): Indian Ocean. Five Island Countries Area Handbook Series BUNYAN, John: The Pilgrim's Progress, And Other Select Works. With a Preface and Memoir of the Author. With Gloriously Coloured Plates BURBIDGE, WM. F.: From Balloon to Bomber
BURDER, Samuel: Oriental Customs: or, An Illustration of the Sacred Scriptures, by an Explanatory Application of the Customs and Manners of the Eastern Nations, and especially The Jews, Therein Alluded to. Collected from the most Celebrated Travellers and the Most Eminent Critics. A New edition in four volumes [BURGESS, Thomas.] Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of St. David's: Motives to The Study of Hebrew: BURN, Richard: The Justice of the Peace, and Parish Officer. The Eleventh Edition. Volumes I, III and IV
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