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ALDIN, Cecil: Field Babies ALDIN, Cecil: Sleeping Partners A Series of Episodes ALDIN, Cecil: Zoo Babies. Pictured by.... With Short Interviews by G. E. Farrow
ALDISS, Brian: Remembrance Day. (SIGNED) ALDISS, Brian W: The Airs of Earth. Science Fiction Stories ALDRICH, Bess Streeter: Miss Bishop
ALEXANDER, Dorothy in collaboration with Walter L. Strauss: The German Single-Leaf Woodcut. 1600-1700. A Pictorial Catalogue in two volumes 1. A-N ALEXANDER, J. J. G. and DE LA MARE, A. C: The Italian Manuscripts in the Library of Major J. R. Abbey ALEXANDER, Lamar (Presented by): The Tennesseans. A People and Their Land. Photographed by Robin Hood. Text by Barry Parker
ALEXANDER, Sir Henry: The Cairngorms. Fourth Edition. A Major Revision by Adam Watson, with assistance from J.C.D Donaldson. I.H.M. Smart and G.S. Johnstone. Scottish Mountainerring Club District Guide Books ALFIERI, Vittorio: Del Principe e Delle Lettere, con Altre Prose ALFIERI, Vittorio: Satire e Poesie, Minori
ALI, Tariq: Pirates of the Caribbean. SIGNED Axis of Hope ALLCHIN, F.R: Neolithic Cattle-Keepers Of South India. A Study of the Deccan Ashmounds ALLDERIDGE, Patricia: Bethlem Hospital 1247-1997. A Pictorial Record. (SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY)
ALLEN, Glen: Night Raiders ALLEN, Peter: Famous Fairways. A Look at the World of Championship Courses. ALLEN, Philip Schuyler (Stories by). MOE, Louis. (Pictures by): Three Roly-Poly Piglets
ALLEN, Rosemary: Gargoyles ALLFREE, P.S: Hawks of the Hadhramaut ALY, Gotz and HEIM, Susanne: Architects of Annihilation. Auschwitz and the Logic of Destruction
AMBLER, Eric: Intrigue. Four Great Spy Novels of ... With an Introduction by Alfred Hitchcock AMEDEO, H. R. H. Prince Luigi Amedeo di Savoia, Duke of the Abruzzi. DE FILIPPI, Filippo (Narrated by): The Ascent of Mount St. Elias. [Alaska]. Narrated by Filippo de Filippi. Illustrated by Vittorio Sella and Translated by Signora Linda Villari with The Author's Supervision AMIN, Mohammed, WILLETTS, Duncan, FARROW, Bendan: Lahore
AMIS, Kingsley: A Frame of Mind. Eighteen Poems AMIS, Kingsley, GOLDING, William, INGLIS, Brian et al: John Bull's Schooldays AMMAN, Jost: Kunst und Lehrbuchlein. Notes and Introduction by Eric Quayle
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ANAND, Mulk Raj. Introductory essay by Eric Gill: The Hindu View of Art ANCEL, Marc: Social Defence. A Modern Approach to Criminal Problems. By... With a Foreword by Leon Radzinowicz, translated by J.Wilson ANCESSI, V: Atlas Geographique et Archeologique pour l'etude de L'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament
ANDERSEN, Hans Christian: The Tinder Box. Retold By Joan Cherry. Illustrated by Lucien Lowen ANDERSEN, Hans Christian: The Ugly Duckling. etc.etc. Illustrated by E. J. Andrews, Elsie Blomfield Etc., Etc ANDERSEN, P. CHR: The Olympic Winter Games. Oslo 1952
ANDERSON, John: Catalogue and Handbook of the Archaeological Collections in the Indian Museum. Part II ANDERSON, M. D: Animal Carvings in British Churches ANDREE, S. A. STRINDBERG, Nils, FRAENKEL, Knut: Per Balono al la Poluso. La Polusekspedicio de Andree en 1897... El la Sveda Tradukis Stellan Engholm
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ANON: Away From Home; or, Sights and Scenes in Other Lands. A Book for the Young ANON: Baby Bosh By The Sea ANON: Central Africa In Picture
ANON: A Collection of all the Statutes Now in Force Relating to the Duties upon Candles, Leather, Sope, Paper, Silks, Callocoes, &c. and upon Starch, and Gilt and Silver Wire, and Wrought Plate. With An Abridgment of the said Statutes, and a Table of the Rates upon the several Commodities shewing by what Acts they are Imposed ANON: The Congregational Magazine, 1841. New Series. Vol. V ANON: The Favourite Book of Alphabets. Alphabet of Beasts. Alphabet of Birds. Alphabet of Horses and Dogs.. Seaside Alphabet. Scripture Alphabet
ANON: Four Miles South of Kitty Hawk Anon: Gentleman and Lady's Key to Polite Literature; or A Compendious Dictionary of Fabulous History, containing the characters, and principal actions, ascribed to the heathen gods, goddesses, heroes, &c. and the manner in which the ancients represented the deities & heroes, virtues and vices, in their paintings, statues and gems : together with some account of their poets, and references to the principal places mentioned in their works : intended for the assistance of those who would understand mythology, poetry, painting, statuary and theatrical entertainments, and particularly adapted to the use of Latin and French school ANON: Gold Coast Timbers
ANON: An Invective against Drunkenness. Reprinted from the edition of c.1548 ANON: An Inventory of the Ancient Monuments in Caernarvonshire. Volume II: Central. The Cantref of Arfon and the Commote of Eifionydd ANON: Jumblegrams. Toys in Book Form. (Books 1 and 2)
ANON: La Part Du Rêve. De La Montgolfiere Au Satellite 1783-1983 ANON: Letters on the Importance, Duty, and of Advantages Early Rising ANON: Lincolnshire In 1836. Displayed in a series of Nearly One Hundred Engravings, on Steel and Wood; with Accompanying Descriptions, Statistical and Other Important Information, Maps etc
ANON: A Methodical Grammar, Without Points. Adapted to the use of Learners, and Even of those Who Have not the Benefit of a Master. To which is subjoined, The Hebrew Grammar at One View ANON: A Picture Story Book With Four Hundred Illustrations by Eminent Artists. Four Stories: "Dame Mitchell and her Cat", "The Strange and Interesting Adventures of Prince Hempseed and His Little Sister" and "The History of a Nut-Cracker Parts I and II." [ANON.]: The Portrait Gallery. Distinguished Poets, Philosophers, Statesmen, Divines, Painters, Architects, Physicians, and Lawyers, since the revival of art; with their biographies. Arranged in chronological order. Originally published by The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
ANON: The Practice of The Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, For The Parts of Lindsey, in the County of Lincoln, Settled and Approved by His Majesty's Justices of The Peace, at a Special Adjournment of the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace Holden at Kirton, On Tuesday the 19th Day of November, 1811, and at The General Quarter Sessions of the Peace Holden at Spilsby, on Friday the 17th Day of January, 1812 ANON: The Queen v. Charles Bradlaugh and Annie Besant. (Specially Reported). In the High Court of Justice. Queen's Bench Division, June 18th, 1877 ANON: Rigi Lac Des IV Cantons Lucerne
ANON: Schell Ranch ANON: The Smoker's Garland. Cope's Smoke Room Booklets. Number Ten ANON: Songs of the Edinburgh Angling Club. With Illustrations Drawn and Engraved by Members of the Club
ANON: Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society. Vol. XVI.-1898 ANON: Triumph Herald 1200 Owner's Repair Manual ANON: Your Ford. A Lubrication Analysis
ANON [CORBETT, A. F.]: Service Through Six Reigns. 1891 to 1953 ANON. [GALLERIA DEGLI UFFIZI]: Reale Galleria di Firenze. Illustrata. Seven Parts bound in Five Volumes. Serie I. Vols. 1 and 2 - Series IV ANON. Hampstead Blue Book: Hampstead Year Book & Directory 1934. Hampstead Blue Book
ANTES, Horst: Bilder - Gouachen - Zeichnungen - Skulpturen. 24 Jan. - 31 Marz 1975 ANTHOLOGY: Decision Making ANTHOLOGY: Granta
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