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GLYN HUGHES. [Simon Armitage]: A Year in the Bull-Box. A Poem Sequence JOHN AUSTEN: The ABC of Pen and Ink Rendering. With a foreword by A.Moody WINIFRED NICHOLSON. Jon Blackwood: Winifred Nicholson. The catalogue of a 2001-02 touring exhibition
WINIFRED NICHOLSON: Winifred Nicholson. A Cumbrian Perspective MERLIN WATERSON: Stone & Scorper. Wood Engravings of Churches and Monasteries WILLIAM CROZIER: Paintings 1949-1990. The catalogue of a 1990 exhibition at Crawford Municipal Art Gallery, Cork
RICHARD SHIRLEY SMITH: The Wood Engravings of Richard Shirley Smith. Selected, with a lengthy introduction by Iain Bain JOHN MINTON: John Minton: 1917-1957. A Selective Retrospective. The catalogue of a 1994 exhibition selected by Frances Spalding to accompany the publication of her biography of the artist EVELYN DUNBAR. Gill Clarke: Evelyn Dunbar. War and Country
CECIL COLLINS. Judith Collins: Cecil Collins. A Retrospective Exhibition ERIC GILL. Judith Collins: Eric Gill: Sculpture HANS UNGER: contributes his illustrated article 'Uganda. Some Impressions of a Recent Trip', which includes a splendid double-spread colour lithograph, plus also striking cover and endpaper designs to the periodical 'Motif 6'. Edited by Ruari McLean
ROBIN TANNER: Double Harness. An Autobiography [and] From Old Chapel Field. Selected Letters of Robin Tanner IVON HITCHENS. Peter Khoroche: Ivon Hitchens. A monograph NORMAN ACKROYD. Kevin Crossley-Holland: Moored Man. Poems of North Norfolk. With watercolours and etchings by Norman Ackroyd. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
JOHN BURNINGHAM. Kenneth Grahame: The Wind in the Willows. With illustrations by John Burningham HOWARD HODGKIN. Michael Auping, John Elderfield and Susan Sontag: Howard Hodgkin Paintings. With a catalogue raisonné by Marla Price CLIFFORD S.ACKLEY: British Prints from the Machine Age. Rhythms of Modern Life 1914-1939. Edited by Clifford S.Ackley, and with contributions by Stephen Coppel, Samantha Rippner, Thomas E.Rassieur, Stephanie Lussier and Rachel Mustalish
TREVOR FELCEY. Andrew Lambirth: Trevor Felcey. Nature's Instantaneous Text WINIFRED NICHOLSON. Christopher Andreae: Winifred Nicholson. A monograph WYNDHAM PAYNE: Town & Country. A Collection of Designs and Decorations by William Payne. With a preface by Cyril W.Beaumont
ST. IVES. (W.S.Graham, Alfred Wallis, Ben Nicholson, Naum Gabo, Barbara Hepworth, Roger Hilton, Patrick Heron, Karl Weschke, Bernard Leach &c.): St. Ives. 1939-64. Twenty Five Years of Painting, Sculpture and Pottery PHILIP LARKIN: contributes his poem 'Here' to an issue of the periodical 'New Statesman. The Week-end Review'. Vol. LXII, no. 1602. 24 November 1961 PHILIP LARKIN: contributes a lengthy review of 'The Letters of Rupert Brooke' to an issue of the periodical 'New Statesman'. No. 1944. 14 June 1968
PHILIP LARKIN: contributes his poems 'Posterity' and 'Sad Steps' to an issue of the periodical 'New Statesman. The Week-end Review'. No. 1946. 28 June 1968 PHILIP LARKIN: contributes his six-verse poem 'Vers de Société' to an issue of the periodical 'New Statesman. The Week-end Review'. No. 2100. 18 June 1971 TED HUGHES: contributes his poem 'Goose' to an issue of the periodical 'New Statesman. The Week-end Review'. No. 2602. 30 January 1981
W.S.GRAHAM: contributes his twenty-eight line poem 'Letter VI: A Day the Wind Was Hardly' to an issue of the periodical 'The New Statesman and Nation. The Week-end Review'. Vol. XLVII, no. 1201. 13 March 1954 W.S.GRAHAM: contributes his four-verse poem 'Christopher Absalom Morris' to an issue of the periodical 'The New Statesman and Nation. The Week-end Review'. Vol. XLVIII, no. 1222. 7 August 1954 W.S.GRAHAM: W.S.GRAHAM contributes his four-verse poem 'The Soldier Campion' to an issue of the periodical 'The New Statesman and Nation. The Week-end Review'. Vol. LII, no. 1337. 27 October 1956
HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Gale of the World. The fifteenth and final volume of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight' WILL STONE: Glaciation. Poems. (INSCRIBED) PETE TOWNSEND: Horse's Neck
PAUL MULDOON: Moy Sand and Gravel. Poems J.M.W.TURNER. Martin Butlin, Mollie Luther and Ian Warrell: Turner at Petworth. Painter and Patron CECIL BEATON: Cecil Beaton. A catalogue of a 1986 exhibition at the Barbican Art Gallery. Edited by Dr. David Mellor
JOSEPH C.LINCOLN AND FREEMAN LINCOLN: The New Hope. A novel. (SIGNED) RONALD BLYTHE. Mary Newcomb: Borderland. With illustrations by Mary Newcomb GILL SAUNDERS: Recording Britain. Edited with a lengthy introduction by Gill Saunders
MALCOLM YORKE: The Spirit of Place. Nine Neo-Romantic Artists and Their Times AXEL AMUCHÁSTEGUI: Some Birds and Mammals of South America. With an introduction by Sacheverell Sitwell and descriptive text by Carlos Selva Andrade KYFFIN WILLIAMS: Across the Straits. An Autobiography. (SIGNED; PLUS PROOF)
CYRIL CONNOLLY: Enemies of Promise KEIICHI TAHARA: Images of Fin-de-Siecle. Architecture and Interior Decoration. With text by Riichi Miyake and a foreword by Robert A.M.Stern DMITRI SHVIDKOVSKY: St. Petersburg. Architecture of the Tsars. With text by Dmitri Shvidkovsky and photographs by Alexander Orloff
JULIUS SHULMAN: Architecture and its Photography. Edited and designed by Peter Gössel and with a preface by Frank O.Gehry ALDO ROSSI: Aldo Rossi. Architecture 1981-1991. Edited by Morris Adjmi, With an introduction by Diane Ghirardo, text and an afterword by Karen Stein and an essay by Aldo Rossi ADAM D.TIHANY with Nina McCarthy: Tihany Design. With an introduction by Paul Goldberger
GRAHAM GUND: Graham Gund Architects. With a foreword by Vincent Scully and an introduction by Graham Gund PHILIP JOHNSON: The Architecture of Philip Johnson. With a foreword by Philip Johnson, photographs by Richard Payne, an essay, 'No Rules, Just Art', by Hilary Lewis, and text be Stephen Fox ALAN BARTRAM: Lettering in Architecture
RICARDO LEGORRETA: The Architecture of Ricardo Legorreta. Edited and introduced by John V.Mutlow, and with photographs by Lourdes Legorreta RENZO PIANO: Renzo Piano and Building Workshop. Buildings and Projects 1971-1989. With an introduction by Paul Goldberger and various interviews FRANK GEHRY: The Architecture of Frank Gehry
ALVAR AALTO: Alvar Aalto. Between Humanism and Materialism. Edited by Peter Reed MARIO BOTTA: Mario Botta. Public Buildings 1990-1998. Edited by Luca Molinari and with photographs of architectural works by Puino Musi and photographs of architectural models by Marco D'Anna LE CORBUSIER: Ronchamp Le Corbusier. With text by Jean Petit and photographs by Pino Musi
WILLIAM BURGES. J.Mordaunt Crook: William Burges and the High Victorian Dream MICHAEL HOPKINS. Colin Davies: Hopkins. The Work of Michael Hopkins and Partners. With essays by Patrick Hodgkinson and Kenneth Frampton NORMAN FOSTER: On Foster On Foster. Edited by David Jenkins and with an introduction by Deyan Sudjic
HEINRICH HEIDERSBERGER: Architekturphotographie 1952-72 ROBERT GRANT IRVING: Indian Summer. Lutyens, Baker and Imperial Delhi PHILIP JOHNSON. Frank D.Welch: Philip Johnson & Texas. With photographs by Paul Hester and a foreword by Philip Johnson
JAMES MORRIS: Cities EDWARD ARDIZZONE. John Betjeman: A Ring of Bells. Poems of John Betjeman. Introduced and selected by Irene Slade and with a title page decoration, twelve line drawings and cover decorations by Edward Ardizzone J.M.RICHARDS. John Piper: The Castles on the Ground. The Anatomy of Suburbia. With illustrations by John Piper
PATRICK PROCKTOR: Self-Portrait OSBERT LANCASTER: With an Eye to the Future. With illustrations by the author CECIL BEATON. Paul Cohen-Portheim: The Spirit of Paris. With a dust wrapper design by Cecil Beaton
PETER HEDEGAARD: Peter Hedegaard. Retrospective 1929-2008. With a foreword by Nigel Prince, a biographical essay by Chantal Condron, and interviews by Isolde Hedegaard JULIAN TREVELYAN: The Imaginative Impulse. Julian Trevelyan 1910-88. The catalogue of an exhibition TERRY FROST: Six Decades. The catalogue of an exhibition
PAULA REGO. John McEwen: Paula Rego. A monograph. (SIGNED) DAVID HOCKNEY: Painting on Paper. The catalogue of an exhibition BRIDGET RILEY: Ausgewählte Gemälde 1961-1999 / Selected Paintings 1961-1999
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