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R.P.LISTER. Ronald Searle: Rebecca Redfern. A novel. With a dust wrapper design by Ronald Searle. (INSCRIBED) HARRY CAMPBELL: Belgian Soldiers at Home in the United Kingdom / Les Soldats Belges en Congé dans le Reyayume Uni. (INSCRIBED) J.L.CARR: The Battle of Pollocks Crossing. A novel
PETER CAREY: Collected Stories JOHN METCALF: Going Down Slow. A novel SIMON HARVESTER [i.e. Henry St. John Clair Rumbold-Gibbs]: Good Men and True. A Study in Crime
ANNE MCCAFFREY: The Mark of Merlin HAROLD PINTER: Homecoming. A Play in Two Acts GRAHAM GREENE: Monsignor Quixote. A novel
LEN DEIGHTON: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Spy. A novel COLE MORETON: Hungry for Home. Leaving the Blaskets: A Journey from the Edge of Ireland JAMES JOYCE: Poems and Shorter Writings, including Epiphanies, Giacomo Joyce and A Portrait of the Artist . Edited by Richard Ellmann, A.Walton Litz and John Whittier-Ferguson
NICHOLSON BAKER: The Fermata. A novel VICTOR BONHAM-CARTER: Authors by Profession. Complete in two volumes JOHN BRAINE: The Crying Game. A novel
BERNARD WEBER. (Ernest Hemingway interest): The White Leopard. Bernard Weber, alias Walter Mittelholzer, on the Tracks of Ernest Hemingway. (INSCRIBED) ROBERT RANKIN: The Da-Da-De-Da-Da Code. A novel. (SIGNED) MARTY GENTLE: Under the Penitence. A Story of the First History. With an introduction by S.M.Stirling. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
ROSANNE CASH: Bodies of Water. Stories. (INSCRIBED) EDWARD ARDIZZONE. Stephen Corrin: The Fantastic Tale of the Plucky Sailor and the Postage Stamp. With illustrations by Edward Ardizzone HENRY WILLIAMSON: In the Woods
S.P.B.MAIS. (Henry Williamson interest): Orange Street. A novel P.G.WODEHOUSE: The Small Bachelor C.S.FORESTER: Death to the French. A novel
C.S.FORESTER: The Gun. A novel ANTHONY POWELL: Journals 1990-1992. With an introduction by Violet Powell PETER ACKROYD: English Music. A novel. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
JULIAN BARNES (writing as 'Dan Kavanagh'): Duffy. A novel JULIAN BARNES (writing as 'Dan Kavanagh'): Going to the Dogs. A novel A.J.A.SYMONS: The Quest for Corvo. An Experiment in Biography. With an introduction by Julian Symons
THE GOLDEN COCKERELL PRESS: The Golden Cockerel Private Press Books Spring List 1937 FORD MADOX FORD: A Little Less Than Gods. A Romance OSCAR WILDE: contributes 'The Disciple' to an issue of the Oxford undergraduate periodical 'The Spirit Lamp'. Vol. IV, No. II. June 1893. Edited by Lord Alfred Douglas
IAN FLEMING: You Only Live Twice. A James Bond novel RONALD DUNCAN: The Complete Pacifist. With brief introductory remarks by Eric Gill, Sylvia Townsend Warner, Arthur Wragg, Ruth Fry, Canon H.R.L.Sheppard, Gerald Heard and Dr. Maude Royden JOHN PIPER: contributes a colour cover design and a monochrome title page vignette to Sir Thomas Browne's 'The Last Chapter of Urne Buriall'
BRIAN COFFEY: The Big Laugh. Poems. (INSCRIBED) JAMES FENTON: Put Thou Thy Tears Into My Bottle. Two poems. (SIGNED) GRAHAM GREENE: The Revenge. An Autobiographical Fragment
FRANCES HOROVITZ: Dream. A poem. (SIGNED) SYLVIA PLATH: Million Dollar Month. A poem JOHN CLARE: Journey from Essex. Poems for John Clare. Edited by Sandra McPherson
GREAT WAR: Ypres Après la Guerre. Historical Souvenirs. Ten postcards illustrating various views of war-shattered Ypres RUPERT BROOKE: The Old Vicarage Grantchester. With a woodcut by Noel Rooke SIMON ARMITAGE: Zoom! Poems. (SIGNED)
CHARLES ST. JOHN. J.W.Whymper: Sketches of the Wild Sports & Natural History of the Highlands. With illustrations by J.W.Whymper LESLIE STEPHEN: The Science of Ethics LESLIE STEPHEN: Hours in a Library. Complete in three volumes
GRAHAM GREENE: Brighton Rock. A novel WILLIAM GERHARDI: The Polyglots. A novel JOHN GRAY: Park. A Fantastic Story
ALYSE GREGORY: Hester Craddock. A novel. (INSCRIBED) EVELYN WAUGH: PRB. An Essay on the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 1847-54. With a preface by Christopher Sykes and a postscript by Christopher Wood ERNST TOLLER: Masses and Man. A Fragment of the Social Revolution of the Twentieth Century. A play. Translated from the German of 'Masse Mensch' by Vera Mendel
DAVID JONES. Francis Coventry: The History of Pompey the Little; or The Adventures of a Lap-Dog. With an introduction by Arundell del Re and illustrations by David Jones D.J.ENRIGHT: The Year of the Monkey. A Farewell Edition. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) EDMUND BLAMPIED. Andrew Hall: Edward Blampied. An Illustrated Life [and] Companion Bibliography. (SIGNED)
EDMUND BLAMPIED. W.R.Titterton: Me as a Model. With illustrations by Edmund Blampied PRINCESSE BIBESCO: Le Destin de Lord Thomson of Cardington. Suivi de Smaranda par Le Brigadier-Général Lord Thomson of Cardington. With a preface by James Ramsey MacDonald FORD MADOX FORD (writing as Ford Madox Hueffer): On Heaven and Poems Written in Active Service
RUTH PITTER: On Cats. Poems. (INSCRIBED) PETER PORTER. (William Trevor, Martin Amis, Julian Barnes, Wendy Cope, Clive James &c.): Paeans for Peter Porter. A Celebration for Peter Porter on his Seventieth Birthday by Twenty of his Friends. 16 February 1999. Edited by Anthony Thwaite. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) JOHN NASH. The Earl of Cranbrook: Parnassian Molehill. An Anthology of Suffolk Verse written between 1327 and 1864. With some account of the authors and with numerous drawings by John Nash
RONALD BOTTRALL: The Turning Path. With a two-page introduction in the form of a letter by Robert Graves. (INSCRIBED) RICHARD EBERHART: A Bravery of Earth. A poem BERNARD MACLAVERTY: Secret and Other Stories. (INSCRIBED)
RANDALL JARRELL: Pictures from an Institution. A novel ALUN LEWIS: Letters from India. Edited by Gweno Lewis and Gwyn Jones. With a Note by Mrs. Alun Lewis [i.e. Gweno Lewis] and a preface by A.L.Rowse KAY BOYLE: Year Before Last. A novel
JOHN MIDDLETON MURRY: The Evolution of an Intellectual VLADIMIR NABOKOV: Nabokov. Criticism, Reminiscences, Translations and Tributes. Edited by Alfred Appel Jr., and Charles Newman GRACE PALEY: The Little Disturbances of Man. Stories
JOAN HASSALL. Sir Thomas Mallory: Lancelot and Elaine. Being the Eighth to the Twentieth Chapters of the Eighteenth Book of Sir Thomas Malory's 'Le Morte Darthur'. With engravings by Joan Hassall MANFRED FREIHERR VON RICHTHOFEN: The Red Air Fighter. [Translated from the German by T.Ellis Barker]. With a preface and explanatory notes by C.G.Grey GEORGE ORWELL: Critical Essays
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