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JACK KEROUAC: Visions of Cody. A novel. With an introduction by Allen Ginsberg JACK KEROUAC. Stephen Ronan: Jack Kerouac, Recording Artist. (WITH ALS) JACK KEROUAC: The Haunted Life and Other Writings. Edited with an introduction by Todd Tietchen
RUTH PITTER: Collected Poems JEREMY HOOKER AND LEE GRANDJEAN: Their Silence a Language. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) EZRA POUND: The Letters of Ezra Pound 1907-1941. Edited by D.D.Paige
EDDIE LINDEN. Sebastian Barker: EDDIE LINDEN. Sebastian Barker. (SIGNED) THOMAS PYNCHON: The Crying of Lot 49. A novel GEORGE SIMS: Sixteen Poems. Written 1942-1945
JAMES DODDS. Martin Newell: The Song of the Waterlily. The Building of a Boat. With text by Martin Newell and illustrations by James Dodds. (SIGNED) THOM GUNN: Selected Poems 1950-1975 HERMANN HESSE. Bernhard Zeller: Herman Hesse. An Illustrated Biography. Translated from the German by Mark Hollebone
DAVID GASCOYNE. Graham Sutherland: Poems 1937-1942. With illustrations by Graham Sutherland DAVID GASCOYNE: Paris Journal 1937-1939 [and] Journal 1936-1937. (INSCRIBED) DAVID GASCOYNE: Early Poems. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
DAVID GASCOYNE: An Imitation of Leopardi's Imitation Canti, XXXV. (INSCRIBED) DAVID GASCOYNE. Colin T.Benford: David Gascoyne. A Bibliography of His Works (1929-1985) DAVID GASCOYNE: Three Transaltions. (SIGNED)
ADRIAN MITCHELL: The Apeman Cometh. Poems. (SIGNED) ADRIAN MITCHELL: Adrian. Scotland Celebrates Adrian Mitchell. An anthology edited by Chrys Salt and John Hudson, with introductions by Edwin Morgan and Kevin MacNeil. (SIGNED BY THE EDITOR) ANTHOLOGY: Imagist Anthology 1930. With forewords by Ford Madox Ford and Glenn Hughes
GRAHAM GREENE: J'Accuse. The Dark Side of Nice JOAN HASSALL. Ruth Pitter: The Plain Facts by a Plain but Amiable Cat CHRISTOPHER LOGUE: Devil, Maggot and Son. Poems. (SIGNED)
CHRISTOPHER LOGUE: Prince Charming. A Memoir. (SIGNED) ROSAMOND LEHMANN: Invitation to the Waltz. A novel. (SIGNED) ROSAMOND LEHMANN: The Echoing Grove. A novel. (SIGNED)
ANTHOLOGY: The Year's Poetry 1936. A Representative Selection. Edited by Denys Kilham Roberts and John Lehmann DYLAN THOMAS: New Poems DYLAN THOMAS: Deaths and Entrances. Poems
DYLAN THOMAS: Adventures in the Skin Trade. A novel. With an eight-page foreword by Vernon Watkins DYLAN THOMAS: Rebecca's Daughters DYLAN THOMAS. Ralph Maud: Dylan Thomas in Print. A Bibliographical History. With an appendix (1969-71) compiled by Walford Davies
DYLAN THOMAS: Dylan Thomas. The Broadcasts. Edited by Ralph Maud DYLAN THOMAS. Andrew Lycett: Dylan Thomas. A New Life. (SIGNED) JOHN COWPER POWYS. Agnus Miller Parker: Lucifer. A Poem. With engravings by Angus Miller Parker. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
WILLIAM LIONEL WYLLIE AND M.F.WREN: Sea Fights of the Great War. Naval Incidents During the First Nine Months. Text by M.F.Wren with illustrations by William Lionel Willie HAROLD F.HUTCHISON: London Transport Posters. With an introduction and notes by Harold F.Hutchison JOHN PIPER. Sir George Sitwell: On the Making of Gardens. With an introduction by Sir Osbert Sitwell and decorations by John Piper. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
T.E.LAWRENCE. Jeremy Wilson: Lawrence of Arabia. The Authorised Biography of T.E.Lawrence NANCY MITFORD: The Sun King. [A biography of King Louis XIV]. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) IAN FLEMING: contributes a brief piece on his North Shore Jamaican home 'Goldeneye' to the anthology House & Garden Weekend Book. Edited by Elisabeth Brayne
GEORGE SEFERIS. Keith Vaughan: The King of Asine and Other Poems. Translated from the Greek by Bernard Spencer, Nanos Valaoritis and Lawrence Durrell, with an introduction by Rex Warner and a dust wrapper design by Keith Vaughan A.P.HERBERT: The Bomber Gipsy and Other Poems ROBERT BYRON: The Road to Oxiana
ERSKINE CHILDERS AND BASIL WILLIAMS: The H.A.C in South Africa. A Record of the Services Rendered in the South African War by Members of the Honourable Artillery Company T.E.LAWRENCE (interest): Great Contemporaries. Essays by Various Hands CHARLES WILLIAMS: Poems of Conformity
CHARLES WILLIAMS: Taliessin Through Logres. Poems CHARLES WILLIAMS: All Hallows' Eve. A novel H.E.BATES: A German Idyll. With wood engravings by Lynton Lamb. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
CLARE LEIGHTON: Give us this Day. With illustrations and a dust wrapper design by the author C.J.C.STREET: Ireland in 1921 VIRGINIA WOOLF. Frederic William Maitland: The Life and Letters of Leslie Stephen
HENRY GREEN: Party Going. A novel MAITLAND RADFORD: Poems by Maitland Radford. With a Memoir by Some of His Friends RUPERT BROOKE. Maurice Browne: Recollections of Rupert Brooke
ALEXANDER THEROUX: Three Wogs. A novel HENRY A.ROBINSON: Further Memories of Irish Life JOHN BETJEMAN. Dr. G.Krishnamurti: The Eighteen-Nineties: A Literary Exhibition. September 4-21 1973 [and] The Eighteen-Nineties. Supplement to the Catalogue. Compiled by Dr. G.Krishnamurti. With a foreword by Sir John Betjeman
CHRIS BONINGTON: Everest. The Hard Way. (SIGNED) HEATHER AND ROBIN TANNER: Wiltshire Village. Text by Heather Tanner, with etchings and pen drawings by Robin Tanner E.M.FORSTER: The Story of the Siren
E.M.FORSTER: Pharos and Pharillon T.E.LAWRENCE: Fifty Letters: 1920-1935. The catalogue of an October-December 1962 exhibition at the Humanities Research Center, University of Texas EDWIN M.LANHAM: Sailors Don't Care. A novel. (INSCRIBED)
KATHARINE TYNAN: Shamrocks. Poems WILLIAM MCFEE: Letters from an Ocean Tramp. (SIGNED) CHRISTOPHER CAUDWELL: Illusion and Reality. A Study of the Sources of Poetry
V.SACKVILLE-WEST: Grey Wethers. A Romantic Novel V.SACKVILLE-WEST: Andrew Marvell V.SACKVILLE-WEST: The Dragon in Shallow Waters. A novel
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