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HORACE ANNESLEY VACHELL: Arising Out of That. Being an Eye-Witness Account of the Life, Love, Laughter, Work and Thought of the Inhabitants of the Village of Venner, Situate on the Borders of Melshire and the Forest of Ys, During the Past Fifty Years: The Whole Compiled, Edited, Written and Arranged from Personal Observations, Verbal Accounts, Diaries and Letters. (SIGNED) VIRGINIA WOOLF: Atalanta's Garland. Being the Book of the Edinburgh University Women's Union HENRY DE MONTHERLANT: Lament for the Death of an Upper Class. Translated from the French of 'Les Célibataires' by Thomas McGreevy
RONALD DUNCAN: The Blue Fox [and] Jan at the Blue Fox. With illustrations by Michael Hanson MICHAEL AYRTON. Thomas Nashe: Summer's Last Will and Testament. A Masque for Orchestra, Chorus, and Baritone Solo, to Words Taken from the Pleasant Comedy of that Name Written in 1593 by Thomas Nashe. With music by Constance Lambert and six full-page black and white drawings and a half-title device by Michael Ayrton LAURENCE WHISTLER: The Engraved Glass of Laurence Whistler. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
LAURENCE WHISTLER: Engraved Glass 1952-1958 HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Dream of Fair Women. A Tale of Youth after the Great War. The third volume of 'The Flax of Dream' sequence HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Dream of Fair Women. With a Valediction to The Flax of Dream
HENRY WILLIAMSON: A Clear Water Stream HENRY WILLIAMSON. Hugoe Matthews: Henry Williamson. A Bibliography. (SIGNED) SAMUEL JOHNSON: The Rambler. Complete in three volumes
HILARY MANTEL: Vacant Possession. A novel RICHARD EYRE: National Service. Diary of a Decade. (SIGNED) ANDREW WATERMAN: Living Room. Poems. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
KENNETH GEE: 32 Poems. (INSCRIBED) WILFRED THESIGER: Visions of a Nomad WILFRED THESIGER: The Danakil Diary. Journeys Through Abyssinia 1930-1934
WILFRED THESIGER: Wilfred Thesiger in Africa. Edited by Christopher Morton and Philip N.Grover C.S.LEWIS: contributes a twelve-page essay to the anthology Sir Walter Scott. An Edinburgh Keepsake. Edited by Allan Frazer HOWARD HODGKIN: Howard Hodgkin: Ten Paintings 1979-85. The catalogue of a 1985 exhibition at Whitechapel Art Gallery
JOHN PIPER: A Painter's Camera. Buildings and Landscapes in Britain 1935-1985 VERNON SCANNELL: Of Love and Music. Poems. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) ADELAIDE CRAPSEY. Karen Alkalay-Gut: Alone in the Dawn. The Life of Adelaide Crapsey
FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY. Alex Christofi: Dostoevsky in Love. An Intimate Life WALTER KEMPOSWKI: Swansong 1945. A Collective Diary from Hitler's Last Birthday to VE Day. Translated from the German by Shaun Whiteside GUY CHAPMAN: Vain Glory. A Miscellany of the Great War 1914-1918, Witten by Those who Fought in it on Each Side and on All Fronts. Edited with an introduction by Guy Chapman
V.SACKVILLE-WEST, BEVERLEY NICHOLS, COMPTON MACKENZIE AND MARION CRAN: How Does Your Garden Grow? With decorations by Nora S.Unwin SHLOMO AVINERI: Herzl. Theodor Herzl and the Foundation of the Jewish State JAMES R.LINDOW: The Renaissance Palace in Florence. Magnificence and Splendour in Fifteenth-Century Italy
THOMAS FRANGENBERG AND ROBERT WILLIAMS: The Beholder. The Experience of Art in Early Modern Europe. Edited by Thomas Frangenberg and Robert Williams GEORGE H.CHETTLE: The Queen's House, Greenwich. Being the Fourteenth Monograph of the London Survey Committee A.G.STEEL AND R.H.LYTTELTON: Cricket. With contributions by A.Lang, W.G.Grace, R.A.H.Mitchell and F.Gale. With numerous engravings after Lucien Davis and from photographs
LIONEL EDWARDS: My Hunting Sketch Book. With illustrations by the author CHE GUEVARA: contributes 'El Patojo', a pre-publication chapter from his forthcoming book 'Reminiscences of the Revolutionary War' to an issue of the US Socialist periodical 'Monthly Review'. Vol. 19, no. 8, January 1968 KATE ATKINSON: Big Sky. A Jackson Brodie novel. (SIGNED)
HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Pathway. The fourth and final volume of 'The Flax of Dream' sequence DONALD DAVIE: [Poems]. The Fantasy Poets Number Nineteen KINGSLEY AMIS: [Poems]. The Fantasy Poets Number Twenty-Two
KATHERINE ANNE PORTER: Flowering Judas and Other Stories E.E.CUMMINGS: contributes three untitled poems which begin "when hair falls off", "a clown's smirk", and "touching you I say", to an issue of the periodical 'This Quarter'. Vol. IV, No. 3, March 1932. Edited by Edward W.Titus EDMUND WILSON: Devil Take the Hindmost. A Year of the Slump
H.L.MENCKEN: Prejudices. Fourth Series BEN OKRI: Flowers and Shadows. A novel WILLIAM J.IBBETT: Chosen Poems of William J.Ibbett
JOHN GARFIELD: The Wandering Whore. Numbers 1-5 1660-1661 ROBERT GRAVES: Fairies and Fusiliers. Poems COLIN DEXTER: The Dead of Jericho. An Inspector Morse novel
JOHN BETJEMAN: contributes his hitherto unprinted poem 'Fruit' to the anthology Moments of Truth: Short Poems by Living Poets CONRAD AIKEN. John Aiken, Jane Aiken Hodge and Joan Aiken: Conrad Aiken, Our Father. (INSCRIBED) T.E.LAWRENCE (interest): The Bibliophile's Almanack for 1928. Edited by Oliver Simon and Harold Child. (DELUXE ISSUE)
STEPHEN KING: Danse Macabre GEORGE MACDONALD FRASER: The Reavers. A novel. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) ROBERT FROST, CONRAD AIKEN, H.D., VACHEL LINDSAY, CARL SANDBURG &c: American Poetry 1927. A Miscellany. Edited with a three page foreword by Louis Untermeyer
PHILIP LARKIN: Collected Poems. Edited with an introduction by Anthony Thwaite D.J.ENRIGHT: The Laughing Hyena and Other Poems PETER READING: Nothing For Anyone. Poems
V.SACKVILLE-WEST: Selected Poems REX WHISTLER. Hugh and Mirabel Cecil: In Search of Rex Whistler. His Life & Work. (INSCRIBED) HENRY WILLIAMSON: Young Phillip Maddison. Volume three of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight'
HENRY WILLIAMSON. Hugoe Matthews: Henry Williamson. A Bibliography HENRY WILLIAMSON. Sue Caron: A Glimpse of Ancient Sunlight. Memories of Henry Williamson. With a foreword and notes by Brocard Sewell HENRY WILLIAMSON: Scribbling Lark
HENRY WILLIAMSON. (T.E.Lawrence interest): Devon Holiday EDWARD ARDIZZONE. Bruce Marshall: The Red Danube. With a dust wrapper design by Edward Ardizzone SAMUEL BECKETT: All That Fall. A Play for Radio
ELEANOR FARJEON: The Mulberry Bush. With illustrations by Isobel and John Morton-Sale P.D.JAMES: Death Comes to Pemberley. (SIGNED) WILL SELF: Liver. A Fictional Organ with a Surface Anatomy of Four Lobes. (SIGNED)
GWENDOLYN BRODRICK: Au Front. ("At the Front"). (INSCRIBED PRESENTATION COPY) DYLAN THOMAS. Derek Stanford: Dylan Thomas. A Literary Study URSULA WOOD: Wandering Pilgrimage. Poems. (INSCRIBED)
ERNST TOLLER: The Swallow-Book. Translated from the German of 'Das Schwalbenbuch' by Ashley Dukes GRAHAM SUTHERLAND. John Ormond: Graham Sutherland, O.M. A Memorial Address KENNETH PATCHEN: The Teeth of the Lion. Poems
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